Fjodor Jurtjichin

Fjodor Nikolajevitj Jurtjichin
(Фёдор Николаевич Юрчихин)
Fjodor Jurtjichin.
Fjodor Jurtjichin.
TillståndEj aktiv
Född3 januari 1959[1]
Batumi, Georgiska SSR, Sovjetunionen
Tid i rymden672 dag, 20 tim, 38 min[1]
Antal rymd­promenader9 st
Rymdpromenad­tid59 tim, 28 min
UppdragSTS-112, Sojuz TMA-10, Expedition 15, Sojuz TMA-19, Expedition 24/25, Sojuz TMA-09M, Expedition 36/37, Sojuz MS-04, Expedition 51/52

Fjodor Nikolajevitj Jurtjichin (ryska: Фёдор Николаевич Юрчихин), född 3 januari 1959 i Batumi, är en rysk kosmonaut. Han tillhörde Expedition 15, Expedition 24/25, Expedition 36/37 och Expedition 51/52 på rymdstationen ISS.


Jurtjichin är gift och har två döttrar.


Han har deltagit i


  1. ^ [a b] ”Spacefacts” (på engelska). Spacefacts. Läst 19 december 2017. 

Media som används på denna webbplats

ISS Expedition 36 Patch.png
The dynamic design of the Expedition 36 patch portrays the International Space Station's (ISS) iconic solar arrays. The slanted angles denote a kinetic energy leading from the Earth in the lower right to the upper left tip of the triangular shape of the patch, representing the infinite scientific research, education, and long-duration spaceflight capabilities the ISS provides with each mission, as well as our goal for future exploration beyond the Space Station. The numbers 3 and 6 harmoniously intertwine to form expedition number 36 and its gray coloration signifies the unity and neutrality among all of the international partners of the ISS. The blue and gold color scheme of the patch represents the subtle way the central gold orbit wraps around the number 36 to form a trident at its lower right tip. The trident also symbolizes the sea, air, and land, all of which make up the Earth from where the trident originates in the design.
ISS Expedition 37 Patch.png
Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, created some 525 years ago, as a blend of art and science and a symbol of the medical profession, is depicted amongst the orbits of a variety of satellites circling the Earth at great speed. Da Vinci's drawing, based on the proportions of man as described by the Roman architect Vitruvius, is often used as a symbol of symmetry of the human body and the universe as a whole. Almost perfect in symmetry as well, the International Space Station, with its solar wings spread out and illuminated by the first rays of dawn, is pictured as a mighty beacon arcing upwards across our night skies, the ultimate symbol of science and technology of our age. Six stars represent the six members of Expedition 37 crew, which includes two cosmonauts with a medical background, as well as a native of Da Vinci's Italy.
ISS Expedition 25 Patch.png
The mission patch design for the 25th Expedition to the International Space Station (ISS) pays tribute to the rich history of innovation and bold engineering in the quest for knowledge, exploration and discovery in space. The patch highlights the symbolic passing of the torch to the ISS, as the vehicle that will carry us into the future of space exploration. The Space Shuttle Program emblem is the foundation of the patch and forms the Greek letter 'Alpha' with a new dawn breaking at the center, symbolizing a new vision for space exploration. The Alpha symbol is overlaid by the Greek letter 'Omega', paying tribute to the culmination of the Space Shuttle Program. The mission designation '25' is shown centered at the bottom of the patch, symbolizing the point in time when the Space Shuttle, the workhorse of the ISS assembly process, will make its final visit to the ISS. Between the '25' and the Earth crescent, the orbiter is shown returning to Earth on its final journey, during the Expedition 25 mission. Above Earth and the breaking dawn, the ISS takes center-stage, completed and fully equipped to carry us beyond this new dawn to new voyages and discoveries. The orbit connecting the ISS and the Earth is drawn in the colors of the United States and Russian flags; paying tribute to the blended heritage of the crew. The two largest stars in the field represent the arrival and departure of the crews in separate Russian Soyuz vehicles. The six stars in the field represent the six crew members. The International Space Station abbreviation 'ISS' and 'MKC' - in English and Russian, respectively - flank the mission number designation, and the names of the crew members in their native languages border the ISS symbol.
Cosmonaut Fyodor Nikolayevich Yurchikhin, STS-112 mission specialist representing Rosaviakosmos.
ISS Expedition 52 Patch.svg
The Expedition 52 crew insignia
  • Our planet is shown surrounded by an imaginary constellation shaped like a house, depicting the theme of the patch: “The Earth is our home.” It is our precious cradle, to be preserved for all future generations. The house of stars just touches the Moon, acknowledging the first steps we have already taken there, while Mars is not far away, just beyond the International Space Station, symbolized by the Roman numeral “LII,” signifying the expedition number.
  • The planets Saturn and Jupiter, seen orbiting farther away, symbolize humanity’s exploration of deeper space, which will begin soon. A small Sputnik is seen circling the Earth on the same orbit with the ISS, bridging the beginning of our cosmic quest till now: Expedition 52 will launch in 2017, sixty years after that first satellite.
  • Two groups of crew names signify the pair of Soyuz vehicles that will launch the astronauts of Expedition 52 to the Station.
ISS Expedition 15 Patch.svg
The operational teamwork between human space flight controllers and the on-orbit crew take center stage in this emblem. Against a backdrop familiar to all flight controllers, past and present, independent of any nationality, the fifteenth expedition to the ISS is represented in Roman numeral form as part of the ground track traces emblazoned on the Mercator projection of the home planet Earth. The ISS, shown in its fully operational, assembly complete configuration, unfurls and then reunites the flags of this Russian and American crew in a show of our continuing international cooperation. Golden spheres placed strategically on the ground track near the flight control centers of the United States and Russia serve to symbolize both the joint efforts from each nation's team of flight controllers and the shuttle and Soyuz crew vehicles in their chase orbit as they rendezvous with the ISS. A rising sun provides a classic touch to the emblem signifying the perpetual nature of manned space flight operations and their origin in these two space-faring nations.
STS-112 Patch.svg
The STS-112 emblem symbolizes the ninth assembly mission (9A) to the International Space Station (ISS), a flight which is designed to deliver the Starboard 1 (S1) truss segment. The 30,000 pound truss segment will be lifted to orbit in the payload bay of the Space Shuttle Atlantis and installed using the ISS robotic arm. Three space walks will then be carried out to complete connections between the truss and ISS. Future missions will extend the truss structure to a span of over 350 feet so that it can support the solar arrays and radiators which provide the electrical power and cooling for ISS. The STS-112 emblem depicts ISS from the viewpoint of a departing shuttle, with the installed S1 truss segment outlined in red. A gold trail represents a portion of the Shuttle rendezvous trajectory. Where the trajectory meets ISS, a nine-pointed star represents the combined on-orbit team of six shuttle and three ISS crew members who together will complete the S1 truss installation. The trajectory continues beyond the ISS, ending in a six-pointed star representing the Atlantis and the STS-112 crew.
ISS Expedition 51 Patch.png
Official crew patch of Expedition 51 during their mission to the International Space.
ISS Expedition 24 Patch.svg
The official crew patch for Expedition 24, the 24th long-duration mission to the International Space Station.
  • Science and Exploration are the cornerstones of NASA's mission onboard the International Space Station (ISS). This emblem signifies the dawn of a new era in our program's history. With each new expedition, as we approach assembly complete, our focus shifts toward the research nature of this world-class facility. Prominently placed in the foreground, the ISS silhouette leads the horizon. Each ray of the sun represents the five international partner organizations that encompass this cooperative program. Expedition 24 is one of the first missions expanding to a crew of six. These crews, symbolized here as stars arranged in two groups of three, will launch on Soyuz vehicles. The unbroken flight track symbolizes our continuous human presence in space, representing all who have and will dedicate themselves as crew and citizens of the International Space Station.