Expedition 8

Expedition 8
Expedition 8 insignia.svg
Start:20 oktober 2003, 07:15:58 UTC[1]
Slut:29 april 2004, 20:52:09 UTC[1]
Tid:192 dag 13 tim 36 min 11 sek
Antal besättningsmedlemmar:2
Antal rymdpromenader:1 st
Total tid:3 tim 55 min
Uppskjutning:18 oktober 2003, 05:38:03 UTC med Sojuz TMA-3
Uppskjutningsplats:Kosmodromen i Bajkonur
Landning:30 april 2004, 00:11:15 UTC med Sojuz TMA-3
Föregående expedition
Expedition 7
Nästa expedition
Expedition 9
Expedition 8 besättning.

Expedition 8 var den 8:e expeditionen till Internationella rymdstationen (ISS). Expeditionen började den 20 oktober 2003Expedition 7:s besättning återvände till jorden med Sojuz TMA-2. Expedition avslutades den 29 april 2004Sojuz TMA-3 återvände till jorden med Expedition 8:s besättning.


Position(20 oktober 2003 - 29 april 2004)
BefälhavareUSA C. Michael Foale, NASA
Hans sjätte rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 1Ryssland Aleksandr Kaleri, RSA
Hans fjärde rymdfärd

Original besättning

Före haveriet av rymdfärjan Columbia den 16 januari 2003 skulle besättningen bestått av följande tre personer.

BefälhavareUSA William S. McArthur, NASA
Flygingenjör 1Ryssland Aleksandr Kaleri, RSA
Flygingenjör 2Ryssland Valery I. Tokarev, RSA


  1. ^ [a b] NASA's Space Station Expedition 8, läst 28 augusti 2016.

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Media som används på denna webbplats

Expedition 7 insignia.svg
The International Space Station (ISS) Expedition Seven patch consists of two elliptical orbits which evoke the histories of the two space programs from which the crew is drawn. The Russian and American flags are intersecting, representing the peaceful cooperation of the many countries contributing to the ISS. Two stars indicate the Station's goals of contributing to life on Earth through science and commerce.
Expedition 9 insignia.svg
This emblem represents the Ninth Expedition to the International Space Station. The Soyuz rocket and letter "X" combine into the Roman numeral IX. The "X" evokes Exploration, which is at the core of the indivisible partnership of the two space pioneering nations. Research aboard ISS will lead to human exploration of the Moon and Mars. This pursuit is strengthened by the common memory of the astronauts and cosmonauts who gave their lives in this valiant endeavor. Their stars form the leading edge of the wings of the eagle spirit that embodies Human Space Flight. The Astronaut symbol is flanked by the Expedition 9 crew names leaning together, with a "9" stylized as the plume of their rocket. The baton of great discovery is passed to the crew of the spaceship advancing to their orbital outpost.
Expedition 8 insignia.svg
This emblem represents the eighth long-duration expedition to the International Space Station. The banner encircling the Earth, as a stylized figure 8, combines the flags of the partner nations represented by the crew. The International Space Station is portrayed above the Earth in its assembly complete configuration. The names of the two crewmembers, Michael Foale and Alexander Kaleri, are depicted in the border.
ISS Expedition 8 crew.jpg
Astronaut C. Michael Foale (right), Expedition 8 mission commander, and cosmonaut Alexander Y. Kaleri, flight engineer, pose for their crew portrait while in training at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia for their scheduled launch in a Soyuz TMA-3 spacecraft later this year. Kaleri represents Rosaviakosmos.