Herrarnas 470 i segling vid olympiska sommarspelen 1996

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olympiska sommarspelen 1996
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Herrarnas 470 i segling vid olympiska sommarspelen 1996 avgjordes 241 augusti 1996 i Savannah.[1]


Herrarnas 470[2] Jevhen Braslavets
och Ihor Matvijenko (UKR)
 John Merricks
och Ian Walker (GBR)
 Hugo Rocha
och Nuno Barreto (POR)


Plac.Styrman (Land)BesättningLopp ILopp IILopp IIILopp IVLopp VLopp VILopp VIILopp VIIILopp IXLopp XLopp XITotal-
1 Jevhen Braslavets  (UKR)Ihor Matvijenko
2 John Merricks  (GBR)Ian Walker 1515.011.044.02727.0DSQ37.
3 Hugo Rocha  (POR)Nuno Barreto 55.01010.01717.
4 Petri Leskinen  (FIN)Mika Aarnikka PMS37.01414.01919.
5 Dmitriij Berijozkin  (RUS)Jevgenij Burmatnov 1313.02525.
6 Jean-Francois Berthet  (FRA)Gwenael Berthet 1616.066.099.02828.01515.02323.033.022.01717.033.011.0123.072.0
7 Martin Billoch  (ARG)Martin Rodriguez 1212.02323.011.02222.02020.033.044.01212.011.088.01212.0118.073.0
8 Morgan Reeser  (USA)Kevin Burnham 2020.
9 Jordi Calafat  (ESP)Francisco Sanchez 11.01717.01414.02020.022.01919.055.0PMS37.033.01313.022.0133.076.0
10 Tõnu Tõniste  (EST)Toomas Tõniste 77.01616.088.033.01919.0PMS37.03030.033.066.01515.01818.0162.095.0
11 Andreas Kosmatopoulos  (GRE)Konstantinos Trigonis 1111.01919.01818.01313.055.022.01515.01818.055.01010.02424.0140.097.0
12 Ronald Rensch  (GER)Torsten Haverland PMS37.088.022.01010.02222.099.02222.01111.01414.02929.066.0170.0104.0
13 Ivan Kuret  (CRO)Marko Misura 33.01515.01515.02121.01111.01212.03131.02222.099.01414.01616.0169.0116.0
14 Tomaz Copi  (SLO)Mitja Margon 1414.02020.01313.01111.088.0PMS37.01616.01717.077.02525.01010.0178.0116.0
15 Matteo Ivaldi  (ITA)Michele Ivaldi 99.044.02525.088.01414.0PMS37.01717.077.03131.0DSQ37.055.0194.0120.0
16 Marek Chocian  (POL)Zdzislaw Staniul PMS37.01818.02222.01919.01717.077.02121.01313.088.055.01717.0184.0125.0
17 Kenji Nakamura  (JPN)Masato Takaki PMS37.033.01616.02525.01010.01313.02828.01414.02121.01616.099.0192.0127.0
18 Marcus Westerland  (SWE)Henrik Wallin 66.077.02121.055.01313.0PMS37.066.0PMS37.02424.02424.02323.0203.0129.0
19 Nir Shental  (ISR)Ran Shental 1717.01313.02929.066.066.02626.01919.0PMS37.02222.099.01414.0198.0132.0
20 Paul Hannam  (CAN)Brian Storey 1010.02121.01212.02323.02121.02929.02020.0PMS37.01313.01111.044.0201.0135.0
21 Botond Litkey  (HUN)Zoltan Nyari 44.02626.03030.01616.01212.01414.01010.01515.01818.02222.0DSQ37.0204.0137.0
22 Rohan Cooke  (NZL)Andrew Stone 88.01111.01010.01414.02525.02222.01818.01010.02727.02727.02121.0193.0139.0
23 Tom King  (AUS)Owen Mcmahon 1919.01212.02020.02626.02727.01616.077.0PMS37.02525.01717.077.0213.0149.0
24 Ben Kouwenhoven  (NED)Jan Kouwenhoven DNS37.055.01111.03232.02424.01010.02424.088.03030.02020.0DSQ37.0238.0164.0
25 Brady Sih  (TPE)Bryant Sih 2424.02727.02828.01212.03535.01515.01414.02424.044.02626.02626.0235.0172.0
26 Pedro Fernandez  (CUB)Angel Alfredo Jimenez 2222.02929.02626.01717.099.02727.01313.01919.0PMS37.02121.0DSQ37.0257.0183.0
27 David Ramon  (AND)Oscar Ramon 2323.03131.02424.03535.02323.01717.01212.02626.01111.02828.01919.0249.0183.0
28 Kim Dae-young  (KOR)Jung Sung-ahn 1818.02828.077.02929.03131.02828.02626.01616.02626.02323.02828.0260.0200.0
29 Rodrigo Amado  (BRA)Leonardo Santos 2626.03232.02323.02424.01818.0PMS37.02525.02525.01212.01818.02929.0269.0200.0
30 Christopher Rast  (SUI)Jean-Pierre Ziegert 2121.02222.02727.01818.02626.03030.02727.02121.02929.01919.02020.0260.0201.0
31 Nicolas Epiphaniou  (CYP)Peter Elton 2525.02424.03333.01515.03232.02424.02323.02323.02020.03232.02525.0276.0211.0
32 Igor Karvas  (SVK)Jaroslav Ferianec 2828.03636.03131.03131.02929.02020.03434.02929.02323.03131.03232.0324.0254.0
33 Andrew Gooding  (JAM)Joseph Stockhausen 2727.03333.03434.03434.03333.01818.03333.03030.03232.03434.02727.0335.0267.0
34 Sukru Sanus  (TUR)B. Kerem Ozkan 2929.03030.03636.0DNF37.03434.02121.02929.02828.03333.03333.03030.0340.0267.0
35 Siew Shaw Her  (SIN)Yi Yong Lim PMS37.03535.03232.03333.02828.03131.03232.02727.02828.03030.03131.0344.0272.0
36 Yuk Wah Chan  (HKG)Andrew Service PMS37.03434.03535.03030.03030.02525.03535.03131.03434.03535.02222.0348.0276.0

Daglig ställning

En graf som visar de dagliga ställningarna i herrarnas 470 vid olympiska sommarspelen 1996.


  1. ^ ”Arkiverade kopian”. Arkiverad från originalet den 13 juli 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20110713195751/http://www.sports-reference.com/olympics/summer/1996/SAI/mens-two-person-dinghy.html. Läst 14 september 2011. 
  2. ^ The Official Report of the Centennial Olympic Games. Volume Three - The Competition Results. PDF. s. 440. Läst 12 juni 2015.
  3. ^ Totalt efter discard.

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