Expedition 16
Expedition 16 | |||
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Uppdragsstatistik | |||
Rymdstation: | ISS | ||
Start: | 10 oktober 2007[1] | ||
Slut: | 19 april 2008[1] | ||
Antal besättningsmedlemmar: | 3 | ||
Rymdpromenad | |||
Antal rymdpromenader: | 5 st | ||
Total tid: | 35 timmar, 21 minuter | ||
Transport | |||
Uppskjutning: | 10 oktober 2007 (Sojuz TMA-11), 23 oktober 2007 (STS-120), 7 februari 2008 (STS-122), 11 mars 2008 (STS-123) med Sojuz TMA-11 (Whitson, Malentjenko), Discovery STS-120 (Tani), Atlantis STS-122 (Eyharts), Endeavour STS-123 (Reisman) | ||
Uppskjutningsplats: | Kosmodromen i Bajkonur Kennedy Space Center | ||
Landning: | Planerad 22 mars 2008 (STS-123), 19 april 2008 (Sojuz TMA-11), 5 maj 2008 (STS-124) med Endeavour STS-123 (Eyharts), Sojuz TMA-11 (Whitson, Malentjenko), STS-124 (Reisman) | ||
Landningsplats: | Kazakstan, Kennedy Space Center | ||
Kronologi | |||
Expedition 16 var den 16:e expeditionen till den Internationella rymdstationen (ISS) och som pågick från oktober 2007 till april 2008.
Två besättningsmedlemmar, Jurij Malentjenko och Peggy Whitson, skickades upp den 10 oktober 2007 ombord Sojuz TMA-11. Clayton Anderson befann sig redan på ISS som medlem av Expedition 15 och han räknas även in i Expedition 16 under de veckor i oktober han var på ISS, tills han den 23 oktober 2007 ersattes av Daniel Tani.
Den 9 februari 2008 anslöt Léopold Eyharts som kom till ISS med Atlantis STS-122 och ersatte då Tani. Senare avlöstes Eyharts av Garrett Reisman (STS-123). Reisman fortsatte till Expedition 17.
Sydkoreanskan Yi So-yeon medföljde Expedition 16 tillbaka till jorden.

Övre raden från vänster: Anderson, Tani, Eyharts, Reisman
Nedre rad från vänster: Malentjenko, Whitson
Position | Första delen (10 oktober 2007) | Andra delen (oktober 2007 - februari 2008) | Tredje delen (februari - mars 2008) | Fjärde delen (mars - 19 april 2008) |
Befälhavare | ![]() Hennes andra rymdfärd | |||
Flygingenjör 1 | ![]() Hans fjärde rymdfärd | |||
Flygingenjör 2 | ![]() Hans första rymdfärd | ![]() Hans andra rymdfärd | ![]() Hans andra rymdfärd | ![]() Hans första rymdfärd |
(#) antal rymdfärder som varje besättningsmedlem avklarat, inklusive detta uppdrag.

- Expedition 16 flyttade efter en serie rymdpromenader med hjälp av Canadarm2 modulen Harmony från Unity till sin permanenta plats framför det amerikanska laboratoriet Destiny den 14 november 2007. Därefter utförde Expedition 16 ytterligare två rymdpromenader för att slutföra installationen, varav den sista gjordes den 24 november.

Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie bin Sheikh Mustapha blev den förste malaysiern i rymden när han gästade expedition 16 i oktober 2007 inbjuden av den ryska regeringen. Har reste till ISS med Sojuz TMA-11 och återvände till jorden med Sojuz TMA-10.
- ^ [a b] NASA's Space Station Expedition 16 Arkiverad 11 mars 2008 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., läst 3 september 2016.
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This patch commemorates the sixteenth expeditionary mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The design represents the conjunction of two unique astronomical events: a transit of the ISS across the surface of a full moon, and a nearly complete annular eclipse of the sun. The ISS is shown in its complete configuration, symbolizing the role of this expedition in preparing for the arrival and commissioning of international partner modules and components. The ISS transit across the moon highlights its role in developing the techniques and innovations critical to enable long-duration expeditions to the lunar surface and beyond.
The Expedition 17 patch is meant to celebrate current human achievements in space as well as symbolize the future potential for continuing exploration. The Earth, represented at the bottom of the patch, is the base from which all space exploration activities initiate. The International Space Station (ISS), shown in low Earth orbit, illustrates the current level of space operations. The arrow and star point outwards, away from the Earth, towards the wider universe indicating the direction of future activities as human beings build on what has already been accomplished. The flags, representing the home countries of the crew members, Russia and the United States, are touching, highlighting the cooperative nature of the space program and symbolizing the merger of science and technical knowledge of these two experienced space-faring nations.
International Space Station during Expedition 16. Astronaut Peggy Whitson (front row, right), station commander; and Russia's Federal Space Agency cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko (front row, left), flight engineer and Soyuz commander, NASA astronaut Clay Anderson (back row, left), flight engineer, astronaut Dan Tani (back row, second from left), flight engineer, Leopold Eyharts of the European Space Agency (back row, third from left), astronaut Garrett Reisman (back row, far right), flight engineer.
The operational teamwork between human space flight controllers and the on-orbit crew take center stage in this emblem. Against a backdrop familiar to all flight controllers, past and present, independent of any nationality, the fifteenth expedition to the ISS is represented in Roman numeral form as part of the ground track traces emblazoned on the Mercator projection of the home planet Earth. The ISS, shown in its fully operational, assembly complete configuration, unfurls and then reunites the flags of this Russian and American crew in a show of our continuing international cooperation. Golden spheres placed strategically on the ground track near the flight control centers of the United States and Russia serve to symbolize both the joint efforts from each nation's team of flight controllers and the shuttle and Soyuz crew vehicles in their chase orbit as they rendezvous with the ISS. A rising sun provides a classic touch to the emblem signifying the perpetual nature of manned space flight operations and their origin in these two space-faring nations.
Malaysian spaceflight participant Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor responds to a query from the media during an Expedition 16 pre-flight press conference at the Johnson Space Center.
Astronaut Peggy Whitson, Expedition 16 commander, participates in a session of extravehicular activity (EVA) as construction continues on the International Space Station. During the 7-hour, 4-minute spacewalk Whitson and astronaut Daniel Tani (out of frame), flight engineer, continued the external outfitting of the Harmony node in its new position in front of the Destiny laboratory. The blackness of space and Earth's horizon provide the backdrop for the scene.