Jack R. Lousma

Jack R. Lousma
TillståndEj aktiv
Född29 februari 1936
Tid i rymden67 dagar, 11 timmar, 13 minuter
UrvalsgruppAstronautgrupp 5 den 4 april 1966
Antal rymd­promenader2
Rymdpromenad­tid11 timmar, 1 minut
UppdragSkylab 3, STS-3

Jack Robert Lousma, född 29 februari 1936 i Grand Rapids, Michigan, är en amerikansk astronaut uttagen i astronautgrupp 5 den 4 april 1966.


Media som används på denna webbplats

Författare/Upphovsman: Viktorvoigt, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
stub icon
This is the emblem for the second manned Skylab mission. It will be a mission of up to 56 days. The patch symbolizes the main objectives of the flight. The central figure, adapted from Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, illustrates the proportions of the human form and suggests the many studies of man himself to be conducted in the zero-gravity environment of space. This drawing is superimposed on two hemispheres representing the two additional main areas of research - studies of the Sun and the development of techniques for survey of the Earth's resources. The left hemisphere show the Sun as it will be seen in the red light radiated by hydrogen atoms in the solar atmosphere. The right hemisphere is intended to suggest the studies of Earth resources to be conducted on Skylab. Although the patch denotes this mission as Skylab II, it is actually consided to be the Skylab III mission. Image ID: S72-51123
Logo of Sts-3 mission
Jack lousma.jpg
Astronaut Jack R. Lousma.