Harrison Schmitt

Harrison Hagan "Jack" Schmitt
Harrison Hagan "Jack" Schmitt
Harrison Hagan "Jack" Schmitt
NASA Astronaut
Född3 juli 1935
USA Santa Rita, New Mexico, USA
Andra yrkenGeolog
Nuvarande yrkePolitiker
Tid i rymden12d 13h 52 m
Antal månpromenader3 st
Månpromenadtid22h 5m
UppdragApollo 17

Harrison Hagan "Jack" Schmitt, född 3 juli 1935, är en amerikansk astronaut uttagen i astronautgrupp 4 den 28 juni 1965. Han var den tolfte mannen att gå på månen.

Han är från början geolog och avlade 1964 doktorsexamen i geologi vid Harvard University. Schmitt var republikansk senator för New Mexico 1977–1983. Han kandiderade till omval efter en mandatperiod i senaten men förlorade mot demokraten Jeff Bingaman.


Asteroiden 7749 Jackschmitt är uppkallad efter honom.[1]



Apollo 177 - 19 december 1972301:51:5800:00:0022:05:00


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Harrison H. Schmitt.jpg
Apollo 17-insignia.png
This is the official emblem of the Apollo 17 lunar landing mission which was flown by astronauts Eugene A. Cernan, Ronald E. Evans and Harrison H. Schmitt.
  • The insignia is dominated by the image of Apollo, the Greek sun god. Suspended in space behind the head of Apollo is an American eagle of contemporary design, the red bars of the eagle's wing represent the bars in the United States flag; the three white stars symbolize the three astronaut crewmen. The background is deep blue space and within it are the moon, the planet Saturn and a spiral galaxy or nebula. The moon is partially overlaid by the eagle's wing suggesting that this is a celestial body that man has visited and in that sense conquered. The thrust of the eagle and the gaze of Apollo to the right and toward Saturn and the galaxy is meant to imply that man's goals in space will someday include the planets and perhaps the stars. The colors of the emblem are red, white and blue, the colors of our flag; with the addition of gold, to symbolize the golden age of space flight that will begin with this Apollo 17 lunar landing. The Apollo image used in this emblem was the famous Apollo of Belvedere sculpture now in the Vatican Gallery in Rome. This emblem was designed by artist Robert T. McCall in collaboration with the astronauts.