Household Cavalry

Household Cavalry består av två kavalleriregementen tillhörande Storbritanniens armé: Life Guards samt Blues and Royals.[1]
Household Cavalry består egentligen av två olika delar: ett beridet ceremoniregemente (Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment) i London och Windsor samt ett pansarregemente (Household Cavalry Regiment) i Bulford Camp på Salisburyslätten i Wiltshire i sydvästra England.[2]
Ceremoniella uniformen utgörs av scharlakansröd vapenrock och vit fjäderplum i pickelhuva (för Life Guards) och mörkblå vapenrock och röd fjäderplum i pickelhuva (för Blues and Royals).
Household Cavalry har traditioner som härstammar sedan 1660 och agerar som den regerande monarkens ceremoniella livvakt vid parader. Även om de sedan 1990-talet formellt tillhör samma organisation, Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment upprätthåller de olika traditioner från deras respektive föregångare. I Household Cavalry ingår även Household Cavalry Band som är en beriden militärmusikkår.[2]
Tillsammans med fem infanteriregementen (Grenadier Guards, Coldstream Guards, Irish Guards, Scots Guards samt Welsh Guards) i Foot Guards utgör Household Cavalry komponenterna i Household Division.
Förbandets stallar i London är Knightsbridge Barracks, belägna på den södra sidan av Hyde Park, drygt en kilometer från Buckingham Palace.
Se även
- Horse Guards
- King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery (ceremoniförband med ridande artilleri)
- Kyrassiär
- Royal Mews (brittiska hovstallet)
- State Opening of Parliament
- Trooping the Colour
- Wellington Barracks
- Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, Household Cavalry, tidigare version.
- ^ ”About The Household Cavalry” (på engelska). The Household Cavalry Foundation. Läst 6 november 2021. ”The Household Cavalry is formed by the British Army's two most senior regiments: The Life Guards and The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons).”
- ^ [a b] ”Today’s Regiments” (på engelska). The Household Cavalry Foundation. Läst 6 november 2021.
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- Household Cavalry
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(c) Photo: Sgt Rupert Frere/MOD, OGL v1.0
Pictured are Soldiers from the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment forming up on parade in Hyde Park Barracks prior to The Major General's Inspection.
After this dress rehearsal, The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment were put through their paces during their annual inspection by Major General Ben Bathurst the General Officer Commanding the Army in London and the Queen’s Household Troops.
The Queen’s mounted bodyguard parade in Hyde Park to prove their readiness for another busy summer of pageantry. After intense preparations that have involved hundreds of hours of training, honing physical and mental prowess of both horses and men.
The Major General's Inspection is the annual test of the regiment's ability to conduct state ceremonial duties for the year. During the parade more than 160 men and horses including the Household Cavalry Band with their magnificent Drum Horses, will trot and canter across the grass of Hyde Park in a display of military mounted precision. Many of the soldiers will be up for most of the night making final improvements to the mirror sheen of their silver cuirasses, Jack Boots, and grooming their horses for the parade. Excellence is hard won -a pair of Jack Boots can take more than 200 hours of polishing to bring up to parade standard. The horses came back from grass in late January and have had to undergo their own healthy eating and fitness regime to build muscle and agility for ceremonial duties fit for Her Majesty.
- Organization: Army
- Object Name: APOLOND-2017-026 HCMR Pre Insp-0481
- Category: MOD
- Supplemental Categories: Horses, Animals, Army, People
- Keywords: Ceremonial , Occasion, Horse, Animal, Soldiers, Non-Identifiable, Personnel, Helmet, Headwear, Plumed Helmet , Jack Boots , Breast Plate , Silver Cuirasses, Army, Regiments, The Household Cavalry, The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment, HCMRD, Location, London, Equipment, Clothing, Hyde Park Barracks, Parade
- Country: United Kingdom
Författare/Upphovsman: Philip Allfrey, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
Dismounted members of the Blues and Royals (left) and Life Guards (right), preparing to line the route of the procession to St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle for the annual service of the Order of the Garter.