Herrarnas mistral i segling vid olympiska sommarspelen 2000

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olympiska sommarspelen 2000
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Herrarnas mistral i segling vid olympiska sommarspelen 2000 avgjordes 1724 september 2000 i Sydney.[1]


Herrarnas mistralFlag of Austria.svg Christoph Sieber (AUT)Flag of Argentina.svg Carlos Espinola (ARG)Flag of New Zealand.svg Aaron McIntosh (NZL)


Pl.LandStyrmanRace 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9Race 10Race 11TotaltTotal–
1Flag of Austria.svg ÖsterrikeChristoph Sieber11.022.011.0 24 24.011.01010.077.0 23
2Flag of Argentina.svg ArgentinaCarlos Espinola88. 11
3Flag of New Zealand.svg Nya ZeelandAaron McIntosh OCS 12
4Flag of Australia.svg AustralienLars Kleppich44.0 OCS 37.0 18
5Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg KinaZhou Yuanguo OCS 37.066.02323.0 DSQ 37.01818.
6Flag of Greece.svg GreklandNikolaos Kaklamanakis 20 20.01212. DSQ 37.077.01313.011.0121.064.0
7Flag of Israel.svg IsraelAmit Inbar33.01313.0 14 14.01313.01313.055.0 OCS 37.044.01313.044.01111.0130.079.0
8Flag of Poland.svg PolenPrzemyslaw Miarczynski 19 18 18.01010.066.01414.0121.084.0
9Flag of Germany.svg TysklandAlexander Baronjan1313. DNF 37.01717.088.0 18 18.0139.084.0
10Flag of Fiji.svg FijiTony Philp1717.01111.033.02121.0 33 33.01313.0 22
11Flag of the United States.svg USAMike Gebhardt22.0 22 22.01010.01616.01111.099.01010.077.01111.01616.0 17 17.0131.092.0
12Flag of France.svg FrankrikeAlexandre Guyader2222.044.0 28 26 26.02424.0154.0100.0
13Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg Kinesiska TaipeiTed Huang66.077.01616.0 22 22.01414.0 17 17.01313.066.088.01414.01616.0139.0100.0
14Flag of Ukraine.svg UkrainaMaksym Oberemko77.02323.01515.01818.0 30 30.01616.066.011.0 26 26.02020.022.0164.0108.0
15Flag of Brazil.svg BrasilienRicardo Santos55.01010.02121.01212.02222.044.088.01414.0 OCS 37.02121.0 26 26.0180.0117.0
16Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg StorbritannienNick Dempsey OCS 37.01515.022.0 28 28.01919.02727.02323.099.01919.022.099.0190.0125.0
17Flag of Italy.svg ItalienRiccardo Giordano 25 25.01414.02222.0 29 29.066.02121.01111.02121.033.01818.01212.0182.0128.0
18Flag of Portugal.svg PortugalJoao Rodrigues99.02525.0 DNF 28 28.01919.01616.077.02323.0194.0129.0
19Flag of Indonesia.svg IndonesienI Gusti Made Oka Sulaksana1515.011.01111.0 27 27.02323.0 25 25.01717.01010.02222.02424.01010.0185.0133.0
20Flag of Japan.svg JapanMotokazu Kenjo1010.01818.099.02020.02828.01212.01212.01212.01515.0 OCS 37.0 31 31.0204.0136.0
21Flag of South Korea (1997–2011).svg SydkoreaDuck-Pil Ok2121.0 28 28.01212.044.01616.01818.01414.02424.02020.02323.0 25 25.0205.0152.0
22Flag of Spain.svg SpanienAndres Jorge Maciel1616.01717.0 25 25.088.02525.02222.02020.02020.0 DNF 37.01515.01919.0224.0162.0
23Flag of Sweden.svg SverigeFredrik Palm 30 30.02121.0 30 30.022.01212.01414.02626.02222.02525.02828.01515.0225.0165.0
24Flag of Hungary.svg UngernÁron Gádorfalvi 24 24.01919.01919.02323.02121.02323.02121.01717.01414.0 OCS 37.02020.0238.0177.0
25Flag of Mexico.svg MexikoDavid Mauricio Mier y Teran Cuevas1414.02424.02626.01717.02626.01919.01616.01515.02828.0 OCS 37.0 27 27.0249.0184.0
26Flag of Slovakia.svg SlovakienPatrik Pollak1111.02020.0 27 27.02626.01717.02424.02525.02727.02121.01717.0 30 30.0245.0188.0
27Flag of Venezuela (1954–2006).png VenezuelaFuentes Yamil Saba1818.03030.0 DNF 37.01515.02020.02929.0 34 34.03232.02424.01010.02222.0271.0200.0
28Flag of Hong Kong.svg HongkongChi Ho Ho1212.02929.02929.01919.02424.0 31 31.02727.01313.01818.0 32 32.02929.0263.0200.0
29Flag of Thailand.svg ThailandArun Homraruen2727.02626.01313.02525.02929.02626.01919.01616.02323.0 30 30.0 32 32.0266.0204.0
30Flag of Cyprus (1960–2006).svg CypernDemetris Lappas2828.01616.02020.0 32 32.02727.0 33 33.03131.02929.03030.01919.01313.0278.0213.0
31Flag of Turkey.svg TurkietErtugrul Icingir2626.0 OCS 37.02424.01111.01515.02828.02929.02525.0 OCS 37.02222.0DSQ37.0291.0217.0
32Flag of the United States Virgin Islands.svg Amerikanska JungfruöarnaPaul Stoeken2323.02727.0 DNF 37.03131.03232.03030.02424.0 28 28.02727.02525.02121.0305.0236.0
33Flag of Russia.svg RysslandVladimir Moisseev2929.0 31 31.01717.0 30 30.03434.03232.03030.03030.02929.02727.02828.0317.0251.0
34Flag of Barbados.svg BarbadosOneal Ricardo Marshall DNF 37.03232.03232.0 34 34.03131.03434.03232.03131.03131.03131.03333.0358.0287.0
35Flag of Seychelles.svg SeychellernaJonathan Barbe3131.03333.03131.03333.0 35 35.0 DNC 37.03333.03333.0DNC33.02929.03434.0366.0292.0
36Flag of Morocco.svg MarockoRachid Roussafi3232.03434.03333.0 35 35.0 36 36.03535.03535.03434.03232.03333.03535.0374.0303.0

Legend: DNC – Tävlade inte; DNF – Fullföljde inte; DSQ – Diskvalificerad; OCS – Förbi startlinjen vid starten;
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