
Freja. Illustration till Wagners Rhenguldet av Arthur Rackham från 1910.

Fruktbarhetsgudar är inom olika polyteistiska mytologier och religioner begreppet för gudomar som associeras med alstring av nytt liv, såväl naturens frodighet som jordbrukens skördar och människors fertilitet. Såväl manliga som kvinnliga gudomar och avgudar avbildas vanligen med typiska fruktbarhetssymboler med sexuell innebörd.

Till fruktbarhetsgudar hör: Frej, Freja, Flora, Amon, Apis, Baal, Bastet, Hapy, Khnum, Menevis, Min, Osiris, Ptah, Sebek, Taueret, Liber, Saturnus, Priapos. Ala, Amaunet, Anahita, Dionysos, Faunus, Indra, Karttikeya, Kunapipi, Nekhebet, Nerthus, Ningizzida, Pachamama, Satis, Dumuzi, Viracocha

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Question book-4.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Tkgd2007, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A new incarnation of Image:Question_book-3.svg, which was uploaded by user AzaToth. This file is available on the English version of Wikipedia under the filename en:Image:Question book-new.svg
Pompeya erótica5.jpg
Untitled, nicknamed "Priapus with Caduceus", "Priapus-Mercury", or erroneously "Well-endowed Mercury": a character with the beard and giant erect phallus of Priapus is walking away with the caduceus and winged sandals of Mercury (supposedly, the humour was to see Priapus thieving the god of thieves, but both are gods of fertility and abundance). Anonymous fresco in Pompeii, between 89 BC and 79 AD. Museo Archeologico Nazionale (Naples), Italia.

One of en:Arthur Rackham's illustrations from en:1910 to Wagner's en:Das Rheingold.