Expedition 42

Expedition 42
ISS Expedition 42 Patch.svg
Start:10 november 2014[1]
Slut:11 mars 2015[1]
Antal besättningsmedlemmar:6 st
Antal rymdpromenader:3 st
Total tid:19 timmar, 2 minuter
Uppskjutning:med Sojuz TMA-14M, Sojuz TMA-15M
Uppskjutningsplats:Kosmodromen i Bajkonur
Landning:med Sojuz TMA-14M, Sojuz TMA-15M
Föregående expedition
Expedition 41
Nästa expedition
Expedition 43
Expedition 42 besättning.

Expedition 42 var den 42:e expeditionen till Internationella rymdstationen (ISS). Expeditionen började den 10 november 2014 då delar av Expedition 41s besättning återvände till jorden med Sojuz TMA-13M.

Anton N. Sjkaplerov, Samantha Cristoforetti och Terry W. Virts anlände till stationen med Sojuz TMA-15M den 24 november 2014.

Expeditionen avslutades den 11 mars 2015Aleksandr M. Samokutjajev, Jelena Serova och Barry E. Wilmore återvände till jorden med Sojuz TMA-14M.


PositionFörsta delen
(10 - 24 november 2014)
Andra delen
(24 november - 11 mars 2015)
BefälhavareUSA Barry E. Wilmore, NASA
Hans andra rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 1Ryssland Aleksandr M. Samokutjajev, RSA
Hans andra rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 2Ryssland Jelena Serova, RSA
Hennes första rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 3Ryssland Anton N. Sjkaplerov, RSA
Hans andra rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 4Italien Samantha Cristoforetti, ESA
Hennes första rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 5USA Terry W. Virts, NASA
Hans andra rymdfärd


  1. ^ [a b] NASA's Space Station Expedition 42 Arkiverad 22 december 2019 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., läst 3 september 2016.

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Media som används på denna webbplats

ISS Expedition 43 Patch.svg
The hexagon (six-sided) shape of the Expedition 43 patch represents the six crew members living and working onboard the orbital outpost. The International Space Station (ISS) is portrayed in orbit around the Earth, representing the multi-national partnership that has constructed, developed, and continues to operate the ISS for the benefit of all humankind. The sunrise marks the beginning of a new day, reflecting the fact that we're at the dawn of our history as a space faring species. The moon and planets represent future exploration of our solar system, for which the ISS is a stepping stone. Finally, the five stars honor the crews who have lost their lives during the pursuit of human spaceflight.
ISS Expedition 41 Patch.svg
The Expedition 41 crew members have released their patch and have written some text to go along with it:
  • "Portraying the road of human exploration into our vastly unknown universe, all elements of the Expedition 41 patch build from the foundation, our Earth, to the stars beyond our solar system. The focus of our six-month expedition to the International Space Station (ISS) is Earth and its inhabitants as well as a scientific look out into our universe. The distinguishing ISS solar arrays reach onward and serve as the central element, with the icon of an atom underneath representing the multitude of research onboard that will bring new discoveries for the benefit of humanity. The sun is rising over Earth's horizon, spreading its light along the road of human exploration. Equipped with the knowledge and inspiration gained from ISS, our successful multinational cooperation will lead human space exploration to the moon, Mars, and ultimately, the stars. We are Expedition 41. Join us for the adventure."
ISS Expedition 42 Patch.svg
The rectangular-shaped design portrays the International Space Station orbiting planet Earth with its solar array wings spread wide. Facing the sun with the lower left outboard solar array feathered, the left array portrays a prominent number "4" and the fully deployed arrays on the right form the Roman numeral version of "2," which signifies the two increment crews which, together, comprise the six-member international Expedition "42" crew. The crew and all supporting personnel around the world are also represented by the six stars adorning the sky around the complex.
Expedition 42 crew portrait.jpg
Expedition 42 crew members take a break from training at NASA's Johnson Space Center to pose for a crew portrait. Pictured on the front row are NASA astronauts Barry Wilmore (left), commander; and Terry Virts, flight engineer. Pictured from the left (back row) are Russian cosmonauts Elena Serova, Alexander Samoukutyaev and Anton Shkaplerov and European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, all flight engineers.