Kansler för hertigdömet Lancaster

Hertigdömet Lancasters kansler
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
Hertigdömet Lancasters vapen
Pat McFadden
sedan 5 juli 2024
Cabinet Office
Hertigdömet Lancaster
Utses avStorbritanniens monark
premiärministerns förslag
Förste innehavareHenry de Haydock
WebbplatsKanslerns webbsida (engelska)
Hertigdömets webbsida (engelska)

Kansler för hertigdömet Lancaster (engelska: Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster) är en ministerpost i Storbritanniens regering.[1] Kanslern tillhör regeringsdepartementet Cabinet Office, vars huvuduppgift det är att stödja premiärministern och den inre kretsen av regeringen, Kabinettet. Inom departementet rankas rankas ämbetet efter premiärministern men före departementets övriga ministrar och understatssekreterare.[2]

Ämbetet hör historiskt samman med förvaltningen av hertigdömet Lancasters egendomar, vars avkastning tillfaller hertigen av Lancaster, det vill säga den brittiske monarken. Den uppgiften kvarstår men har i modern tid huvudsakligen delegerats till en styrelse, the Duchy Council, bestående av hovfunktionärer och professionella fastighetsförvaltare.[3][4]

Därmed har kanslern möjlighet att spela en friare roll i regeringen, med ett övergripande uppdrag att genomföra regeringens politik utan specifik ministerportfölj.[2][5] Därför kan ämbetet delvis beskrivas som en sinekur.

Kanslern utses av den brittiske monarkenpremiärministerns förslag. Han eller hon är formellt ansvarig inför den brittiska monarken vad gäller hertigdömets förvaltning.[3] För övriga ministeruppgifter är kanslern, likt övriga ministrar, direkt ansvarig inför parlamentet.[6]

Sedan 5 juli 2024 är labourpolitikern och parlamentsledamoten Pat McFadden kansler för hertigdömet Lancaster.[2]

Lista över innehavare

Det här avsnittet är helt eller delvis baserat på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, List of chancellors of the Duchy of Lancaster, 6 juli 2024.

Inrättande – Engelska inbördeskriget (1361–1645)



Henry de Haydock13611373
Ralph de Ergham


Thomas de Thelwall


John De Yerborough13781382
Thomas Stanley13821382Kansler pro tempore.
Thomas Scarle13821383
William Okey13831400
John de Wakering14001400
William Burgoyne14001404
Thomas Stanley14041410
John Springthorpe14101413
John Wodehouse14131424
William Troutbecke14241431
Walter Sherington14311442
William Tresham


John Say


Richard Fowler

(cirka 1425–1477)

John Say


Thomas Thwaites

(cirka 1435–1503)

14781483Samtidigt Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Thomas Metcalfe

(–cirka 1504)

Reginald Bray

(cirka 1440–1503)

John Mordaunt

(–cirka 1505)

Richard Empson

(cirka 1450–1510)

Henry Marney

(cirka 1447–1523)

Richard Wingfield

(cirka 1469–1525)

Thomas More


William Fitzwilliam

(cirka 1490–1542)

John Gage


William Paget


John Gates


Robert Rochester

(cirka 1516–1561)

Edward Waldegrave

(cirka 1516–1561)

Ambrose Cave




Ralph Sadler


Francis Walsingham

(cirka 1532–1590)

Thomas Heneage


ämbetet anförtrott kommitterade15951597
Robert Cecil, 1:e Earl av Salisbury


ämbetet anförtrott kommitterade15991601
John Fortescue av Salden

(cirka 1531–1607)

Thomas Parry


John Dackombe


Humphrey May


Edward Barrett, 1:e Lord Barrett av Newburgh


Francis Seymour, 1:e baron Seymour av Trowbridge

(cirka 1590–1664)

16441645Utsågs av kavaljererna, avsattes under Samväldet; utsågs på nytt 1660 efter restorationen.

Engelska inbördeskriget och Samväldet (1644–1659)





Ämbetet anförtrott kommitterade:

William Grey, 1:e baron Grey av Werke samt William Lenthall

Gilbert Gerard, 1:e baronet av Harrow on the Hill16481649
John Bradshaw16491653


Ämbetet anförtrott kommitterade:

John Bradshaw samt Thomas Fell

Thomas Fell16541658
John Bradshaw16581659


William Lenthall16591659
Gilbert Gerard16591659

Restorationen till moderna tiden (1660–1803)



Francis Seymour, 1:e baron Seymour av Trowbridge

cirka 1590–1664

Thomas Ingram


Robert Carr, 3:e Baronet

cirka 1637–1682

Thomas Chicheley


Robert Phelips


Robert Bertie, 1:e hertig av Ancaster och Kesteven


Thomas Grey, 2:e earl av Stamford

cirka 1654–1720)

John Leveson-Gower, 1:e baron Gower


James Stanley, 10:e earl av Derby


William Berkeley, 4:e baron Berkeley av Stratton

(cirka 1692–1741)

Heneage Finch, 1:e earl av Aylesford

(cirka 1649–1719)

Richard Lumley, 1:e earl av Scarbrough


Nicholas Lechmere, 1:e baron Lechmere


John Manners, 3:e hertig av Rutland


George Cholmondeley, 3:e earl av Cholmondeley


Richard Edgcumbe, 1:e baron Edgcumbe


Thomas Hay, 9:e earl av Kinnoull


James Smith-Stanley17621771
Thomas Villiers, 1:e earl av Clarendon


John Dunning, 1:e baron Ashburton


Edward Smith-Stanley, 12:e earl av Derby


Thomas Villiers, 1:e earl av Clarendon


Charles Jenkinson, 1:e earl av Liverpool






ÄmbetsperiodSamtidiga ämbetenPartiPremiärminister
Thomas Pelham, 2:e earl av Chichester


18031804WhigHenry Addington
Henry Phipps, 1:e earl av Mulgrave


18041805ToryWilliam Pitt den yngre
Robert Hobart, 4:e earl av Buckinghamshire


Dudley Ryder, 1:e earl av Harrowby


Edward Smith-Stanley, 12e earl av Derby


18061807WhigWilliam Grenville
Spencer Perceval


18071812Chancellor of the Exchequer

Leader of the House of Commons

ToryWilliam Cavendish-Bentinck, 3:e hertig av Portland

Chancellor of the Exchequer

Leader of the House of Commons

Han själv
Robert Hobart, 4:e earl av Buckinghamshire


18121812President of the Board of ControlToryRobert Jenkinson, 2:e earl av Liverpool
Charles Bathurst


18121823President of the Board of Control
Nicholas Vansittart, 1:e baron Bexley


18231828ToryGeorge Canning
F. J. Robinson, 1:e viscount Goderich
George Hamilton-Gordon, 4:e earl av Aberdeen


18281828ToryArthur Wellesley, 1:e hertig av Wellington
Charles Arbuthnot


Henry Vassall-Fox, 3:e baron Holland


18301834WhigCharles Grey, 2:e earl Grey
William Lamb, 2:e viscount Melbourne
vakant18341834Arthur Wellesley, 1:e hertig av Wellington (expeditionsministär)
Charles Williams-Wynn


18341835KonservativRobert Peel
Henry Vassall-Fox, 3:e baron Holland


18351840WhigWilliam Lamb, 2:e viscount Melbourne
George Villiers, 4:e earl av Clarendon


18401841Lord Privy SealWhig
George Grey, 2:e baronet


Lord Granville Somerset


18411846KonservativRobert Peel
John Campbell, 1:e baron Campbell


18461850WhigLord John Russell
George Howard, 7:e earl av Carlisle


18501852First Commissioner of Woods and ForestsWhig


18521852KonservativEdward Smith-Stanley, 14:e earl av Derby
Edward Strutt, 1:e baron Belper


18531854Whig / RadikalGeorge Hamilton-Gordon, 4:e earl av Aberdeen
Granville Leveson-Gower, 2:e earl Granville


Dudley Ryder, 2:e earl av Harrowby


18551855Henry John Temple, 3:e viscount Palmerston
Matthew Talbot Baines


James Graham, 4:e hertig av Montrose


18581859KonservativEdward Smith-Stanley, 14:e earl av Derby
George Grey, 2:e baronet


18591861Whig / LiberalHenry John Temple, 3:e viscount Palmerston
Edward Cardwell, 1:e viscount Cardwell


George Villiers, 4:e earl av Clarendon


vakant18651866John Russell
George Goschen, 1:e viscount Goschen


18661866Vice-President of the Board of TradeLiberal
William Courtenay, 11:e earl av Devon


18661867President of the Poor Law BoardKonservativEdward Smith-Stanley,14:e earl av Derby
John Wilson-Patten, 1:e baron Winmarleigh


Chief Secretary for IrelandBenjamin Disraeli
Thomas Edward Taylor


Frederick Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 1:e markis av Dufferin och Ava


18681872Paymaster GeneralLiberalWilliam Ewart Gladstone
Hugh Childers


John Bright


Thomas Edward Taylor


18741880KonservativBenjamin Disraeli
John Bright


18801882LiberalWilliam Ewart Gladstone
John Wodehouse, 1:e earl av Kimberley


18821882Secretary of State for the ColoniesLiberal
John George Dodson, 1:e baron Monk Bretton


George Trevelyan, 2:e baronet


Henry Chaplin, 1:e viscount Chaplin


18851886KonservativRobert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3:e markis av Salisbury
Edward Heneage, 1:e baron Heneage


18861886LiberalWilliam Ewart Gladstone
Ughtred Kay-Shuttleworth, 1:e baron Shuttleworth


Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1:e viscount Cranbrook


18861886LordpresidentKonservativRobert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3:e markis av Salisbury
John Manners, 7:e hertig av Rutland


James Bryce, 1:e viscount Bryce


18921894LiberalWilliam Ewart Gladstone
Archibald Primrose, 5:e earl av Rosebery
Edward Marjoribanks, 2:e baron Tweedmouth


R. A. Cross, 1:e viscount Cross


18951895KonservativRobert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3:e markis av Salisbury
Henry James, 1:e baron James av Hereford






ÄmbetsperiodSamtidiga ämbetenPartiPremiärminister
William Walrond, 1:e baron Waleran


19021905KonservativArthur Balfour
Henry Fowler, 1:e viscount Wolverhampton


19051908LiberalHenry Campbell-Bannerman
H. H. Asquith
Edmond Fitzmaurice, 1:e baron Fitzmaurice


Herbert Samuel, 1:e viscount Samuel


Jack Pease


Charles Hobhouse


Charles Masterman


Edwin Samuel Montagu


Winston Churchill


19151915H. H. Asquith


Herbert Samuel, 1:e viscount Samuel


Edwin Samuel Montagu


Thomas McKinnon Wood


19161916Financial Secretary to the Treasury
Frederick Cawley, 1:e baron Cawley


19161918David Lloyd George
Max Aitken, 1:e baron Beaverbrook


William Hayes Fisher, 1:e baron Downham


David Lindsay, 27:e earl av Crawford


William Peel, 1:e earl Peel


William Sutherland


James Gascoyne-Cecil, 4:e markis av Salisbury


19221923LordpresidentKonservativBonar Law
J. C. C. Davidson


19231924Stanley Baldwin
Josiah Wedgwood, 1:e baron Wedgwood


19241924LabourRamsay MacDonald
Robert Cecil, 1:e viscount Cecil av Chelwood


19241927KonservativStanley Baldwin
Ronald McNeill, 1:e baron Cushendun


Oswald Mosley


19291930ansvar för arbetslöshetLabourRamsay MacDonald
Clement Attlee


Arthur Ponsonby, 1:e baron Ponsonby av Shulbrede


Philip Kerr, 11:e markis av Lothian


19311931LiberalRamsay MacDonald (samlingsregering)
J. C. C. Davidson


19311937ordförande för utredningen om de indiska staternaKonservativRamsay MacDonald
Stanley Baldwin
Edward Turnour, 6:e earl Winterton


19371939Flygministeriet, talesperson i underhusetNeville Chamberlain
William Morrison, 1:e viscount Dunrossil


Minister of FoodNeville Chamberlain (samlingsregering)
George Tryon, 1:e baron Tryon


Maurice Hankey, 1:e baron Hankey


19401941samlingsregeringenWinston Churchill (samlingsregering)
Duff Cooper


Ernest Brown


19431945National Liberal Party
Arthur Salter, 1:e baron Salter


19451945KonservativWinston Churchill (expeditionsregering)
John Hynd


19451947Minister för Tyskland och ÖsterrikeLabourClement Attlee
Frank Pakenham, 7:e earl av Longford


19471948biträdande utrikes- och samväldesminister

(Ansvar för den Brittiska ockupationszonen i det ockuperade Tyskland.)

Hugh Dalton


A. V. Alexander, 1:e earl Alexander av Hillsborough


19501951Labour och Kooperativa partiet
Philip Cunliffe-Lister, 1:e viscount Swinton


19511952RåvaruministerKonservativWinston Churchill
Frederick Marquis, 1:e earl av Woolton


Anthony Eden
George Douglas-Hamilton, 10:e earl av Selkirk


Charles Hill, baron Hill av Luton


19571961Harold Macmillan
Iain Macleod


19611963Leader of the House of Commons
John Hare


19631964Deputy Leader of the House of Lords

Ordförande för Konservativa partiet

Alec Douglas-Home
Douglas Houghton


19641966särskilt ansvar för socialtjänstenLabourHarold Wilson
George Thomson


Frederick Lee


George Thomson


Anthony Barber


19701970ansvar för relationerna mellan Storbritannien och Europeiska ekonomiska gemenskapenKonservativEdward Heath
Geoffrey Rippon


John Davies


Harold Lever


19741979LabourHarold Wilson
James Callaghan
Norman St John-Stevas


19791981Leader of the House of Commons


KonservativMargaret Thatcher
Francis Pym


19811981Leader of the House of Commons

Paymaster General

Janet Young


19811982Leader of the House of Lords
Cecil Parkinson


Arthur Cockfield


Grey Ruthven


Norman Tebbit


19851987Ordförande för Konservativa partiet
Kenneth Clarke


19871988Minister för städer
Tony Newton


19881989Minister i handels- och industridepartementet
Kenneth Baker


19891990Ordförande för Konservativa partiet
Chris Patten


William Waldegrave


19921994ansvar för offentliga verksamheter och vetenskapJohn Major
David Hunt


19941995Minister för offentliga verksamheter
Roger Freeman


David Clark


19971998Minister för Cabinet OfficeLabourTony Blair
Jack Cunningham


Mo Mowlam






ÄmbetsperiodSamtidiga ämbetenPartiPremiärminister
Gus Macdonald


20012003Minister för Cabinet OfficeLabourTony Blair
Douglas Alexander


Alan Milburn


John Hutton


Hilary Armstrong


20062007Minister för Cabinet Office

Minister för social exkludering

Ed Miliband


20072008Minister för Cabinet OfficeGordon Brown
Liam Byrne


Janet Royall


20092010Leader of the House of Lords
Thomas Galbraith


20102013KonservativDavid Cameron
Jonathan Hill


Oliver Letwin


20142016Minister med ansvar för regeringens politik
ansvarig för Cabinet OfficeDavid Cameron
Patrick McLoughlin


20162018Ordförande för Konservativa partietTheresa May
David Lidington


20182019Minister för Cabinet Office
Michael Gove


20192021Boris Johnson
Minister för Cabinet Office
Steve Barclay


20212022Minister för Cabinet Office

Downing Street Chief of Staff

Kit Malthouse


Nadhim Zahawi


20222022Minister för kvinnor och jämlikhet

Minister för inomstatliga relationer

Liz Truss
Oliver Dowden


20222024Minister i Cabinet Office

Biträdande premiärminister

Rishi Sunak
Pat McFadden


2024sittandeLabourKeir Starmer



  1. ^ ”House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975, Schedule 2 Ministerial Offices” (på engelska). legislation.gov.uk. National Archives. 8 maj 1975, uppdaterad t.o.m. 25 juni 2024. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1975/24/schedule/2. Läst 28 juli 2024. 
  2. ^ [a b c] ”Ministerial role: Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster” (på engelska). www.gov.uk. https://www.gov.uk/government/ministers/chancellor-of-the-duchy-of-lancaster. Läst 28 juli 2024. 
  3. ^ [a b] ”The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster”. Duchy of Lancaster. https://www.duchyoflancaster.co.uk/about-the-duchy/our-people/chancellor-of-the-duchy-of-lancaster/. Läst 28 juli 2024. 
  4. ^ ”The Duchy Council”. Duchy of Lancaster. https://www.duchyoflancaster.co.uk/about-the-duchy/our-people/the-duchy-council/. Läst 28 juli 2024. 
  5. ^ ”Chancellor” (på engelska). Encylopaedia Britannica. 7 juni 2024. https://www.britannica.com/topic/chancellor. Läst 28 juli 2024. 
  6. ^ (på engelska) The Cabinet Manual. A guide to laws, conventions and rules on the operation of government. (1). London, Storbritannien: Cabinet Office. Oktober 2011. Läst 28 juli 2024 

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Författare/Upphovsman: Richard Townshend, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Official portrait of Rt Hon Pat McFadden MP
  • 3×4 portrait of Pat McFadden
Nadhim Zahawi Official Cabinet Portrait, September 2021 (cropped).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street, Licens: CC BY 2.0
London, United Kingdom. Secretary of State for Education, Nadhim Zahawi. 10 Downing Street.
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Portrait of William FitzWilliam, 1st Earl of Southampton. Black and coloured chalks, metalpoint, on pink-primed paper, 38.8 × 27.4 cm, Royal Collection, Windsor Castle.

The retracing of outlines with metalpoint seems to have been done when transferring the design to a panel for painting. No painting of FitzWilliam by Holbein himself survives, but a copy of a full-length portrait of the sitter, purporting to date from 1542, is in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Art historian K. T. Parker, in his study of the Windsor drawings, judged the sketch as "one of the most impressive and purest of the series" (Parker, p. 54).

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Författare/Upphovsman: Chris McAndrew , Licens: CC BY 3.0
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Portrait of Sir John Gage. Black and coloured chalks, reinforced with pen and brush and Indian ink and with metalpoint on pink-primed paper, 39.8 × 29.1 cm, Royal Collection, Windsor Castle.

The drawing has been reworked in pen and ink and (on the gown) in metalpoint by other hands. In the words of art historian K. T. Parker: "The work in Indian ink is devoid of skill or sensitiveness, and is certainly not by Holbein. But traces of left-handed shading appear in the hat, and there can be little doubt that the drawing, in spite of its injuries, is fundamentally an original of the master" (K. T. Parker, The Drawings of Hans Holbein at Windsor Castle, Oxford: Phaidon, 1945, OCLC 822974, p. 57).

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Författare/Upphovsman: , Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
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Författare/Upphovsman: World Economic Forum on Flickr, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
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Sir George Grey, 2nd Bt (1799-1882), Home Secretary.
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Författare/Upphovsman: Allan warren, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Lord Longford at the photographer's studio, London
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(c) Chris McAndrew, CC BY 3.0
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half-plate film negative
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Lord Dufferin.
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Författare/Upphovsman: Central News Agency, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Picture of Edwin Samuel Montagu
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Författare/Upphovsman: James Yuanxin Li, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Former Governor of Hong Kong, Chris Patten, in Beijing, China.
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Författare/Upphovsman: Simon Dawson / No10 Downing Street, Licens: OGL 3
London, United Kingdom. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Minister for the Cabinet Office, Stephen Barclay. 10 Downing Street.
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Författare/Upphovsman: Joost Evers / Anefo, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0 nl
Geoffrey Rippon, Engelse EEG-onderhandelaar, arriveert op Schiphol
  • 16 oktober 1970
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Författare/Upphovsman: Lauren Hurley / No 10 Downing Street, Licens: OGL 3
Official cabinet portrait of Pat McFadden
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Författare/Upphovsman: Cabinet Office, Licens: OGL v1.0
Oliver Letwin, Minister for the Cabinet Office
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Författare/Upphovsman: Chris McAndrew , Licens: CC BY 3.0
Official portrait of Lord Clark of Windermere
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James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce
Sir Robert Carr, 3rd Bt (1637–1682).jpg
A portrait of Sir Robert Carr, 3rd Baronet (1637–1682) by a follower of Sir Peter Lely (Soest 1618 – London 1680) from the National Trust collection at Ickworth, Suffolk.
1st Earl of Cranbrook.jpg
Portrait of Gathorne Hardy (d. 1906) Image cropped, rotated, and scaled using The GIMP.
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William Morrison, Viscount Dunrossil, Governor-General of Australia 1960-1961
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Författare/Upphovsman: Anders Aalbu/EU-delegasjonen, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Jonathan Hill 2015
Matthew Talbot Baines.jpg
Portait of en:Matthew Talbot Baines by William Underwood, printed by Hullmandel & Walton, published by W. Slade, after William Edward Kilburn lithograph, published 1854
Official portrait of Lord Freeman crop 2.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Chris McAndrew , Licens: CC BY 3.0
Official portrait of Lord Freeman
Robert Cecil, 1st Viscount Cecil of Chelwood looking right circa 1915.jpg
Title: Lord Robt. Cecil Abstract/medium: 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.
Earl Peel cropped.jpg
Palestine disturbances 1936. Earl Peel (cropped)
Henry Phipps, 1st Earl of Mulgrave by Sir William Beechey.jpg

Henry Phipps, 1st Earl of Mulgrave, by Sir William Beechey (died 1839). See source website for additional information.

This set of images was gathered by User:Dcoetzee from the National Portrait Gallery, London website using a special tool. All images in this batch have been confirmed as author died before 1939 according to the official death date listed by the NPG.
Official portrait of Lord Hunt of Wirral crop 2.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Chris McAndrew , Licens: CC BY 3.0
Official portrait of Lord Hunt of Wirral
  • 3×4 portrait of Lord Hunt of Wirral
Portrait of a Man (Sir Ralph Sadler?) MET DP278970.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Verkstad av Hans Holbein den yngre , Licens: CC0
A Portrait of a man aged twenty-eight in 1535, perhaps Sir Ralph Sadler (1507–1587).
INF3-62 A V Alexander Artist's signature E A B.jpg
A V Alexander

The sketch may have been based on a strikingly similar wartime photograph taken at The Admiralty in London by Yousuf Karsh (usually known as "Karsh of Ottawa"). The pose and some details (e.g., the pattern of the tie worn by A V Alexander) are identical. The photograph appears facing page 10 in the photographer's published book "Faces of Destiny", sub-title "Portraits by Karsh" published 1947 simultaneously in Great Britain by George G Harrap & Co Ltd., London, etc., and in the United States by Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. The foreword to the book by Yousuf Karsh is dated June 1946. His detailed description of taking the photographic portrait is found on page 10.
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Lord Ponsonby
Författare/Upphovsman: W. Joseph Edwards, published by George Virtue, after Sir William Charles Ross, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
James Graham, 4th Duke of Montrose
JohnDunning 1774 (LaterBaronAshburton) BySirJoshuaReynolds NPG London.jpg
Portrait of John Dunning (1731-1783) (after 1782 1st Baron Ashburton), studio of Sir Joshua Reynolds, circa 1774, oil on canvas, 29 7/8 in. x 24 3/8 in. (760 mm x 620 mm), National Portrait Gallery, London: NPG 102. Provenance: Given by Thomas Baring, 1860
Baron Salter.jpg
Lord Salter
Somefeudalcoatso00fostrich Page 074.png
page from Some feudal coats of arms (Book)
Portrait of Ughtred James Kay-Shuttleworth. Wellcome L0004476.jpg
R. & E. Taylor (Firm)
, Licens: CC BY 4.0

Portrait of the Right Honourable Sir Ughtred James Kay-Shuttleworth.

Read the ILN]

General Collections
Keywords: Ughtred James Kay-Shuttleworth

Official portrait of Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top crop 2.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Chris McAndrew , Licens: CC BY 3.0
Official portrait of Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top
No image.svg
A 1×1 transparent image. Useful for when a template requires an image but you don't have one.
Lord Derby
Official portrait of Edward Miliband crop 2 retouch.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Chris McAndrew , Licens: CC BY 3.0
Official portrait of Edward Miliband
John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell of St Andrews by Thomas Woolnoth.jpg

John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell of St Andrews, by Thomas Woolnoth (died 1857). See source website for additional information.

This set of images was gathered by User:Dcoetzee from the National Portrait Gallery, London website using a special tool. All images in this batch have been confirmed as author died before 1939 according to the official death date listed by the NPG.
Lord John Manners.jpg
Image cropped, rotated, and scaled using The GIMP.
Alan Milburn 2014.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: NHS Confederation, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Alan Milburn speaks in a panel session on health and politics past, present and future.
George Otto Trevelyan portrait early career.jpg
British politician and writer George Otto Trevelyan early in his career
Heneage Finch, 1st Earl of Aylesford.jpg
Portrait of Heneage Finch, first Earl of Aylsford, bust in an oval, wearing wig and cravat; cut from plate of trial of the Seven Bishops. Engraving
William Waldegrave visiting University of Salford 1981 cropped.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: , Licens: CC BY 2.0
William Waldegrave, then Under-Secretary of State for Education, visiting the University of Salford in 1981 From the University Archives and Special Collections. <a href="http://www.ils.salford.ac.uk/library/resources/special/" rel="nofollow">www.ils.salford.ac.uk/library/resources/special/</a>
John Manners, 3rd Duke of Rutland2.jpg
John Manners, 3rd Duke of Rutland, by Charles Jervis, 1725, Belvoir Castle
Porträtt av Spencer Perceval (1762–1812)
Msc 2009-Sunday, 11.00 - 12.30 Uhr-Zwez 005 Hutton detail.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Sebastian Zwez , Licens: CC BY 3.0 de
45th Munich Security Conference 2009: Minister of Defense John Hutton
Mo Mowlam official portrait 2 (cropped).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Northern Ireland Office, Licens: OGL 3
Official portrait of Mo Mowlam as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Earl Winterton LCCN2014698871.jpg
Title: Earl Winterton Abstract/medium: 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.
Charles Watkin Williams-Wynn.JPG
Portrait of Charles Watkin Williams-Wynn
James Gascoyne-Cecil, 4th Marquess of Salisbury.jpg
James Edward Hubert Gascoyne-Cecil, 4th Marquess of Salisbury, KG, GCVO, CB, PC (23 October 1861 – 4 April 1947), known as Viscount Cranborne from 1868 to 1903, was a British statesman.
Lord Granville Somerset.JPG
Portrait of lord Granville Somerset
Lord Beaverbrook 1947b.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Yousuf Karsh , Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0 nl
Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook
WilliamCourtenay 11thEarlOfDevon.png

William Reginald Courtenay, 11th Earl of Devon, albumen print, 1870s by John Watkins, 3in. x 2 5/8in. (84 mm x 66 mm), National Portrait Gallery, London,

NPG Ax21854
Official portrait of Rt Hon Michael Gove MP crop 2.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Richard Townshend, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Official portrait of Rt Hon Michael Gove MP
  • 3×4 portrait of Michael Gove
Lord Swinton.jpg
Lord Swinton
Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury by John De Critz the Elder (2).jpg
Robert Cecil was born around 1563 as the son of William Cecil, who was queen Elizabeth’s primary advisor. Robert followed in his fathers footsteps. He became Secretary of State under Elizabeth and stayed on under her successor James I. He also became Lord Privy Seal and Lord High Treasurer. He died in 1612.
Taylor dublin UniMag1875.JPG
Colonel, The Rt. Hon. Thomas Edward Taylor, M.P. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.
John Hare 1929.jpg
The Honourable John Hugh Hare
Lord Edgcumbe
Portrait of Thomas Pelham, 2nd Earl of Chichester by Samuel William Reynolds (1773-1835), after John Hoppner (1758-1810). Published by Samuel William Reynolds.
Official portrait of Mr Kenneth Clarke crop 2.jpg
(c) Chris McAndrew, CC BY 3.0
Official portrait of Mr Kenneth Clarke
Official portrait of Mr David Lidington crop 2.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Chris McAndrew , Licens: CC BY 3.0
Official portrait of Mr David Lidington
Rt Hon Charles Arbuthnot 2.jpg
Rt Hon Charles Arbuthnot.jpg

English: Rt Hon Charles Arbuthnot

The Rt Hon Charles Arbuthnot, M.P. (1767–1850) Inscribed on the back: The Right Honble. Charles Arbuthnot in the 83rd year of his age 1849 by S.Gambardella
Attlee BW cropped.jpg
Clement Attlee, British Prime Minister 1945-51; taken between 12-15 November 1945
Lord James of Hereford.JPG
Caricature of Sir Henry James MP (1828-1911). Caption read "Nervous".
Official portrait of Lord Strathclyde crop 2.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Chris McAndrew , Licens: CC BY 3.0
Official portrait of Lord Strathclyde
Författare/Upphovsman: 38 Degrees, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Portrait of Baroness Janet Royall of Blaisdon, cropped from group photo
Official portrait of Sir Patrick McLoughlin crop 2.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Chris McAndrew , Licens: CC BY 3.0
Official portrait of Sir Patrick McLoughlin
Gws samuel 01.jpg
Sir Herbert Samuel
Kit Malthouse Official Cabinet Portrait, September 2021 (cropped).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street, Licens: CC BY 2.0
London, United Kingdom. Portrait of Minister of State, Kit Malthouse (jointly with the Ministry of Justice). 10 Downing Street.
Official portrait of Lord Baker of Dorking crop 2.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Chris McAndrew , Licens: CC BY 3.0
Official portrait of Lord Baker of Dorking
1923 CFG Masterman.jpg
Charles Masterman has been Chairman of the National Health Commission, and has held other Ministerial posts. He was at one time literary editor of the "Daily News".
Oliver Dowden Official Cabinet Portrait, September 2021 (cropped).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street, Licens: CC BY 2.0
London, United Kingdom. Minister without Portfolio, Oliver Dowden. 10 Downing Street.
Francis Pym (cropped).jpg
Francis Pym during a meeting at 10 Downing Street
William Paget, 1st Baron Paget by Master of the Stätthalterin Madonna.jpg

William Paget, 1st Baron Paget, by Master of the Stätthalterin Madonna (floruit 1549). See source website for additional information.

This set of images was gathered by User:Dcoetzee from the National Portrait Gallery, London website using a special tool. All images in this batch have a known author with unknown death date, but according to the NPG's website the author was floruit (known to be active) prior to 1859, and so is reasonably presumed dead by 1939.
Portrait of Richard Assheton Cross, 1st Viscount Cross.jpg
Portrait of Richard Assheton Cross, 1st Viscount Cross