God Bless Anguilla
God Bless Anguilla är Anguillas nationalsång. Den betraktas som den inofficiella lokala nationalsången då den officiella fortfarande är "God Save the Queen".
- God bless Anguilla
- Nurture and keep her
- Noble and beauteous
- She stands midst the sea
- Oh land of the happy
- A haven we’ll make thee
- Our lives and love
- We give unto thee
- Nurture and keep her
- Refrain
- With heart and soul
- We’ll build a nation
- Proud, strong and free
- We’ll love her hold her
- Dear to our hearts for eternity
- Let truth and right
- our banner be
- We’ll march ever on
- We’ll build a nation
- Mighty we’ll make
- Long may she prosper
- God grant her leaders
- wisdom and grace
- May glory and honour
- Ever attend her
- Firm shall she stand
- Throughout every age
- Long may she prosper