Håkan Hedenmalm
Per Jan Håkan Hedenmalm, född den 25 augusti 1961 i Karlstad, är en svensk matematiker.
Hedenmalm deltog 1978 i Unga Forskare, fick första pris för uppsatsen Några exempel på generaliseringar från naturliga tal till reella tal, och deltog därefter med en engelsk översättning av uppsatsen även i ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair)[1] i Orange County, California, samma år, även denna gång med första pris. Han disputerade 1985 i Uppsala med Yngve Domar som handledare.
Hedenmalm har främst bidragit till utvecklingen av teorin för Bergman-rum, uppkallade efter den polsk-amerikanske matematikern Stefan Bergman, och åtföljande reproducerande kärnor i en komplex dimension.[2] Han fick Wallenbergpriset 1992, och 1996 blev han inbjuden talare vid 2ECM (andra europeiska matematiker-kongressen) i Budapest. 1996 blev han professor vid Lunds universitet och 1997 invald i Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund. År 2000 tilldelades han Göran Gustafssons pris (KVA).[3] År 2015 fick han Eva och Lars Gårdings pris från Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet.[4] År 2018 blev han invald i Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab (DKNVS).
Hedenmalm har samarbetat med ett flertal andra matematiker, exempelvis Alexander Borichev, Serguei Shimorin och Nikolai Makarov. Han är sedan 2002 verksam som professor vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) i Stockholm.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1985). On the primary ideal structure at infinity for analytic Beurling algebras. Arkiv för Matematik, vol 23, pp. 129--158
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1986). A comparison between the closed modular ideals in L1(w) and l1(w). Mathematica Scandinavica vol 58, pp. 275--300.
- Hedenmalm (1987). Bounded analytic functions and closed ideals. Journal d'Analyse Mathématique vol 48, pp. 142--166
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1987). Thin interpolating sequences and three algebras of bounded functions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society vol 99, pp. 489--495
- Gorkin, Pamela; Hedenmalm, Haakan; Mortini, Raymond (1987). A Beurling-Rudin theorem for H∞. Illinois Journal of Mathematics vol 31, pp. 629--644.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1988). Superalgebras and closed ideals. Commentationes Mathematicae (Prace Matematyczne) vol 28, pp. 73--79
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1988). Comparisons of ideal structures in algebras of analytic functions of several complex variables. Mathematica Scandinavica vol 63, pp. 305--314
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1988). Outer functions in function algebras on the bidisc. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society vol 306, pp. 697--714
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1988). Outer functions of several complex variables. Journal of Functional Analysis vol 80, pp. 9--15.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1989). Translates of functions of two variables. Duke Mathematical Journal vol 58, pp. 251--297. Erratum (1996).
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1989). Closed ideals in the ball algebra. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society vol 21, 469--474.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan, Shields, Allen Lowell (1990). Invariant subspaces in Banach spaces of analytic functions. Michigan Mathematical Journal vol 37 (1990), pp. 91--104.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1990). Closed ideals in the bidisc algebra. Arkiv för Matematik vol 28, pp. 111--117.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1991). Formal power series and nearly analytic functions. Archiv der Mathematik vol 57, pp. 61--70.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1991). A factorization theorem for square area-integrable analytic functions. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik vol 422, pp. 45--68.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan; Zhu, Kehe (1992). On the failure of optimal factorization in certain weighted Bergman spaces. Complex Variables, Theory and Applications vol 19, pp. 165--176.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1993). A factoring theorem for a weighted Bergman space. St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal vol 4 (1993), 163--174.
- Borichev, Alexander; Hedenmalm, Haakan (1993). Approximation in a class of Banach algebras of quasianalytically smooth analytic functions. Journal of Functional Analysis vol 115, pp. 359--390.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1993). An invariant subspace of the Bergman space having the codimension two property. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik vol 443, pp. 1--9.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1993). Spectral properties of invariant subspaces in the Bergman space. Journal of Functional Analysis vol 116, 441--448.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1994). A factoring theorem for the Bergman space. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society vol 26, pp. 113--126.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1994). A computation of Green functions for the weighted biharmonic operators Δ|z|-2αΔ, with α>1. Duke Mathematical Journal vol 75, pp. 51--78.
- Ehrsson, H.; Andersson, A.; Elfsson, B.; Hedenmalm, H. (1994). Determination of the acid dissociation constant for cis-diamineaquachloroplatinum(II)-ion. A hydrolysis product of cisplatin. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences vol 83, 859--862.
- Borichev, Alexander; Hedenmalm, Haakan (1995). Completeness of translates in weighted spaces on the half-line. Acta Mathematica vol 174, pp. 1--84.
- Ben Natan, Y.; Benyamini, Y.; Hedenmalm, H.; Weit, Y. (1995). Wiener's tauberian theorem in L1(G//K) and harmonic functions in the unit disk. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society vol 32, pp. 43--49.
- Borichev, Alexander; Hedenmalm, Haakan (1995) Cyclicity in Bergman-type spaces. International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN) vol 5, pp. 253--262.
- Hedenmalm, H.; Korenblum, B.; Zhu, K. (1996). Beurling-type invariant subspaces of the Bergman spaces. Journal of the London Mathematical Society vol 53, pp. 601--614.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan; Richter, Stefan; Seip, Kristian (1996). Interpolating sequences and invariant subspaces of given index in the Bergman spaces. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik vol 477, pp. 13--30.
- Ben Natan, Y.; Benyamini, Y.; Hedenmalm, H.; Weit, Y. (1996). Wiener's tauberian theorem for spherical functions on the automorphism group of the unit disk. Arkiv för Matematik vol 34, pp. 199--224.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1997). Boundary value problems for weighted biharmonic operators. St Petersburg Mathematical Journal vol 8, pp. 661--674.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan; Lindqvist, Peter; Seip, Kristian (1997). A Hilbert space of Dirichlet series and systems of dilated functions in L2(0,1). Duke Mathematical Journal vol 86, pp. 1--37.
- Borichev, Alexander; Hedenmalm, Haakan (1997). Harmonic functions of maximal growth: invertibility and cyclicity in Bergman spaces. Journal of the American Mathematical Society vol 10, pp. 761--796.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (1998). Maximal invariant subspaces in the Bergman space. Arkiv för Matematik vol 36, pp. 97--101.
- Abkar, Ali; Hedenmalm, Haakan (1998). Invariant subspaces on multiply connected domains. Publicacions Matemàtiques vol 42, pp. 521--557.
- Jakobsson, S.; Shimorin, S.; Hedenmalm, H. (1999). A maximum principle à la Hadamard for biharmonic operators with applications to the Bergman spaces. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences (Paris) vol 328 I, pp. 973--978.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan; Lindqvist, Peter; Seip, Kristian (1999). Addendum to "A Hilbert space of Dirichlet series and systems of dilated functions in L2(0,1)". Duke Mathematical Journal vol 99, pp. 175--178.
- Gordon, Julia; Hedenmalm, Haakan (1999). The composition operators on the space of Dirichlet series with square summable coefficients. Michigan Mathematical Journal vol 46, pp. 313-329.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (2000). An off-diagonal estimate of Bergman kernels. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées vol 79, pp- 163--172.
- Abkar, Ali; Hedenmalm, Haakan (2001). Invariant subspaces in quasi-Banach spaces of analytic functions. St Petersburg Mathematical Journal vol 12, 83--100.
- Abkar, Ali; Hedenmalm, Haakan (2001). A Riesz representation formula for super-biharmonic functions. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica vol 26 (2001), pp. 305--324.
- Hedenmalm, H.; Shimorin, S. (2002). Hele-Shaw flow on hyperbolic surfaces. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées vol 81, pp. 187--222.
- Hedenmalm, H.; Jakobsson, S.; Shimorin, S. (2002). A biharmonic maximum principle for hyperbolic surfaces. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik vol 550, pp. 25--75.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (2002). The dual of a Bergman space on simply connected domains. Journal d'Analyse Mathématique vol 88, pp. 311--335.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan; Saksman, Eero (2003). Carleson's convergence theorem for Dirichlet series. Pacific Journal of Mathematics vol 208, pp. 85--109.
- Borichev, A.; Hedenmalm, H.; Volberg, A. (2004). Large Bergman spaces: invertibility, cyclicity, and subspaces of high index. Journal of Functional Analysis vol 207, pp. 111-160.
- Hedenmalm, H.; Perdomo G., Y. (2004). Mean value surfaces with prescribed curvature form. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées vol 83, pp. 1075--1107.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (2004). A note on Poincaré metric related quantities in conformal mapping. Complex Variables, Theory and Application vol 49, pp. 549--554.
- Aleman, A.; Beliaev, D.; Hedenmalm, H. (2004). Real zero polynomials and Pólya-Schur type theorems. Journal d'Analyse Mathématique vol 94, pp. 49--60.
- Hedenmalm, H.; Shimorin, S. (2005). Weighted Bergman spaces and the integral means spectrum of conformal mappings. Duke Mathematical Journal vol 127, pp. 341--393.
- Hedenmalm, H.; Olofsson, A. (2005). Hele-Shaw flow on weakly hyperbolic surfaces. Indiana University Mathematics Journal vol 54, pp. 1161--1180.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (2006). On the asymptotic free boundary for the American put option problem. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol 314, pp. 345--362.
- Abuzyarova, N.; Hedenmalm, H. (2006). Branch point area methods in conformal mapping. Journal d'Analyse Mathématique vol 99, pp. 177--198.
- Hedenmalm, H.; Shimorin, S. (2007). On the universal integral means spectrum of conformal mappings near the origin. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society vol 135, pp. 2249--2255.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan; Kayumov, Ilgiz (2007). On the Makarov law of the iterated logarithm. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society vol 135, pp. 2235--2248.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan; Sola, Alan (2008). Spectral notions for conformal maps: a survey. Computational Methods and Function Theory vol 8, No. 2, pp. 447--474.
- Hedenmalm, H.; Shimorin, S.; Sola, A. (2008). Norm expansion along a zero variety. Journal of Functional Analysis vol 254, pp. 1601--1625.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (2008). Planar Beurling transform and Grunsky inequalities. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica vol 33, no. 2, pp. 585--596.
- Baranov, Anton; Hedenmalm, Haakan (2008). Boundary properties of Green functions in the plane. Duke Mathematical Journal vol 145, pp. 1--24.
- Ameur, Y.; Hedenmalm, H.; Makarov, N. (2010). Berezin transform in polynomial Bergman spaces. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics vol 63 no. 12, pp. 1533--1584.
- Hedenmalm, H.; Montes-Rodriguez, A. (2011). Heisenberg uniqueness pairs and the Klein-Gordon equation. Annals of Mathematics vol 173, pp. 1507--1527.
- Ameur, Y.; Hedenmalm, H.; Makarov, N. (2011). Fluctuations of eigenvalues of random normal matrices. Duke Mathematical Journal vol 159, pp. 31--81.
- Hedenmalm, H.; Shirokov, N. (2011). The Keldysh-Lavrentiev counterexample and means of powers of the derivative of conformal mappings. 1. Construction of the mappings. Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI vol 389, pp. 252--256.
- Hedenmalm, Haakan (2012). The Beurling operator for the hyperbolic plane. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica vol 37, pp. 3--18.
Externa länkar
- ^ ”Intel International Science and Engineering Fair” (på engelska). Wikipedia. 2019-03-31. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Intel_International_Science_and_Engineering_Fair&oldid=890233685. Läst 13 april 2019.
- ^ Se H. Hedenmalm, B. Korenblum, K. Zhu: Theory of Bergman Spaces. Graduate Texts in Mathematics 199, Springer 2000.
- ^ ”Göran Gustafssons Stiftelse”. archive.is. 4 augusti 2012. Arkiverad från originalet den 4 augusti 2012. https://archive.today/20120804074015/http://www.gustafssonsstiftelse.se/kva/tidigare.html. Läst 13 april 2019.
- ^ ”2015”. www.fysiografen.se. Arkiverad från originalet den 13 april 2019. https://web.archive.org/web/20190413184011/https://www.fysiografen.se/sv/medaljer-priser/2015/. Läst 13 april 2019.