John D. Olivas

John Daniel Olivas
John Daniel "Danny" Olivas
John Daniel "Danny" Olivas
Född25 maj 1966
North Hollywood, Kalifornien
Tid i rymden27 dagar, 17 timmar, 5 minuter
UrvalsgruppAstronautgrupp 17
UppdragSTS-117, STS-128

John Daniel Olivas, född 25 maj 1966 i North Hollywood, Kalifornien, är en amerikansk astronaut uttagen i astronautgrupp 17 den 4 juni 1998.

Olivas arbetade som medicintekniker innan han började på Nasa. Han har även en doktorsgrad i just medicinteknik. Han blev utvald 1998 att påbörja sin astronaututbildning. Sedan han började arbeta för Nasa har han tillhört olika supportgrupper för rymdfärjorna.

Han är gift och har fem barn.



Media som används på denna webbplats

STS-117 patch new2.svg
The STS-117 crew patch symbolizes the continued construction of the International Space Station (ISS) and our ongoing human presence in space. The ISS is shown orbiting high above the Earth. Gold is used to highlight the portion of the ISS that will be installed by the STS-117 crew. It consists of the second starboard truss section, S3/S4, and a set of solar arrays. The names of the STS-117 crew are located above and below the orbiting outpost. The two gold astronaut office symbols, emanating from the '117' at the bottom of the patch represent the concerted efforts of the shuttle and station programs toward the completion of the station. The orbiter and unfurled banner of red, white and blue represent our Nation's renewed patriotism as we continue to explore the universe.
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The STS-128 patch symbolizes the 17A mission and represents the hardware, people and partner nations that contribute to the flight. The Space Shuttle Discovery is shown in the orbit configuration with the Multi Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM) Leonardo in the payload bay. Earth and the International Space Station wrap around the Astronaut Office symbol reminding us of the continuous human presence in space. The names of the STS-128 crew members border the patch in an unfurled manner. Included in the names is the expedition crew member who will launch on STS-128 and remain on board ISS, replacing another Expedition crew member who will return home with STS-128. The banner also completes the Astronaut Office symbol and contains the U.S. and Swedish flags representing the countries of the STS-128 crew.
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Official portrait image of NASA astronaut John (Danny) Olivas Date: September 18, 2006