Expedition 31

Expedition 31
ISS Expedition 31 Patch.png
Start:27 april 2012, 08:15 UTC[1]
Slut:1 juli 2012, 04:48 UTC[1]
Antal besättningsmedlemmar:6 st
Uppskjutning:med Sojuz TMA-03M, Sojuz TMA-04M
Uppskjutningsplats:Kosmodromen i Bajkonur
Landning:med Sojuz TMA-03M, Sojuz TMA-04M
Föregående expedition
Expedition 30
Nästa expedition
Expedition 32
Expedition 31 besättning.

Expedition 31 var den 31:e expeditionen till Internationella rymdstationen (ISS). Expeditionen började den 27 april 2012 då delar av Expedition 30s besättning återvände till jorden med Sojuz TMA-02M .

Joseph M. Acaba, Gennadij Padalka och Sergei Revin anlände till stationen med Sojuz TMA-04M den 17 maj 2012.

Expeditionen avslutades den 1 juli 2012 då Oleg Kononenko, André Kuipers och Donald R. Pettit återvände till jorden med Sojuz TMA-03M.


PositionFörsta delen
(27 april - 17 maj 2012)
Andra delen
(17 maj - 1 juli 2012)
BefälhavareRyssland Oleg Kononenko, RSA
Hans andra rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 1Nederländerna André Kuipers, ESA
Hans andra rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 2USA Donald R. Pettit, NASA
Hans tredje rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 3USA Joseph M. Acaba, NASA
Hans andra rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 4Ryssland Gennadij Padalka, RSA
Hans fjärde rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 5Ryssland Sergei Revin, RSA
Hans första rymdfärd


  1. ^ [a b] NASA's Space Station Expedition 31 Arkiverad 24 juni 2012 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., läst 31 augusti 2016.

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Media som används på denna webbplats

ISS Expedition 31 Patch.png
Thin crescents along the horizons of Earth and its moon depict International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 31. The shape of the patch represents a view of our galaxy. The black background symbolizes the research into dark matter, one of the scientific objectives of Expedition 31. At the heart of the patch are Earth, its moon, Mars, and asteroids, the focus of current and future exploration. The ISS is shown in an orbit around Earth, with a collection of stars for the Expedition 30 and 31 crews. The small stars symbolize the visiting vehicles that will dock with the complex during this expedition.
Expedition 31 crew portrait.jpg
Expedition 31 crew members take a break from training at NASA's Johnson Space Center to pose for a crew portrait. Pictured on the front row are Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko (right), commander; and Gennady Padalka, flight engineer. Pictured from the left (back row) are NASA astronaut Joe Acaba, Russian cosmonaut Sergei Revin, European Space Agency astronaut Andre Kuipers and NASA astronaut Don Pettit, all flight engineers.
Background was inspired by Van Gogh's "Starry Night".
ISS Expedition 30 Patch.png
The International Space Station (ISS) program is completing the transition from assembly to full utilization as humankind celebrates the golden anniversary of human space exploration. In recognition of these milestones and especially of the contribution of those whose dedication and ingenuity make spaceflight possible, a fully assembled ISS is depicted rising above a sunlit Earth limb. Eastward of the sunlit limb, the distinctive portrayal of Earth's surface illuminated by nighttime city lights is a reminder of mankind's presence on the planet, most readily apparent from space only by night, and commemorates how human beings have transcended their early bonds throughout the previous 50 years of space exploration. The ISS, a unique space-based outpost for research in biological, physical, space and Earth sciences, in the words of the crew members, is an impressive testament to the tremendous teamwork of the engineers, scientists and technicians from 15 countries and five national space agencies. The six crew members of Expedition 30, like those who have gone before them, express that they are honored to represent their countries and the ISS team in conducting research aboard the station and adding to the body of knowledge that will enable the world's space faring countries to more safely and more productively live, work and explore outer space, paving the way for future missions beyond low Earth orbit, and inspiring young people to join in this great adventure.
ISS Expedition 32 Patch.svg
This patch represents the 32nd expedition to the International Space Station (ISS) and the significance of the science being conducted there for current and future generations. The arch shape of the patch symbolizes the "doorway" to future space exploration possibilities. The ISS, an orbiting laboratory above the Earth, provides a unique perspective for Earth observation and monitoring. The flame depicts the pursuit of knowledge and highlights the importance of education as the key to future human space flight. The astronaut symbol circles the Earth, acknowledging the work of all astronauts, past, present, and future. The names of each crew member located on the border of the patch are written to honor the various cultures and languages on the mission. The three flags also depict the home countries of the Expedition 32 crew members and signify the collaborative ISS partnership of 15 countries working as one.