Frankrikes Grand Prix

Frankrike Frankrikes Grand Prix
Circuit Paul Ricard

Frankrikes Grand Prix är en racingtävling som körs i Frankrike sedan 1906. Då vanns loppet av ungraren Ferenc Szisz.

Loppet är sedan 1950 en deltävling i formel 1-VM och har därefter arrangerats samtliga säsonger utom 1955 samt säsongerna 2009-2017 och 2020.

Frankrikes GP har under åren körts på flera banor. Formel 1-loppen har i huvudsak körts på Circuit de Reims-Gueux, Circuit de Dijon-Prenois, Circuit Paul Ricard och Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours.

Vinnare av Frankrikes Grand Prix

Ljusröd bakgrund betyder att loppet inte ingick i formel 1-VM.

Ljusgul bakgrund betyder att loppet ingick i Europamästerskapet för Grand Prix-förare.

1906Le MansUngern Ferenc SziszRenault
1907DieppeItalien Felice NazzaroFiat
1908DieppeTyskland Christian LautenschlagerMercedes
1909 -
Inga tävlingar
1912DieppeFrankrike Georges BoillotPeugeot
1913AmiensFrankrike Georges BoillotPeugeot
1914LyonTyskland Christian LautenschlagerMercedes
1915 -
Inga tävlingar
1921Le MansUSA Jimmy MurphyDuesenberg - Miller
1922StrasbourgItalien Felice NazzaroFiat
1923ToursStorbritannien Henry SegraveSunbeam
1924LyonItalien Giuseppe CampariAlfa Romeo
1925MontlhéryFrankrike Robert BenoistDelage
Frankrike Albert Divo
1926MiramasFrankrike Jules GouxBugatti
1927MontlhéryFrankrike Robert BenoistDelage
1928Saint-GaudensStorbritannien William Grover-WilliamsBugatti
1929Le MansStorbritannien William Grover-WilliamsBugatti
1930PauFrankrike Philippe ÉtancelinBugatti
1931MontlhéryMonaco Louis ChironBugatti
Italien Achille Varzi
1932Reims-GueuxItalien Tazio NuvolariAlfa Romeo
1933MontlhéryItalien Giuseppe CampariMaserati
1934MontlhéryMonaco Louis ChironAlfa Romeo
1935MontlhéryTyskland Rudolf CaracciolaMercedes-Benz
1936*MontlhéryFrankrike Jean-Pierre WimilleBugatti
Frankrike Raymond Sommer
1937*MontlhéryMonaco Louis ChironTalbot-Lago
1938Reims-GueuxTyskland Manfred von BrauchitschMercedes-Benz
1939Reims-GueuxTyskland Hermann Paul MüllerAuto Union
1940 -
Inga tävlingar
1947Lyon-ParillyMonaco Louis ChironTalbot-Lago
1948Reims-GueuxFrankrike Jean-Pierre WimilleAlfa Romeo
1949Reims-GueuxMonaco Louis ChironTalbot-Lago
1950Reims-GueuxArgentina Juan Manuel FangioAlfa Romeo
1951Reims-GueuxArgentina Juan Manuel FangioAlfa Romeo
Italien Luigi Fagioli
1952Rouen-les-EssartsItalien Alberto AscariFerrari
1953Reims-GueuxStorbritannien Mike HawthornFerrari
1954Reims-GueuxArgentina Juan Manuel FangioMercedes-Benz
1955Ingen tävling
1956Reims-GueuxStorbritannien Peter CollinsFerrari
1957Rouen-les-EssartsArgentina Juan Manuel FangioMaserati
1958Reims-GueuxStorbritannien Mike HawthornFerrari
1959Reims-GueuxStorbritannien Tony BrooksFerrari
1960Reims-GueuxAustralien Jack BrabhamCooper-Climax
1961Reims-GueuxItalien Giancarlo BaghettiFerrari
1962Rouen-les-EssartsUSA Dan GurneyPorsche
1963Reims-GueuxStorbritannien Jim ClarkLotus-Climax
1964Rouen-les-EssartsUSA Dan GurneyBrabham-Climax
1965CharadeStorbritannien Jim ClarkLotus-Climax
1966Reims-GueuxAustralien Jack BrabhamBrabham-Repco
1967Bugatti du MansAustralien Jack BrabhamBrabham-Repco
1968Rouen-les-EssartsBelgien Jacky IckxFerrari
1969CharadeStorbritannien Jackie StewartTyrrell
1970CharadeÖsterrike Jochen RindtLotus-Ford
1971Paul RicardStorbritannien Jackie StewartTyrrell-Ford
1972CharadeStorbritannien Jackie StewartTyrrell-Ford
1973Paul RicardSverige Ronnie PetersonLotus-Ford
1974Dijon-PrenoisSverige Ronnie PetersonLotus-Ford
1975Paul RicardÖsterrike Niki LaudaFerrari
1976Paul RicardStorbritannien James HuntMcLaren-Ford
1977Dijon-PrenoisUSA Mario AndrettiLotus-Ford
1978Paul RicardUSA Mario AndrettiLotus-Ford
1979Dijon-PrenoisFrankrike Jean-Pierre JabouilleRenault
1980Paul RicardAustralien Alan JonesWilliams-Ford
1981Dijon-PrenoisFrankrike Alain ProstRenault
1982Paul RicardFrankrike René ArnouxRenault
1983Paul RicardFrankrike Alain ProstRenault
1984Dijon-PrenoisÖsterrike Niki LaudaMcLaren-TAG
1985Paul RicardBrasilien Nelson PiquetBrabham-BMW
1986Paul RicardStorbritannien Nigel MansellWilliams-Honda
1987Paul RicardStorbritannien Nigel MansellWilliams-Honda
1988Paul RicardFrankrike Alain ProstMcLaren-Honda
1989Paul RicardFrankrike Alain ProstMcLaren-Honda
1990Paul RicardFrankrike Alain ProstFerrari
1991Magny-CoursStorbritannien Nigel MansellWilliams-Renault
1992Magny-CoursStorbritannien Nigel MansellWilliams-Renault
1993Magny-CoursFrankrike Alain ProstWilliams-Renault
1994Magny-CoursTyskland Michael SchumacherBenetton-Ford
1995Magny-CoursTyskland Michael SchumacherBenetton-Renault
1996Magny-CoursStorbritannien Damon HillWilliams-Renault
1997Magny-CoursTyskland Michael SchumacherFerrari
1998Magny-CoursTyskland Michael SchumacherFerrari
1999Magny-CoursTyskland Heinz-Harald FrentzenJordan-Mugen Honda
2000Magny-CoursStorbritannien David CoulthardMcLaren-Mercedes
2001Magny-CoursTyskland Michael SchumacherFerrari
2002Magny-CoursTyskland Michael SchumacherFerrari
2003Magny-CoursTyskland Ralf SchumacherWilliams-BMW
2004Magny-CoursTyskland Michael SchumacherFerrari
2005Magny-CoursSpanien Fernando AlonsoRenault
2006Magny-CoursTyskland Michael SchumacherFerrari
2007Magny-CoursFinland Kimi RäikkönenFerrari
2008Magny-CoursBrasilien Felipe MassaFerrari
2009 -
Inga tävlingar
2018Paul RicardStorbritannien Lewis HamiltonMercedes
2019Paul RicardStorbritannien Lewis HamiltonMercedes
2020Kördes ej[a]
2021Paul RicardNederländerna Max VerstappenRed Bull
2022Paul RicardNederländerna Max VerstappenRed Bull

* Sportvagnslopp


  1. ^ Ställdes in på grund av av coronavirusutbrottet.[1]



  1. ^ Smith, Luke (27 april 2020). ”French GP announces cancellation of 2020 F1 race” (på engelska). Motorsport Network. Läst 9 maj 2021. 

Media som används på denna webbplats

Flag of Hungary (1896-1915; angels).svg
A variant of the flag of the Kingdom of Hungary used between 12 January 1896 to 6 November 1915.
Flag of Italy (1861–1946).svg
Författare/Upphovsman: F l a n k e r, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
Flag of the Kingdom of Sardinia (1851-1861) and of the Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946). Use: Civil flag and ensign. In a governmental or a military context, the crowned version (see Crowned version) was always used (as State flag and naval ensign).
Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg
US Flag with 48 stars. In use for 47 years from July 4, 1912, to July 3, 1959.
Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg
National flag and merchant ensign of Germany from 1935 to 1945.
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg
The civil ensign and flag of Belgium. It is identical to Image:Flag of Belgium.svg except that it has a 2:3 ratio, instead of 13:15.
Flag of Brazil (1968–1992).svg
The flag of Brazil from 1968 to 1992 with 23 stars.
Flag of Europe.svg
The Flag of Europe is the flag and emblem of the European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE). It consists of a circle of 12 golden (yellow) stars on a blue background. It was created in 1955 by the CoE and adopted by the EU, then the European Communities, in the 1980s.

The CoE and EU are distinct in membership and nature. The CoE is a 47-member international organisation dealing with human rights and rule of law, while the EU is a quasi-federal union of 27 states focused on economic integration and political cooperation. Today, the flag is mostly associated with the latter.

It was the intention of the CoE that the flag should come to represent Europe as a whole, and since its adoption the membership of the CoE covers nearly the entire continent. This is why the EU adopted the same flag. The flag has been used to represent Europe in sporting events and as a pro-democracy banner outside the Union.
Flag of Malaysia.svg
Flag of Malaysia – Jalur Gemilang (Stripes of Glory)
Flag of Portugal.svg
Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857–1929), officially adopted by Portuguese government in June 30th 1911 (in use since about November 1910). Color shades matching the RGB values officially reccomended here. (PMS values should be used for direct ink or textile; CMYK for 4-color offset printing on paper; this is an image for screen display, RGB should be used.)
Flag of South Africa (1928–1994).svg
Flag of South Africa, used between 1928 and 1982. It is identical to the 1982 to 1994 version except that the shade of blue is darker. It is also known as the "Oranje-Blanje-Blou".
Flag of Germany (1933-1935).svg
National flag and merchant ensign of Germany from 1933 to 1935.
Circut Paul Ricard 2018 layout map.png
Författare/Upphovsman: Bbb2007, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Circuit Paul Ricard layout used in 2018, including altered chicane on Mistral Straight
Flag of Nevada.svg
Flag of the State of Nevada. The flag is described in Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 235, Sec. 20 as follows: The body of the flag must be of solid cobalt blue. On the field in the upper left quarter thereof must be two sprays of Sagebrush with the stems crossed at the bottom to form a half wreath. Within the sprays must be a five-pointed silver star with one point up. The word “Nevada” must also be inscribed below the star and above the sprays, in a semicircular pattern with the letters spaced apart in equal increments, in the same style of letters as the words “Battle Born.” Above the wreath, and touching the tips thereof, must be a scroll bearing the words “Battle Born.” The scroll and the word “Nevada” must be golden-yellow. The lettering on the scroll must be black-colored sans serif gothic capital letters.