Kaliforniens guvernör
Kaliforniens guvernör | |
![]() | |
Titel | The Honorable |
Residens | inget officiellt residens |
Säte | Sacramento |
Utses av | Folkvald |
Mandatperiod | 4 år endast ett omval |
Förste innehavare | Peter Hardeman Burnett |
Inrättat | 1849 |
Webbplats | www.gov.ca.gov |
Kaliforniens guvernör (engelska: Governor of California; spanska: Gobernador de California) är den högste utövaren av verkställande makt i Kaliforniens delstatsstyre. Befattningen är fastställd i delstatens konstitution, är folkvald och tjänstgör en 4-årig mandatperiod, med ett möjligt omval.[2][3]
Guvernörens roll i delstaten motsvarar i stora drag USA:s president i den federala statsmakten. När befattningen är vakant eller då guvernören är oförmögen att utöva ämbetet träder Kaliforniens viceguvernör (engelska: Lieutenant Governor of California) in i rollen.[3]
Gavin Newsom är Kaliforniens guvernör sedan den 7 januari 2019.
Kaliforniens guvernör är det högsta ämbetet i delstatsstyrets verkställande gren, då Kalifornien likt alla delstatsstyren i USA bygger på maktdelning likt USA:s konstitution. Till ämbetet hör en betydande utnämningsmakt till både vakanser för domarbefattningar i samtliga av delstatens domstolar samt till chefsbefattningar för Kaliforniens myndigheter inom den verkställande grenen (som kräver medgivande i Kaliforniens senat).[4]
I egenskap av delstatens högste företrädare är det guvernören som fungerar som talesperson och förhandlare gentemot den federala statsmakten och andra delstater i USA.[4]
Guvernören kan lägga in veto mot lagförslag från Kaliforniens delstatslegislatur, både för dessa i sin helhet eller för enskilda poster, s.k. line-item veto.[4]
Guvernörens är även högste befälhavare för Kaliforniens nationalgarde (när det inte tagits i anspråk för federal tjänstgöring) och ständigt för dess State Guard.[4]
För att kunna väljas till guvernör krävs amerikanskt medborgarskap och rösträtt samt att vederbörande bosatt i Kalifornien minst 5 fem innan tillträdet.[3] Guvernören kan enligt förutsättningar som anges i Kalifornierns konstitution avsättas genom revokation (engelska: recall).[5] Revokation har hittills skett med framgång en gång under 2003 när Arnold Schwarzenegger ersatte Gray Davis som guvernör.[6]
Andra folkvalda befattningshavare i delstatsstyret
Förutom guvernören är även dessa befattningshavare folkvalda, vilket innebär att guvernören inte kan entlediga någon av dessa. Samtliga väljs vid samma ordinarie tidpunkt som guvernören och under samma mandatperioder.[3]
Befattning | Beskrivning | chef för | Not |
Lieutenant Governor | Kaliforniens viceguvernör | (presiderar även i Kaliforniens senat samt sitter i flera styrelser) | [3][7][4] |
Attorney General | delstatens justitieminister och chefsåklagare | State of California Department of Justice | [8][3][4] |
Controller | delstatens controller och revisor | California State Controller’s Office | [9][3][4] |
Secretary of State | delstatens statssekreterare | California Secretary of State's Office | [10][3][4] |
Treasurer | delstatens finansminister och skattmästare | California State Treasurer's Office | [11][3][4] |
Superintendent of Public Instruction | delstatens utbildningsminister | California Department of Education | [12][13][4] |
Insurance Commissioner | delstatens konsumentskyddsminister | California Department of Insurance | [14][4] |
När det uppstår en vakans i något av de folkvalda ämbetena ovan så har guvernören rätt att föreslå en efterträdare som ska godkännas med enkel majoritet av båda kamrarna i Kaliforniens delstatslegislatur, men om någon omröstning inte ägt rum i bägge kamrar inom 90 dagar från guvernörens nominering räknas den ändå som godkänd.[3]
Lista över Kaliforniens guvernörer

Se även
- Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, Governor of California, tidigare version.
- ^ ”CHAPTER 2. State Flag and Emblems [420 - 429.9”] (på engelska). leginfo.legislature.ca.gov. California Legislature. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=GOV§ionNum=429.. Läst 20 december 2021.
- ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. California Executive” (på engelska). Research Guides. USA:s kongressbibliotek. https://guides.loc.gov/law-us-california/executive. Läst 19 december 2021. ”California's executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the executive agencies. The governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. California's governor is limited to two terms for life.”
- ^ [a b c d e f g h i j] ”CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION - ARTICLE V EXECUTIVE [SECTION 1 - SEC. 14”] (på engelska). leginfo.legislature.ca.gov. California Legislature. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=CONS&division=&title=&part=&chapter=&article=V. Läst 20 december 2021.
- ^ [a b c d e f g h i j k] ”Constitutional Officers” (på engelska). California Roster. California Secretary of State. https://admin.cdn.sos.ca.gov/ca-roster/2021/constitutional-officers.pdf. Läst 21 december 2021. ”There are eight statewide Constitutional Officers: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Controller, State Treasurer, Insurance Commissioner and State Superintendent of Public Instruction. These officers are all elected at the same time in a General Election and may be re-elected to a maximum of two four-year terms.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor shall become Governor. In the event of a vacancy in both the offices of the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor, the succession order is as follows: first, the last duly elected President Pro Tempore of the Senate; second, the last duly elected Speaker of the Assembly; third, the Secretary of State; fourth, the Attorney General; fifth, the State Treasurer; and lastly, the State Controller.” - ^ ”CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION - ARTICLE II VOTING, INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM, AND RECALL [SECTION 1 - SEC. 20”] (på engelska). leginfo.legislature.ca.gov. California Legislature. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=CONS&division=&title=&part=&chapter=&article=II. Läst 20 december 2021.
- ^ ”2003 Recall” (på engelska). elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov. California Secretary of State. 2003. https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/sov/2003-special/sov-complete.pdf. Läst 20 december 2021.
- ^ ”About the Office of Lt. Governor” (på engelska). ltg.ca.gov. https://ltg.ca.gov/about-the-office-of-lt-governor/. Läst 21 december 2021.
- ^ ”About the Office of the Attorney General” (på engelska). oag.ca.gov. State of California Department of Justice. https://oag.ca.gov/office. Läst 21 december 2021.
- ^ ”State Controller’s Functions” (på engelska). www.sco.ca.gov. California State Controller’s Office. https://www.sco.ca.gov/eo_about_func.html. Läst 21 december 2021.
- ^ ”About the Agency” (på engelska). www.sos.ca.gov. California Secretary of State's Office. https://www.sos.ca.gov/administration/about-agency. Läst 21 december 2021. ”The Secretary of State's responsibilities include:
- Serving as the state's Chief Elections Officer
- Implementing electronic filing and Internet disclosure of campaign and lobbyist financial information
- Maintaining business filings
- Commissioning notaries public
- Operating the Safe at Home confidential address program
- Maintaining the Domestic Partners and Advance Health Care Directive Registries
- Safeguarding the State Archives
- Serving as a trustee of the California Museum”
- ^ ”Responsibilities and Functions” (på engelska). www.treasurer.ca.gov. California State Treasurer's Office. https://www.treasurer.ca.gov/inside/functions.asp. Läst 21 december 2021.
- ^ ”Organization” (på engelska). www.cde.ca.gov. California Department of Education. https://www.cde.ca.gov/re/di/or/. Läst 21 december 2021.
- ^ ”CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION - ARTICLE IX EDUCATION [SECTION 1 - SEC. 16”] (på engelska). leginfo.legislature.ca.gov. California Legislature. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=CONS&division=&title=&part=&chapter=&article=IX. Läst 20 december 2021.
- ^ ”About the Department” (på engelska). www.insurance.ca.gov. California Department of Insurance. https://www.insurance.ca.gov/0500-about-us/02-department/index.cfm. Läst 21 december 2021. ”In 1988, California voters passed Proposition 103, a citizen-led initiative. Proposition 103 expanded CDI's authority as well as changed the Insurance Commissioner from an appointee of the Governor to an independent statewide officer elected by popular vote.”
- ^ [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an] ”History of California Constitutional Officeholders” (på engelska). admin.cdn.sos.ca.gov. California Roster 2021. https://admin.cdn.sos.ca.gov/ca-roster/2021/history-of-officers.pdf. Läst 21 december 2021.
Externa länkar
- www.gov.ca.gov
Wikimedia Commons har media som rör Kaliforniens guvernör.
Media som används på denna webbplats
Portrait of California Governor Goodwin Knight
George Clement Perkins, a Senator from California. Served from July 26, 1893, to March 3, 1915.
w:Milton Latham (1827-1882), United States Senator and w:Governor of California (1860)
Official portrait of George Deukmejian as Governor of California
James Norris Gillett (1860 – 1937), American politician
Earl Warren; Governor of California and Chief Justice of the United States.
Official of the 40th Governor of the State of California, Gavin Newsom.
[Peter Hardeman Burnett (1807-1895), first Governor of California]
California Governor Pete Wilson, during his visit at the Pentagon.
George Stoneman, Jr. (1822 – 1894), Union cavalry general in the American Civil War and Governor of California
Författare/Upphovsman: Internet Archive Book Images, Licens: No restrictions
Identifier: souvenirofunveillong (find matches)
Title: Souvenir of the unveiling, dedication and presentation of the Abraham Lincoln G. A. R. memorial monument : dedicated to the veterans of the Civil War, 1861-1865, at Long Beach, California, July 3rd, 1915
Year: 1915 (1910s)
Authors: Long Beach (Calif.). Citizens Monumental Association
Subjects: HIRAM WARREN JOHNSON Governor of California
Publisher: Long Beach, Calif. : Geo. W. Moyle Pub. Co.
Contributing Library: Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection
Digitizing Sponsor: The Institute of Museum and Library Services through an Indiana State Library LSTA Grant
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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BRAHAM LINCOLN,in heroic form, twenty feet from the lawn amid the tree tops, an objectlesson of possibilities and higher ideals to every youth in our land. Andyou will be glad you have an interest in this patriotic enterprise. Butthese artists whom you will have the pleasure of hearing, in donatingtheir valued services are giving a full measure of patriotic devotion, andin behalf of the Citizens Monument Association, I desire to tender to thmiand to this splendid band; also to the daily papers for unfailing loyalty,most hearty thanks of appreciation. I would gladly say more, but havebeen admonished to be brief, as only a few minutes have been allowed bothfor myself and the gentleman who graciously accepted the urgent requestof the committee to give you words of welcome. But he needs no extendedintroduction, he is well and favorably known and 1 will simply say, itaffords me very great pleasure to introduce the Honorable Louis N. Wheal-ton, the beloved mayor of the Queen of the Beaches.
Text Appearing After Image:
HON. HIRAM WARREN JOHNSONGovernor of California MAYOR WHEALTON EXTENDS HEARTY WELCOME It is a pleasure to welcome you as participants in a movement toerect a statue to Lincoln, for this is my country. It is your country. It isour country. There have been other countries in times past. They havecovered vaster dominion and borne more ancient civilization than ours.They had broader valleys, more majestic mountains, greater cities, largerarmies, richer mines, more costly palaces, all resplendent, magnificent,transcendent. But they are no more. There are other countries now, broader in domain and mightier inpower than ours. They, too, have larger armies, bigger navies, morepopulous cities, higher art, richer literature, and deeper learning. But,while we admire their achievements, adore their learning, copy their lit-erature and glory in their triumphs, they are not ours and our admirationis uncolored by affection. Though millions love them and loyally servethem; this and this alone is ours
Note About Images
California Governor Edmund G. "Pat" Brown, 1962 reelection campaign.
Romualdo Pacheco. Library of Congress description: "Pacheco, Hon. Romualdo of Cal.".
Standard of the Governor of California. Used http://www.militarymuseum.org/GovFlag.html as reference.
Fifth California Governor John B. Weller
- Jerry_Brown_in_1978.jpg: Alan Light
- derivative work: Tktru (talk)
California Governor Jerry Brown at the premiere of Sylvester Stallone's movie F.I.S.T.
Författare/Upphovsman: Neon Tommy, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Gray Davis, 37th Governor of California
Henry Harrison Markham, Governor of California
Meyer, George Homer, 1858-1926; Taylor, David Wooster;
Johnson, Arthur M, Licens: No restrictionsIdentifier: municipalblueboo1915meye (find matches)
Title: Municipal blue book of San Francisco, 1915
Year: 1915 (1910s)
Authors: Meyer, George Homer, 1858-1926 Taylor, David Wooster Johnson, Arthur M
Subjects: Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915 : San Francisco, Calif.) Exhibitions
Publisher: (San Francisco, Calif.) : California Press
Contributing Library: San Francisco Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: San Francisco Public Library
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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realizedwhat problems confronted them, the difficulties of trans-portation, police regulations, water supply, accommodationsand the innumerable minor details attendant upon the hold-ing of a worlds exposition, it must be conceded that theirwork has been well performed. AAhile the preparation of the volume involved muchpainstaking labor, it was rendered pleasant by the generouswillingness of everyone concerned to lend all possibleassistance. Almost without exception the officials andattaches appearing herein have been personal friends ofthe editors for periods ranging from one to twenty years.The writing- of the biographies has been done, therefore,from a basis of personal knowledge, with no desire toflatter, but with a natural appreciation of officials, who.whatever their party dififerences and however they maydisagree at times with one another, stand united for SanFrancisco, her best interests and her unparalleled advance-ment. George Homer Meyer,D. WoosTER Taylor,Arthur M. Johxsox.
Text Appearing After Image:
rERKELSON & HENRY PHOTO MAVUR TA.^lIiS ROLPII, JR. ^Mayors Office James Rolph, Jr. Mayor of San Francisco JA^IES ROLPH, JR., Exposition Mayor. who willalways be identified with the period of the citys oreatestdevelopment, was born in San Francisco August 23. 1869.He is the son of James Rolph a pioneer resident of thecity. Three years after the birth of the future Mayor in)\Iinna street, between Eighth and Ninth, his parents re-moved to 3416 Twenty-first street, in the Mission warmbelt, where the younger James Rolph spent his boyhood,attending- in succession the pioneer Horace Mann Schoolat \alencia and Twenty-second, the Agassiz and HaightPrimary Schools and the Trinity School in Mission street,near ElcAcnth, graduating from the latter May 24, 1888. While acquiring his education he devoted spare time toselling newspapers and working in various commercialestaljlishments. On the day of his graduation he enteredthe employ of De AAitt, Kittle & Co., commission mer-chants, remainin
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Newton Booth. Library of Congress description: "Booth, Hon. Newton of Cal"
Washington Montgomery Bartlett (1824–1887), Mayor of San Francisco and later Governor of California.
Photo portrait of Schwarzenegger as Governor
Portrait of William Stephens
Jerry Brown's official picture as Attorney General and as Governor
James Budd (1851-1908), Governor of California 1895-99. Original caption: "Governor Budd - governor of California in its gayest age."
(c) Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0
Gavin Newsom speaking at the 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention in San Francisco, California.
Culbert L. Olson as Governor of California, 1942
Författare/Upphovsman: Ronald Reagan Library, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Portrait of Ronald Reagan as Governor of California, 1967-1971
Official portrait of en:Henry Gage (1852-1924), Governor of en:California (1899-1903), made while he was in office. See http://www.capitolmuseum.ca.gov/english/legislature/governors/links/personal/gov20.html