Herrarnas 500 meter i hastighetsåkning på skridskor vid olympiska vinterspelen 2014

Olympiska vinterspelen
Hastighetsåkning på skridskor Hastighetsåkning på skridskor
Herrarnas 500 meter
Datum10 februari 2014
Lokal tid18:55 (UTC+4)
Deltagare40 från 16 nationer
AnläggningAdler Arena skridskocenter
Flag of South Korea (1997–2011).svg Mo Tae-bum (KOR)
Gold medal icon.svgFlag of the Netherlands.svg Michel Mulder (NED)
Silver medal icon.svgFlag of the Netherlands.svg Jan Smeekens (NED)
Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of the Netherlands.svg Ronald Mulder (NED)
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Vancouver 2010Pyeongchang 2018
Hastighetsåkning på skridskor vid OS 2014
Detaljer500 meterDetaljer
Detaljer1 000 meterDetaljer
Detaljer1 500 meterDetaljer
03 000 meterDetaljer
Detaljer5 000 meterDetaljer
Detaljer10 000 meter0

Herrarnas 500 meter i hastighetsåkning på skridskor vid olympiska vinterspelen 2014 hölls på anläggningen Adler Arena skridskocenter, i Sotjis olympiska park, Ryssland, den 10 februari 2014.


500 meterFlag of the Netherlands.svg Michel Mulder (NED)Flag of the Netherlands.svg Jan Smeekens (NED)Flag of the Netherlands.svg Ronald Mulder (NED)


40 tävlande deltog i loppet över 500 meter[1]

0Åk 1Åk 2Totalt
Pl.NamnNationPBÅk 1Pl.PBÅk 2Pl.TidTM
1Michel MulderFlag of the Netherlands.svg Nederländerna19I34,63219Y34,67269,31±0
2Jan SmeekensFlag of the Netherlands.svg Nederländerna15I34,59120Y34,72369,32+0,01
3Ronald MulderFlag of the Netherlands.svg Nederländerna20I34,97617Y34,49169,46+0,15
4Mo Tae-bumFlag of South Korea.svg Sydkorea18Y34,84419I34,84569,68+0,38
5Joji KatoFlag of Japan.svg Japan18I34,96518Y34,77469,74+0,43
6Keiichiro NagashimaFlag of Japan.svg Japan19Y34,79320I35,251670,04+0,73
7Roman KrechFlag of Kazakhstan.svg Kazakstan3I35,04916Y35,00670,04+0,73
8Nico IhleFlag of Germany.svg Tyskland11Y34,99718I35,11970,10+0,79
9Artur WaśFlag of Poland.svg Polen7Y35,01817I35,191270,20+0,90
10Gilmore JunioFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg Kanada14I35,151115Y35,09770,25+0,94
11Jamie GreggFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg Kanada13I35,171314Y35,10870,27+0,96
12Espen Aarnes HvammenFlag of Norway.svg Norge8I35,201613Y35,211370,42+1,11
13Denis KovalFlag of Russia.svg Ryssland9Y35,191414I35,241570,44+1,13
14William DuttonFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg Kanada4Y35,271811I35,171170,44+1,13
15Yūya OikawaFlag of Japan.svg Japan16I35,241712Y35,221470,46+1,15
16Aleksey YesinFlag of Russia.svg Ryssland12Y35,091016I35,411970,50+1,19
17Pekka KoskelaFlag of Finland.svg Finland13Y35,191513I35,412070,61+1,30
18Lee Kyou-hyukFlag of South Korea.svg Sydkorea3Y35,161215I35,482370,65+1,34
19Artyom KuznetsovFlag of Russia.svg Ryssland20Y35,51286I35,141070,66+1,35
20Yuji KamijoFlag of Japan.svg Japan4I35,372111Y35,482470,85+1,54
21Kim Jun-hoFlag of South Korea.svg Sydkorea5Y35,43258I35,422170,85+1,54
22Lee Kang-seokFlag of South Korea.svg Sydkorea10Y35,45267I35,422270,87+1,56
23Dmitry LobkovFlag of Russia.svg Ryssland17I35,50278Y35,361870,88+1,57
24Shani DavisFlag of the United States.svg USA5I35,392210Y35,592870,98+1,67
25Muncef OuardiFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg Kanada1Y35,39239I35,602970,99+1,68
26Tucker FredricksFlag of the United States.svg USA17Y35,271812I35,723770,99+1,68
27Mitchell WhitmoreFlag of the United States.svg USA14Y35,342010I35,713571,05+1,75
28Mirko Giacomo NenziFlag of Italy.svg Italien10I35,56297Y35,512571,07+1,76
29Mika PoutalaFlag of Finland.svg Finland15Y35,58305I35,562771,14+1,83
30Mu ZhongshengFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg Kina1I35,59316Y35,653271,25+1,94
31David BosaFlag of Italy.svg Italien8Y35,63324I35,643171,28+1,97
32Håvard LorentzenFlag of Norway.svg Norge7I35,78372I35,532671,30+1,99
33Sung Ching-yangFlag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg Kinesiska Taipei11I35,73354Y35,633071,36+2,05
34Samuel SchwarzFlag of Germany.svg Tyskland12I35,69345Y35,683471,37+2,06
35Bai QiumingFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg Kina9I35,73363Y35,713671,45+2,14
36Artur NogalFlag of Poland.svg Polen2Y35,83383I35,663371,49+2,18
37Haralds SilovsFlag of Latvia.svg Lettland2I36,12391Y36,323872,44+3,13
38Stefan GroothuisFlag of the Netherlands.svg Nederländerna6I35,42249Y56,813992,24+22,93
39Daniel GreigFlag of Australia.svg Australien16Y80,65402I35,2917115,84+46,53
Brian HansenFlag of the United States.svg USA6Y35,6433DNS
Blomsterceremoni. Från vänster: Jan Smeekens, Michel Mulder och Ronald Mulder.
Michel Mulder, guldmedaljör
Jan Smeekens, silvermedaljör


Media som används på denna webbplats

Speed skating pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Speed Skating
Gold medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a gold medal
Silver medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a silver medal
Bronze medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a bronze medal
Olympic Rings black.svg
Black&white version of Image:Olympic Rings.svg to use in lists where the colored version is too eye-catching
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Kanadas flagga, införd 1965; denna version med Pantone‐nyanser. Nuvarande utformning ersatte den tidigare kanadensiska Red Ensign.
Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg
Chinese Taipei Olympic Flag. According to the official website of Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, Blue Sky(circle) & White Sun(triangles) above the Olympic rings is neither the National Emblem of the Republic of China, nor the Party Emblem of Kuomintang (KMT), but a design in between, where the triangles do not extend to the edge of the blue circle, as registered at International Olympic Committee in 1981 and digitally rendered in 2013. Besides, the blue outline of the five-petaled plum blossom is broader than the red one. Moreover, the CMYK code of the blue one and the Blue Sky & White Sun is "C100-M100-Y0-K0", and different from the Olympic rings (C100-M25-Y0-K0). Note that it's the only version recognized by IOC.
Alpine skiing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Alpine skiing
Olympic rings.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Olympic rings without rims.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
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Men's 500m, 2014 Winter Olympics, Michel Mulder (3).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: M. Smelter, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Men's 500m, 2014 Winter Olympics, Michel Mulder after winning gold
Men's 500m, 2014 Winter Olympics, Podium.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: M. Smelter, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Men's 500m, 2014 Winter Olympics, Podium.Ronald Mulder (bronze) Michel Mulder (gold) and Jan Smeekens (silver)
Flag of South Korea (1997–2011).svg
Flag of South Korea from October 1997 to May 2011. In May 2011, the exact colors were specified into their current shades.
Men's 500m, 2014 Winter Olympics, Jan Smeekens.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: M. Smelter, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Men's 500m, 2014 Winter Olympics, Jan Smeekens thought temporary that he had won the gold medal