Honduras riksvapen
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Tillkomst | 1825 | |
Land | söndag | |
Tillhör jurisdiktion | Honduras |

På Honduras riksvapen syns en s.k. frimurartriangel - en symbol för jämlikhet och rättvisa. De två tornen står för oberoende och suveränitet. På sidorna ser man ymnighetshorn, som symboliserar landets resurser, och längst ner finns träd, gruvor och redskap som står för landets skogar och mineralrikedomar.
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Författare/Upphovsman: Tkgd2007, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A new incarnation of Image:Question_book-3.svg, which was uploaded by user AzaToth. This file is available on the English version of Wikipedia under the filename en:Image:Question book-new.svg
Icon of simple gray pencil. An icon for Russian Wikipedia RFAR page.
The coat of arms of Honduras was created on October 3, 1825. Dionisio Herrera, as the Head of State of Honduras, decreed through his initiative, Honduras acquired its own national shield, one which represents Honduran history and the rich variety of national resources that it possesses and which should be protected and conserved. The National Congress thereby declared in its decree #16 and article 142, designated the shield as a national symbol for all uses, in a clear and general manner. The National Congress approved this in Tegucigalpa on January 10, 1935. (http://www.honduras.com/official/)
The National Congress decrees:
Article 1 - The National Coat of Arms that shall be used is an equilateral triangle. On its base is a volcano between two castles, over them is a rainbow and below it [and] behind the volcano a sun rises spreading light. The triangle [is] placed over land which appears to be bathed by both seas [Atlantic and Pacific]. Around it an oval containing in gold lettering: "REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS, LIBRE, SOBERANA E INDEPENDIENTE. 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1821" [Republic of Honduras, Free, Sovereign and Independent. 15th September 1821] On the top part of the oval there is a quiver full of arrows from which hang horns of plenty joined with a knot resting over a mountain range from which clearly stand three oak trees on the right hand side and three pine trees on the left, and mines, a bar, a drill, a wedge, a sledgehammer and a hammer [all] distributed as appropriate. (http://flagspot.net/flags/hn).html)