Herrarnas division II i segling vid olympiska sommarspelen 1988
Segling vid olympiska sommarspelen 1988 | ||||||
Division II | herrar | |||||
Flying Dutchman | öppen | |||||
Finnjolle | herrar | |||||
470 | herrar | damer | ||||
Tornado | öppen | |||||
Starbåt | öppen | |||||
Soling | öppen |
Herrarnas division II i segling vid olympiska sommarspelen 1988 avgjordes 20–27 september 1988 i Seoul.[1]
Event | Guld | Silver | Brons |
Herrarnas division II | Bruce Kendall (NZL) | Jan Boersma (AHO) | Mike Gebhardt (USA) |
Plac. | Styrman (Land) | Lopp I | Lopp II | Lopp III | Lopp IV | Lopp V | Lopp VI | Lopp VII | Totalt- poäng | Totalt -1 [2] | |||||||
Plac. | Poäng | Plac. | Poäng | Plac. | Poäng | Plac. | Poäng | Plac. | Poäng | Plac. | Poäng | Plac. | Poäng | ||||
Bruce Kendall (NZL) | 3 | 5,7 | 3 | 5,7 | 1 | 0,0 | 5 | 10,0 | 8 | 14,0 | 1 | 0,0 | 50,4 | 35,4 | |||
Jan Boersma (AHO) | 1 | 0,0 | 8 | 14,0 | 8 | 14,0 | 6 | 11,7 | 1 | 0,0 | 2 | 3,0 | 58,7 | 42,7 | |||
Mike Gebhardt (USA) | 4 | 8,0 | 1 | 0,0 | YMP | 8,0 | 5 | 10,0 | 8 | 14,0 | 4 | 8,0 | 65,0 | 48,0 | |||
4 | Bart Verschoor (NED) | 5 | 10,0 | 4 | 8,0 | 4 | 8,0 | 3 | 5,7 | 6 | 11,7 | 5 | 10,0 | 71,4 | 53,4 | ||
5 | Robert Nagy (FRA) | 14 | 20,0 | 2 | 3,0 | 3 | 5,7 | YMP | 10,3 | 3 | 5,7 | 11 | 17,0 | 82,7 | 61,7 | ||
6 | Francesco Wirz (ITA) | 7 | 13,0 | 2 | 3,0 | 10 | 16,0 | 2 | 3,0 | 2 | 3,0 | 19 | 25,0 | 115,0 | 63,0 | ||
7 | Jorge Ruben Garcia Velazco (ARG) | 6 | 11,7 | 11 | 17,0 | 3 | 5,7 | 6 | 11,7 | 4 | 8,0 | 10 | 16,0 | 88,1 | 70,1 | ||
8 | Carlos Iniesta (ESP) | 5 | 10,0 | 21 | 27,0 | 27 | 33,0 | 1 | 0,0 | 2 | 3,0 | 6 | 11,7 | 114,7 | 81,7 | ||
9 | Jan Bonga (SUI) | 2 | 3,0 | 16 | 22,0 | 24 | 30,0 | 4 | 8,0 | 12 | 18,0 | 3 | 5,7 | 111,7 | 81,7 | ||
10 | Christopher Lawrence (AUS) | 14 | 20,0 | 4 | 8,0 | 9 | 15,0 | YMP | 14,4 | 5 | 10,0 | 13 | 19,0 | 109,4 | 86,4 | ||
11 | Thomas Wallner (AUT) | 17 | 23,0 | 16 | 22,0 | 10 | 16,0 | 7 | 13,0 | 11 | 17,0 | 1 | 0,0 | 143,0 | 91,0 | ||
12 | Richard Myerscough (CAN) | 8 | 14,0 | 7 | 13,0 | 22 | 28,0 | YMP | 16,2 | 7 | 13,0 | 7 | 13,0 | 149,2 | 97,2 | ||
13 | Dirk Meyer (FRG) | 10 | 16,0 | 9 | 15,0 | 12 | 18,0 | 7 | 13,0 | 11 | 17,0 | 14 | 20,0 | 131,0 | 99,0 | ||
14 | Simon Goody (GBR) | 11 | 17,0 | 15 | 21,0 | 7 | 13,0 | 15 | 21,0 | 14 | 20,0 | 8 | 14,0 | 133,0 | 106,0 | ||
15 | Roland Milosevic (YUG) | 24 | 30,0 | 12 | 18,0 | 6 | 11,7 | 8 | 14,0 | 9 | 15,0 | 18 | 24,0 | 164,7 | 112,7 | ||
16 | George Rebello (BRA) | 13 | 19,0 | 23 | 29,0 | 9 | 15,0 | 13 | 19,0 | 13 | 19,0 | 17 | 23,0 | 153,0 | 124,0 | ||
17 | Grzegorz Myszkowski (POL) | 16 | 22,0 | 6 | 11,7 | 14 | 20,0 | 16 | 22,0 | 19 | 25,0 | 22 | 28,0 | 158,7 | 128,7 | ||
18 | Ryo Asano (JPN) | 20 | 26,0 | 18 | 24,0 | 15 | 21,0 | 10 | 16,0 | 16 | 22,0 | 16 | 22,0 | 156,0 | 130,0 | ||
19 | Luis Calico (POR) | 29,0 | 26 | 32,0 | 14 | 20,0 | 15 | 21,0 | 9 | 15,0 | 23 | 29,0 | 12 | 18,0 | 164,0 | 132,0 | |
20 | Magnus Torell (SWE) | 18 | 24,0 | 10 | 16,0 | 17 | 23,0 | 14 | 20,0 | 17 | 23,0 | 20 | 26,0 | 158,0 | 132,0 | ||
21 | Hakon M, Nissen-Lie (NOR) | 9 | 15,0 | 4 | 8,0 | 16 | 22,0 | 12 | 18,0 | 18 | 24,0 | DSQ | 52,0 | 191,0 | 139,0 | ||
22 | Chen Jiang (CHN) | 21 | 27,0 | 13 | 19,0 | 13 | 19,0 | YMP | 23,6 | 15 | 21,0 | 26 | 32,0 | 193,6 | 141,6 | ||
23 | Osvaldo Alcaide (PUR) | 22 | 28,0 | 20 | 26,0 | 21 | 27,0 | 13 | 19,0 | 25 | 31,0 | 25 | 31,0 | 214,0 | 162,0 | ||
24 | Luke Baldauf (ISV) | 25 | 31,0 | 25 | 31,0 | 30 | 36,0 | 22 | 28,0 | 21 | 27,0 | 15 | 21,0 | 226,0 | 174,0 | ||
25 | Anan Hohsuwan (THA) | 29 | 35,0 | 17 | 23,0 | 25 | 31,0 | 18 | 24,0 | 20 | 26,0 | 33 | 39,0 | 230,0 | 178,0 | ||
26 | Richard Paz (PHI) | 35 | 41,0 | 33 | 39,0 | 26 | 32,0 | 17 | 23,0 | 22 | 28,0 | 23 | 29,0 | 234,0 | 192,0 | ||
27 | Abdul Malik Faisal (INA) | 31 | 37,0 | 24 | 30,0 | 20 | 26,0 | 32 | 38,0 | 30 | 36,0 | 21 | 27,0 | 246,0 | 194,0 | ||
28 | Anthony S, Philp (FIJ) | 28 | 34,0 | 18 | 24,0 | 23 | 29,0 | 18 | 24,0 | 27 | 33,0 | RET | 52,0 | 248,0 | 196,0 | ||
29 | Matthew Arneborg (IVB) | 27 | 33,0 | 22 | 28,0 | 28 | 34,0 | 25 | 31,0 | 28 | 34,0 | RET | 52,0 | 264,0 | 212,0 | ||
30 | Han-Lim Lee (KOR) | 26 | 32,0 | 19 | 25,0 | 28 | 34,0 | RET | 52,0 | 32 | 38,0 | 30 | 36,0 | 269,0 | 217,0 | ||
31 | Eli Fvller (ANT) | YMP | 52,0 | 30 | 36,0 | 36 | 42,0 | 36 | 42,0 | 34 | 40,0 | 24 | 30,0 | 280,0 | 228,0 | ||
32 | Didier Gamerdinger (MON) | 39 | 45,0 | 32 | 38,0 | 26 | 32,0 | 30 | 36,0 | 33 | 39,0 | 32 | 38,0 | 280,0 | 228,0 | ||
33 | Brian Talma (BAR) | 37 | 43,0 | 39 | 45,0 | 35 | 41,0 | 19 | 25,0 | 37 | 43,0 | 27 | 33,0 | 282,0 | 230,0 | ||
34 | Ibrahim Kakis (TUR) | 35 | 41,0 | 28 | 34,0 | 40 | 46,0 | 33 | 39,0 | 31 | 37,0 | 29 | 35,0 | 284,0 | 232,0 | ||
35 | Jean-Paul Fieri Soler (MLT) | 32 | 38,0 | 29 | 35,0 | 31 | 37,0 | 34 | 40,0 | 38 | 44,0 | RET | 52,0 | 298,0 | 246,0 | ||
36 | Stelios Georgosopulos (GRE) | 19 | 25,0 | 27 | 33,0 | 27 | 33,0 | RET | 52,0 | RET | 52,0 | RET | 52,0 | 299,0 | 247,0 | ||
37 | Nkolai Kravtchenko (URS) | 30 | 36,0 | 34 | 40,0 | 29 | 35,0 | 29 | 35,0 | DNC | 52,0 | DNC | 52,0 | 302,0 | 250,0 | ||
38 | Nilo Ozib (MEX) | 40 | 46,0 | 38 | 44,0 | 35 | 41,0 | RET | 52,0 | 29 | 35,0 | 28 | 34,0 | 304,0 | 252,0 | ||
39 | Sam Tak Sum Wong (HKG) | 37 | 43,0 | 33 | 39,0 | 34 | 40,0 | 31 | 37,0 | 36 | 42,0 | RET | 52,0 | 305,0 | 253,0 | ||
40 | Robleh Ali Adou (DJI) | 38 | 44,0 | 31 | 37,0 | 32 | 38,0 | 37 | 43,0 | 35 | 41,0 | RET | 52,0 | 307,0 | 255,0 | ||
41 | Jan Iriarte (GUM) | 34 | 40,0 | 37 | 43,0 | 38 | 44,0 | RET | 52,0 | 40 | 46,0 | 31 | 37,0 | 314,0 | 262,0 | ||
42 | Giovanni Conti (SMR) | 33 | 39,0 | 36 | 42,0 | 41 | 47,0 | 39 | 45,0 | 39 | 45,0 | RET | 52,0 | 322,0 | 270,0 | ||
43 | Vernon Wright Lapham (ZIM) | 41 | 47,0 | 40 | 46,0 | 38 | 44,0 | 40 | 46,0 | 41 | 47,0 | RET | 52,0 | 334,0 | 282,0 | ||
44 | Graham Numa (PNG) | 39 | 45,0 | 42 | 48,0 | PMS | 52,0 | PMS | 52,0 | RET | 52,0 | DNC | 52,0 | 353,0 | 301,0 | ||
45 | Mohamed Al-Kaabi (QAT) | DNC | 52,0 | DNC | 52,0 | DNC | 52,0 | DNC | 52,0 | DNC | 52,0 | DNC | 52,0 | 364,0 | 312,0 |
Daglig ställning
- ^ ”Arkiverade kopian”. Arkiverad från originalet den 17 mars 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20110317073722/http://www.sports-reference.com/olympics/summer/1988/SAI/mens-two-person-dinghy.html. Läst 24 januari 2011.
- ^ Totalt efter discard.
Externa länkar
- ”Official Report : Games of the XXIVth Olympiad, Seoul 1988, v.2”. Digital Library Collection at la84.org. la84foundation. https://digital.la84.org/digital/collection/p17103coll8/id/32565/rec/53. Läst 16 november 2019.
- Kubatko, Justin. ”Sailing at the 1992 Atlanta Summer Games”. Olympics at Sports-Reference.com. Sports Reference LLC. Arkiverad från originalet den 26 december 2008. https://web.archive.org/web/20081226041420/http://www.sports-reference.com/olympics/summer/1996/SAI/. Läst 12 mars 2014.
Media som används på denna webbplats
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Sailing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
An icon that represents a gold medal
Författare/Upphovsman: Kwamikagami, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Mars symbol with uncapped line ends
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An icon that represents a bronze medal
Kanadas flagga, införd 1965; denna version med Pantone‐nyanser. Nuvarande utformning ersatte den tidigare kanadensiska Red Ensign.
Flag of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).
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Variant version of a flag of Japan, used between January 27, 1870 and August 13, 1999 (aspect ratio 7:10).
Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857–1929), officially adopted by Portuguese government in June 30th 1911 (in use since about November 1910). Color shades matching the RGB values officially reccomended here. (PMS values should be used for direct ink or textile; CMYK for 4-color offset printing on paper; this is an image for screen display, RGB should be used.)
The national flag of Kingdom of Thailand; there are total of 3 colours:
- Red represents the blood spilt to protect Thailand’s independence and often more simply described as representing the nation.
- White represents the religion of Buddhism, the predominant religion of the nation
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Flag of South Korea from 21 February 1984 to 15 October 1997, when the exact colors were specified into their shades.
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Författare/Upphovsman: VYGOcommons, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Graph showing the daily standings in the Division II during the 1988 Summer Olympics
The flag of San Marino, before the 2011 standardization
Flag of the Philippines in the previous official shade of Cable No. 70077 or National Flag Blue. In use for 60 years, 8 months and 18 days from March 25, 1936, to February 25, 1985 and from February 25, 1986, to February 12, 1998.
Construction sheet approved by the Philippine Heraldry Committee on January 24, 1955.
The exact colors adopted by the Philippine Heraldry Committee in 1955 was as follows:
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