Kepler 62f | |
![]() Konstnärs föreställning av Kepler-62f som en jordlik planet. | |
Upptäckt | |
Upptäcktsplats | Keplerteleskopet |
Upptäcktsdatum | 2013 |
Upptäcktsmetod | Astronomisk pasage |
Beteckningar | |
Alternativnamn | KOI-701.04; K00701.04; KOI-701 f; 2MASS J18525105+4520595 f; KIC 9002278 f; WISE J185251.03+452059.0 f |
Moderstjärna | |
Moderstjärna | Kepler-62 |
Stjärnbild | Lyran |
Omloppsbana | |
Halv storaxel | 0,718 AU |
Excentricitet | 0(?) |
Siderisk omloppstid | 267 dygn[1] |
Inklination | 89,9° |
Fysikaliska data | |
Medelradie | 1,41 (R⊕) |
Massa | 2,8 (M⊕) |
Temperatur | 208 K ( -65°C) |
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Kepler-62f är en superjord exoplanet,[2] som befinner sig 1 200 ljusår från jorden i Lyran. Planeten antas vara en stenplanet; möjligen också en vattenplanet.[3] Den kretsar runt sin stjärna Kepler-62 på 257 dygn[1] i den cirkumstellära beboeliga zonen.[1] Kepler-62f har en stor möjlighet att ha vatten på sin yta. Den kan ha liv[4][5] och planeten är även på SETI:s lista över planeter som kan ha intelligent liv.
- ^ [a b c] | Kepler-62f orbits it's host star every 267 days and is roughly 40 percent larger than Earth in size. The size of Kepler-62f is known, but its mass and composition are not. However, based on previous exoplanet discoveries of similar size that are rocky, scientists are able to determine its mass by association.
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- ^ | Kepler-62f: A Possible Water World
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Media som används på denna webbplats
Kepler-62f with 62e as Morning Star
The artist's concept depicts NASA's Kepler misssion's smallest habitable zone planet. Seen in the foreground is Kepler-62f, a super-Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of a star smaller and cooler than the sun, located about 1,200 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lyra.
Kepler-62f orbits its host star every 267 days and is roughly 40 percent larger than Earth in size. The size of Kepler-62f is known, but its mass and composition are not. However, based on previous exoplanet discoveries of similar size that are rocky, scientists are able to determine its mass by association.
Much like our solar system, Kepler-62 is home to two habitable zone worlds. The small shining object seen to the right of Kepler-62f is Kepler-62e. Orbiting on the inner edge of the habitable zone, Kepler-62e is roughly 60 percent larger than Earth.
Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech