Florida, Massachusetts

Kommun (town)
Delstat Massachusetts
CountyBerkshire County
Höjdläge578 m ö.h.
Koordinater42°40′49″N 73°0′52″V / 42.68028°N 73.01444°V / 42.68028; -73.01444
Area63,7 km²
Folkmängd694 (2020)[2]
Befolkningstäthet11 invånare/km²
TidszonEST (UTC-5)
 - sommartidEDT (UTC-4)
ZIP-kod01247 och 01343
Florida i delstaten Massachusetts
Florida i delstaten Massachusetts
Florida i delstaten Massachusetts
Massachusetts läge i USA
Massachusetts läge i USA
Massachusetts läge i USA
Wikimedia Commons: Florida, Massachusetts
Webbplats: https://www.townofflorida.org/
Redigera Wikidata

Florida är en kommun (town) i Berkshire County, Massachusetts, USA med cirka 676 invånare (2000).


  1. ^ hämtat från: engelskspråkiga Wikipedia.[källa från Wikidata]
  2. ^ United States Census Bureau (red.), USA:s folkräkning 2020, läs online, läst: 1 januari 2022.[källa från Wikidata]

Media som används på denna webbplats

Seal of Florida, Massachusetts.png
Seal of the Town of Florida
Flag of Florida, Massachusetts.jpg
Flag of Florida, Massachusetts! In 1997 the 3rd, 5th, and 6th grades at the Gabriel Abbott Memorial School took a field trip to the Statehouse in Boston where there is a large hall with flags hanging overhead from towns all across the state. Teachers and chaperones on the trip realized a flag from the town of Florida was not flying. A short time after the trip, a town flag design contest was organized by art teacher Brigitta Furhman, in which the 5th through the 8th grades participated. Teachers Mary Scanlon, Alfred Gallese and Denise Chesbro judged the entries and chose two designs-one centering around the eastern portal of the Hoosac Tunnel and the other, the elk statue at the Whitcomb Summit on the Mohawk Trail. One design was created by Ian Downey, son of Christopher Downey and the late Barbara Downey, and the other was created by Shelby Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lewis. The two designs were combined with the Elk perched atop the Hoosac Tunnel and this design was then approved by the selectmen. Carolyn Cummings of the town of Florida has made two flags-one for the Statehouse and one that is displayed in the school. Jeffrey Burdick, chairman of the Adrian J. Poirot Veterans Memorial Committee, has commissioned a third flag to be hung in the town office building and to be used at town functions, such as the Memorial Day service. At the Memorial Day service on May 29, 2000, Shelby Lewis and Ian Downey were awarded certificates of appreciation for their flag design and Carolyn Cummings received the Betsy Ross award for sewing the new flags.
Map of USA MA.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: This version: uploader
Base versions this one is derived from: originally created by en:User:Wapcaplet, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Map of USA with Massachusetts highlighted
Florida MA.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Psejko01engelska Wikipedia, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
I took this picture. I consider it a vital addition to the article of the fine town of Florida, Massachusetts.
Berkshire County Massachusetts incorporated and unincorporated areas Florida highlighted.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Rcsprinter123, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Map showing the location of this town within Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Data source: 2010 U.S. census
Florida Baptist Church, Florida MA.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: John Phelan, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Florida Baptist Church, Florida Massachusetts