Kameruns departement

Kameruns departement (på franska départements du Cameroun) är 58 till antalet, och kan rent administrativt sägas motsvara Sveriges län. Departementen är i sin tur indelade i arrondissement och distrikt. Departementen listas nedan, uppdelade efter vilken av Kameruns tio regioner de tillhör.
Adamaoua (Adamawa)

Regionen Adamaoua omfattar följande fem departement:
- Djérem
- Faro-et-Déo
- Mayo-Banyo
- Mbéré
- Vina, departement

Regionen Centre omfattar följande tio departement:
- Haute-Sanaga
- Lekié
- Mbam-et-Inoubou
- Mbam-et-Kim
- Méfou-et-Afamba
- Méfou-et-Akono
- Mfoundi
- Nyong-et-Kéllé
- Nyong-et-Mfoumou
- Nyong-et-So'o

Regionen Est omfattar följande fyra departement:
- Boumba-et-Ngoko
- Haut-Nyong
- Kadey
- Lom-et-Djerem

Regionen Extrême-Nord omfattar följande sex departement:

Regionen Littoral omfattar följande fyra departement:

Regionen Nord omfattar följande fyra departement:
- Bénoué
- Faro
- Mayo-Louti
- Mayo-Rey

Regionen Nord-Ouest omfattar följande sju departement:
- Boyo
- Bui
- Donga-Mantung
- Menchum
- Mezam
- Momo
- Ngo-ketunjia

Regionen Sud omfattar följande fyra departement:
- Dja-et-Lobo
- Mvila
- Océan
- Vallée-du-Ntem

Regionen Sud-Ouest omfattar följande sex departement:

Regionen Ouest omfattar följande åtta departement:
- Bamboutos
- Haut-Nkam
- Hauts-Plateaux
- Koung-Khi
- Menoua
- Mifi
- Ndé
- Noun
Media som används på denna webbplats
Map of the divisions of Centre province in Cameroon. Created by Rarelibra 19:53, 1 September 2006 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the divisions of Adamawa province in Cameroon. Created by Rarelibra 19:53, 1 September 2006 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the divisions of Littoral province in Cameroon. Created by Rarelibra 19:55, 1 September 2006 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the divisions of South province in Cameroon. Created by Rarelibra 19:57, 1 September 2006 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the divisions of North province in Cameroon. Created by Rarelibra 19:55, 1 September 2006 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the divisions of West province in Cameroon. Created by Rarelibra 19:58, 1 September 2006 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the divisions of East province in Cameroon. Created by Rarelibra 19:54, 1 September 2006 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the divisions of Northwest province in Cameroon. Created by Rarelibra 19:55, 1 September 2006 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the divisions of Southwest province in Cameroon. Created by Rarelibra 19:57, 1 September 2006 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.
Map of the divisions of Far North province in Cameroon. Created by Rarelibra 19:54, 1 September 2006 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources.