Expedition 50

Expedition 50
ISS Expedition 50 Patch.png
Start:30 oktober 2016[1]
Slut:10 april 2017
Antal besättningsmedlemmar:6 st
Antal rymdpromenader:4 st
Total tid:26 timmar, 8 minuter
Uppskjutning:med Sojuz MS-02, Sojuz MS-03
Uppskjutningsplats:Kosmodromen i Bajkonur
Landning:med Sojuz MS-02, Sojuz MS-03
Föregående expedition
Expedition 49
Nästa expedition
Expedition 51
Expedition 50 besättning.

Expedition 50 är den 50:e expeditionen till Internationella rymdstationen (ISS). Expeditionen började 30 oktober 2016 då delar av Expedition 49s besättning återvände till jorden med Sojuz MS-01.

Oleg Novitskiy, Peggy Whitson och Thomas Pesquet anlände till stationen med Sojuz MS-03 den 19 november 2016.

Expeditionen avslutades den 10 april 2017 då Sergey N. Ryzhikov, Andrej I. Borisenko och Robert S. Kimbrough återvände till jorden med Sojuz MS-02.


PositionFörsta delen
(30 oktober - 17 november 2016)
Andra delen
(17 november 2016 - 10 april 2017)
BefälhavareUSA Robert S. Kimbrough, NASA
Hans andra rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 1Ryssland Sergey N. Ryzhikov, RSA
Hans första rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 2Ryssland Andrej I. Borisenko, RSA
Hans andra rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 3USA Peggy Whitson, NASA
Hennes tredje rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 4Ryssland Oleg Novitskiy, RSA
Hans andra rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 5Frankrike Thomas Pesquet, ESA
Hans första rymdfärd


  1. ^ NASA's Space Station Expedition 50 Arkiverad 18 juli 2019 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., läst 20 november 2016.

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Media som används på denna webbplats

ISS Expedition 50 Patch.png
Official crew Patch of Expedition 50 on the International Space Station.
  • The Expedition 50 patch encompasses the spirit of human exploration from previous missions to the moon to current exploration on the International Space Station (ISS). The red border symbolizes future human exploration of Mars – the Red Planet. Our home planet Earth is prominent in the patch to remind us that everything done on the mission is to help people on Earth – “Off the Earth, For the Earth.” The background colors of red, white, and blue represent the national colors of all six crew members – United States, Russia, and France. The six stars represent the families of all six crewmembers. Finally, the numeral 50 signifies the 50th Expedition to the ISS.
ISS Expedition 51 Patch.svg
Official crew patch of Expedition 51 during their mission to the International Space.
  • From as early as the 11th century, coats of arms have been used as emblems representing groups as small as families to as large as countries. The Expedition 51 patch is designed as a modernized international coat of arms, blending the traditional shield shape with our modernized symbol of achievement, the International Space Station. The background represents our home world and its inhabitants on the left, and outer space to the right. The bi-color International Space Station is the bridge between the two, symbolizing the benefits on Earth of space research, and at the same time our mission to explore deeper into space, on a path to further discovery and knowledge.
ISS Expedition 49 Patch.png
The Expedition 49 crew insignia
Expedition 50 crew portrait.jpg
Expedition 50 official crew portrait with (from left) Andrei Borisenko, Shane Kimbrough, Sergei Ryzhikov, Thomas Pesquet, Peggy Whitson and Oleg Novitsky.