K. Megan McArthur

Katherine Megan McArthur
K. Megan McArthur
K. Megan McArthur
Född30 augusti 1971
Honolulu, Hawaii USA
Tid i rymden212 dagar, 15 timmar, 21 minuter
UrvalsgruppAstronautgrupp 18
UppdragSTS-125, SpaceX Crew-2, Expedition 65 / 66

Katherine Megan McArthur, född 30 augusti 1971 i Honolulu, är en amerikansk astronaut som blev uttagen i astronautgrupp 18 den 27 juli 2000.

Hon är gift med astronauten Robert L. Behnken som blev uttagen i samma astronautgrupp. De har en son tillsammans.


Sista servicefärden till rymdteleskopet Hubble. Hennes huvuduppgift under flygningen var att manövrera rymdfärjans Canadarm.

I juli 2020, offentliggjorde NASA att McArthur skulle flyga till Internationella rymdstationen (ISS) med SpaceX Crew-2 som sköts upp den 23 april 2021 från Kennedy Space Center.[1]


STS-12511 - 24 maj 2009[2]309:37:000:00:00
SpaceX Crew-223 april9 november 2021[2]4793:44:000:00:00 


År 2022 döptes ett av Spacex supplyfartyg till Megan efter Megan McArthur.[3]


Media som används på denna webbplats

ISS Expedition 66 Patch.svg
The official mission insignia for International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 66, designed to resemble US highway route 66
  • The Expedition 66 patch celebrates the continued utilization of the International Space Station as a path for human and scientific space exploration.
  • Its shape reflects the Route 66 highway sign, which once guided an earlier expansion into distant, remote lands. The arc of the Earth’s atmosphere is reminiscent of the well-known stop-motion photos taken by astronauts and cosmonauts of the Earth in eclipse.
  • Two future destinations are depicted, the Moon resting inside one of the numerals, and Mars to the right. A multicolored bridge containing the colors of each of this mission’s international partner’s flags (Russia, Germany, France, Japan, and the United States) draws the viewer from the perimeter of the patch into the numeral 66 just as the space station bridges the gap from low-Earth orbit to these distant exploration destinations.
STS-125 patch.svg
Emblem of Nasa's STS-125 mission.
ISS Expedition 65 Patch.png
International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 65 mission insignia
  • The International Space Station Expedition 65 patch depicts the space station as it appears during the time the crew will be onboard. The space station flying over the Earth represents the overall reason for having a space station; to benefit the world through scientific research and international cooperation in space. When this expedition begins, the space station will have provided continued human presence in space for more than twenty years. Blue, the background color of the patch, symbolizes reliability.
  • The stars represent the crew onboard the space station, as well as mission control centers located on three continents. Those stars, in that field of blue, also symbolize the thousands of space workers throughout the space station partnership who continue to contribute to the success of our International Space Station.
Official portrait image of NASA astronaut K. Megan McArthur.
SpaceX Crew-2 logo.png
The SpaceX Crew-2 official insignia
  • The determined expression of the Dragon reflects the strength of the team and their contribution to the exploration of space. The five large stars represent the five partner space agencies coopering the International Space Station program. Designed by Gregory Manchess