Herrarnas kvaltävling i gymnastik vid olympiska sommarspelen 2012

Gymnastik vid OS 2012
Artistisk gymnastik gymnastik-artistisk
DetaljerMångkamp, lagDetaljer
DetaljerMångkamp, ind.Detaljer
Rytmisk gymnastik gymnastik-rytmisk
Trampolin gymnastik-trampolin

Herrarnas kvaltävling i gymnastik vid olympiska sommarspelen 2012 hölls den 28 juli i North Greenwich Arena. I varje gren kvalificerade sig de åtta främsta till de individuella tävlingarna i dessa grenar, dessutom kvalificerade sig 28 mångkampare samt de åtta främsta nationslagen till mångkampsfinal.


 Jacob Dalton (USA)15.633=415.1001215.900=2246.633
 Jonathan Horton (USA)12.7005615.1661013.1336815.566556.565
 Danell Leyva (USA)15.1001014.8661014.600=3115.500=3915.3331215.866391.2651
 Samuel Mikulak (USA)15.3661214.3332016.300=415.3161314.0334374.348
 John Orozco (USA)15.1661614.7661215.0661415.8002614.5334115.2661090.5974
 Denis Ablyazin (RUS)15.433815.500516.300=40.0007113.7334960.966
 Aleksandr Balandin (RUS)13.7333815.666314.7662644.165
 David Belyavskiy (RUS)15.1001814.900714.3664316.300=415.3001414.8661990.8322
 Emin Garibov (RUS)14.533=3414.2332314.6333015.2335115.600415.566689.7988
 Igor Pakhomenko (RUS)14.0664814.3331915.566=3514.0004457.965
 Sam Oldham (GBR)14.7002814.600=3115.533=3714.6663515.1001174.599
 Daniel Purvis (GBR)15.2001513.4004515.0331616.100=1214.7333014.7332389.19910
 Louis Smith (GBR)15.800113.0336428.833
 Kristian Thomas (GBR)15.3661114.1332514.5663516.200=1014.6253715.366990.2565
 Max Whitelock (GBR)15.2661414.900814.133=4916.033=1513.9005474.232
 Philipp Boy (GER)14.7662614.333=2114.1664715.7003014.9332313.8004787.69817
 Fabian Hambüchen (GER)15.1331714.1002814.7662815.8332515.3001515.633490.7653
 Sebastian Krimmer (GER)14.8331114.6333614.6002644.066
 Marcel Nguyen (GER)15.433713.900=3315.1001314.8756115.525615.0001589.8337
 Andreas Toba (GER)13.1336514.9002115.0005543.033
 Ryohei Kato (JPN)15.433914.333=2115.900=2245.666
 Kazuhito Tanaka (JPN)13.6666112.2006215.1001115.7502915.725214.4003086.84122
 Yusuke Tanaka (JPN)15.0331715.866114.2003645.099
 Kōhei Uchimura (JPN)15.766212.4666014.9661916.033=1515.533515.0001689.7649
 Koji Yamamuro (JPN)14.4334114.4001514.9002315.3334814.2005014.3663287.63218
 Chen Yibing (CHN)14.4661415.858112.9006943.224
 Feng Zhe (CHN)14.4334014.866=2416.100=1215.633315.0001476.032
 Guo Weiyang (CHN)12.2667013.2664714.4004215.3004913.9665314.9331884.13129
 Zhang Chenglong (CHN)14.6663113.1334816.233=815.366=915.933275.331
 Zou Kai (CHN)15.833112.5335815.200=5215.533759.099
 Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR)14.533=3414.900915.0001815.766=2715.0662214.6662589.9316
 Vitalii Nakonechnyi (UKR)14.0664714.933614.1335114.8002157.932
 Igor Radivilov (UKR)15.300916.266731.566
 Oleg Stepko (UKR)15.0332014.4001614.8662615.9162113.3666613.4665987.04720
 Oleg Verniaiev (UKR)15.0332114.3661814.6003416.333=214.5664014.0664188.96413
 Pierre Yves Beny (FRA)14.4333913.5664114.2664514.933=5714.7003271.898
 Yann Cucherat (FRA)14.9002414.3663126.266
 Gael da Silva (FRA)15.4001014.3664415.3664714.9661760.098
 Hamilton Sabot (FRA)14.0333014.5333615.366=914.8662058.798
 Cyril Tommasone (FRA)14.5003715.333214.1664615.466=4215.1002014.1333788.69814
 Isaac Botella Pérez (ESP)14.0335212.900=5115.8662442.799
 Javier Gómez Fuertes (ESP)14.8332313.8333513.9005815.9582015.0662114.5332788.12316
 Fabián González (ESP)15.2661314.7331314.033=5316.000=1713.3336715.0001388.36515
 Rubén López (ESP)14.9002214.7333914.3003443.933
 Sergio Muñoz (ESP)14.6003214.0003113.9665616.000=1713.8335513.2666185.66526
 Cristian Batagaa (ROU)14.666=2912.7005514.8332715.766=2757.965
 Marius Berbecar (ROU)12.7335414.4663815.433=4515.2331613.7005171.565
 Ovidiu Budoso (ROU)14.3664213.7663614.7332814.0664056.931
 Vlad Cotuna (ROU)15.0162214.4004115.500=3914.8662513.4915873.273
 Flavius Koczi (ROU)15.666313.4004614.6003316.0661413.5006212.6336685.86525
 Matteo Angioletti (ITA)14.0335015.0661515.566=3544.665
 Alberto Busnari (ITA)15.058413.7665612.1006740.924
 Matteo Morandi (ITA)14.133460.0006915.766215.6333314.500430.0007060.03241
 Paolo Ottavi (ITA)14.2664313.7003914.866=2414.933=5714.5004414.0663986.33124
 Enrico Pozzo (ITA)14.7662413.6334014.033=5315.6003414.3664614.5002986.69821
 Kim Hee-Hoon (KOR)12.9336712.1006614.1664815.9661913.7005868.865
 Kim Ji-Hoon (KOR)12.9006913.1004915.500841.500
 Kim Seung-Il (KOR)12.1336412.6666814.5336414.0335213.2336266.598
 Kim Soo-Myun (KOR)14.7662713.4334313.8335915.666=3114.7003313.9334586.33123
 Yang Hak-Seon (KOR)14.0664913.9335716.233=811.9667011.2336867.431
 Sergio Sasaki (BRA)14.5333614.0332914.6332916.200=1015.2001714.5332889.13211
 Alexander Shatilov (ISR)15.633=414.1332714.0335515.533=3714.7003115.0001289.03212
 Claudio Capelli (SUI)14.7662514.1332614.133=4915.200=5214.6003814.7662287.59819
 Joshua Jefferis (AUS)13.8005813.4334214.5333715.500=3914.5663913.7664885.59827
 Roman Kulesza (POL)13.9335412.9665013.4666314.900=5914.7003414.7332484.69828
 Stepan Gorbachev (KAZ)13.9005513.7333713.5336215.666=3113.4336313.6665383.93130
 Jimmy Verbaeys (BEL)14.5003810.8666714.0665215.2665014.5334214.3333383.56431
 Felix Aronovich (ISR)14.0335113.4334414.1005113.9006814.2334813.5005683.19932
 Jorge Giraldo (COL)13.4006412.1666314.9332015.466=4213.6336013.5005783.09833
 Martin Konecny (CZE)14.2664412.900=5113.1666614.8666213.7335714.1003883.03134
 Manuel Campos (POR)14.1664512.5005914.4333914.2006514.4004513.2006382.89935
 Artur Davtyan (ARM)13.8005713.900=3313.4006414.1666614.2334713.3666082.86536
 Mohamed Elsaharty (EGY)13.9005812.6005713.5666115.466=4213.4006513.6665282.59837
 Dmitrijs Trefilovs (LAT)12.9006814.2332413.1336714.7336313.5336114.0334382.56538
 Fabian Leimlehner (AUT)12.9666612.1006513.6336014.9665614.2004913.5335481.39839
 Shakir Shikhaliyev (AZE)14.6003312.8665313.1666515.433=4513.6665910.6336980.36440
 Syque Caesar (BAN)14.66615.11614.76613.70058.248
 Shek Wai Hung (HKG)13.40810.83316.03313.53352.674
 Tomás González (CHI)15.533616.433331.966
 Epke Zonderland (NED)15.13315.96631.099
 Pham Phuoc Hung (VIE)14.43315.13329.566
 Federico Molinari (ARG)13.43315.33328.766
 Samuel Piasecky (SVK)15.35812.66628.024
 Kieran Behan (IRL)13.96613.93327.899
 Daniel Corral (MEX)12.33315.433827.766
 Vlasios Maras (GRE)13.40014.30027.700
 Dzmitry Kaspiarovich (BLR)16.333916.333
 Arthur Zanetti (BRA)15.616415.616
 Tommy Ramos (PUR)15.50015.500
 Vasileios Tsolakidis (GRE)15.466715.466
 Yordan Yovchev (BUL)15.308815.308
 Vid Hidvegi (HUN)15.100315.100
 Krisztián Berki (HUN)15.033515.033
 Rokas Guščinas (LTU)14.36614.366
 Filip Ude (CRO)13.93313.933
 Nathan Gafuik (CAN)13.86613.866
 Diego Hypólito (BRA)13.76613.766
 Wajdi Bouallègue (TUN)13.70813.708


De åtta främsta nationerna i kvalet (se kvalresultaten ovan) kvalificerade sig för mångkampsfinal. Dessa länder var: USA, Ryssland, Storbritannien, Ryssland, Japan, Kina, Ukraina och Frankrike.

Individuell mångkamp

1 Danell Leyva (USA)15.10014.86614.60015.50015.33315.66691.265
2 David Belyavskiy (RUS)15.10014.90014.36616.30015.30014.86690.832
3 Fabian Hambüchen (GER)15.13314.10014.76615.83315.30015.63390.765
4 John Orozco (USA)15.16614.76615.06615.80014.53315.26690.597
5 Kristian Thomas (GBR)15.36614.13314.56616.20015.62515.36690.256
6 Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR)14.53314.90015.00015.76615.06614.66689.931
7 Marcel Nguyen (GER)14.43313.90015.10014.87515.53515.00089.833
8 Emin Gariov (RUS)14.53314.23314.63315.23315.60015.56689.798
9 Kohei Uchimura (JPN)15.76612.46614.96616.03315.53315.00089.764
10 Daniel Purvis (GBR)15.20013.40015.03316.10014.73314.73389.199
11 Sergio Sasaki (BRA)14.53314.03314.63316.20015.20014.53389.132
12 Alexander Shatilov (ISR)15.63314.13314.03315.53314.70015.00089.032
13 Oleg Verniaiev (UKR)15.03314.36614.60016.33314.56614.06688.964
14 Cyril Tommasone (FRA)14.50015.33314.16615.46615.10014.13388.698
15 Fabián González (ESP)15.26614.73314.03316.00013.33315.00088.365
16 Javier Gómez Fuertes (ESP)14.83313.83313.90015.95815.06614.54488.123
18 Koji Yamamuro (JPN)14.43314.40014.90015.33314.20014.36687.632
19 Claudio Capelli (SUI)14.76614.13314.13315.20014.60014.76687.598
21 Enrico Pozzo (ITA)14.76613.63314.03315.60014.36614.50086.898
23 Kim Soo-Myun (KOR)14.76613.43313.83315.66614.70013.93386.331
24 Paolo Ottavi (ITA)14.26613.70014.86614.93314.50014.06686.331
25 Flavius Koczi (ROU)15.66613.40014.60016.06613.50012.63385.865
27 Joshua Jefferis (AUS)13.80013.43314.53315.50014.56613.76685.598
28 Roman Kulesza (POL)13.93312.96613.46614.90014.70014.73384.698


Reserverna för herrarnas individuella mångkamp blev:

Endast två gymnaster från varje land kunde kvalificerade sig för mångkampsfinalen. Därför kunde inte vissa gymnaster kvalificera sig, trots att de hade gjort det om inte deras lands kvot redan blivit fylld. Dessa var:


Plac.GymnastNationD ScoreE ScorePen.TotaltQual.
1Zou KaiKina Kina6.9008.93315.833Q
2Kohei UchimuraJapan Japan6.7009.06615.766Q
3Flavius KocziRumänien Rumänien6.7008.96615.666Q
4Jacob DaltonUSA USA6.6009.03315.633Q
4Alexander ShatilovIsrael Israel6.6009.03315.633Q
6Tomás GonzálezChile Chile6.5009.03315.533Q
7Marcel NguyenTyskland Tyskland6.5008.93315.433Q
8Denis AblyazinRyssland Ryssland6.9008.8330.315.433Q



Plac.GymnastNationD ScoreE ScorePen.TotaltQual.
1Louis SmithStorbritannien Storbritannien6.9008.90015.800Q
2Cyril TommasoneFrankrike Frankrike6.5008.83315.333Q
3Vid HidvegiUngern Ungern6.3008.80015.100Q
4Alberto BusnariItalien Italien6.6008.45815.058Q
5Krisztián BerkiUngern Ungern6.4008.63315.033Q
6Vitalii NakonechnyiUkraina Ukraina6.3008.63314.933Q
7David BelyavskiyRyssland Ryssland6.3008.60014.900Q
8Max WhitlockStorbritannien Storbritannien6.4008.50014.900Q



Plac.GymnastNationD ScoreE ScorePen.TotaltQual.
1Chen YibingKina Kina6.8009.05815.858Q
2Matteo MorandiItalien Italien6.8008.96615.766Q
3Aleksandr BalandinRyssland Ryssland6.7008.96615.666Q
4Arthur ZanettiBrasilien Brasilien6.5009.11615.616Q
5Denis AblyazinRyssland Ryssland6.6008.90015.500Q
6Tommy RamosPuerto Rico Puerto Rico6.8008.70015.500Q
7Federico MolinariArgentina Argentina6.7008.63315.333Q
8Iordan IovtchevBulgarien Bulgarien6.6008.70815.308Q


  •  Igor Radivilov (UKR)
  •  Jonathan Horton (USA)
  •  Kozihito Tanaka (JPN)


Pos.GymnastHopp 1Hopp 2Totalt
D ScoreE ScorePen.TotalpoängD ScoreE ScorePen.Totalpoäng
1 Denis Ablyazin (RUS)7.0009.30016.3007.2009.23316.43316.366
2 Hak Seon Yang (KOR)7.0009.23316.2337.0009.43316.43316.333
3 Tomas Gonzalez Sepulveda (CHI)7.0009.43316.4336.6009.3660.1015.86616.149
4 Samuel Mikulak (USA)7.0009.30016.3006.6009.26615.86616.083
5 Kristian Thomas (GBR)7.0009.3000.1016.2006.6009.16615.76615.983
6 Flavius Koczi (ROU)7.0009.1660.1016.0667.0008.9330.1015.83315.949
7 Isaac Botella Perez (ESP)6.6009.26615.8666.6009.20015.80015.833
8 Igor Radivilov (UKR)7.0009.26616.2667.0008.6330.3015.33315.799


  •  Dzmitry Kaspiarovich (BLR)
  •  Matteo Angioletti (ITA)
  •  Oleg Verniaiev (UKR)


Plac.GymnastNationD ScoreE ScorePen.TotaltQual.
1Yusuke TanakaJapan Japan6.4009.46615.866Q
2Kazuhito TanakaJapan Japan6.7009.02515.725Q
3Feng ZheKina Kina7.0008.63315.633Q
4Emin GaribovRyssland Ryssland6.5009.10015.600Q
5Marcel NguyenTyskland Tyskland6.4008.63315.033Q
6Vasileios TsolakidisGrekland Grekland6.5008.96615.466Q
7Daniel CorralMexiko Mexiko6.6008.83315.433Q
8Hamilton SabotFrankrike Frankrike6.5008.86615.366Q
8Zhang ChenglongKina Kina6.5008.86615.366Q



Plac.GymnastNationD ScoreE ScorePen.TotaltQual.
1Epke ZonderlandNederländerna Nederländerna7.5008.46615.966Q
2Chenglong ZhangKina Kina7.5008.43315.933Q
3Danell LeyvaUSA USA7.2008.66615.866Q
4Fabian HambuchenTyskland Tyskland7.0008.63315.633Q
5Jonathan HortonUSA USA6.8008.76615.566Q
6Emin GaribovRyssland Ryssland7.3008.26615.566Q
7Zou KaiKina Kina7.4008.13315.533Q
8Kim Ji-HoonSydkorea Sydkorea7.3008.20015.500Q



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Pictograms of Olympic sports - Wrestling. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
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Pictograms of Olympic sports - Archery. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Cycling (road) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Cycling (road). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Football pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Football. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Athletics pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports – . This is an unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
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Pictograms of Olympic sports - Fencing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
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Pictograms of Olympic sports - Handball. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Judo pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Judo. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for the 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Canoeing (flatwater) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Canoeing (flatwater). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Synchronized swimming pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Synchronized swimming. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
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Pictograms of Olympic sports - Field hockey. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
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Pictograms of Olympic sports - Sailing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Diving pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Diving. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Swimming pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Swimming. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Shooting pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Shooting. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Taekwondo pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Taekwondo. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Tennis pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Tennis. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
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Pictogramme officiel triathlon olympique
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Pictograms of Olympic sports - Weightlifting. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
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Pictograms of Olympic sports - Water polo. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
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Pictograms of Olympic sports - Volleyball (indoor). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
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Pictograms of Olympic sports - Gymnastics (trampoline). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Gymnastics (rhythmic) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Gymnastics (rhythmic). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Modern pentathlon pictogram (pre-2025).svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Modern pentathlon. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.