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Echinostoma revolutum.png
Photo of Echinostoma revolutum specimens recovered from schoolchildren in Pursat Province, Cambodia, which had 2 testes in the postequatorial region.
Haeckel Platodes.jpg

For index to numbers, see here

  1. Cercaria dichotoma (Johannes Müller) / Distoma sp. = Gymnophallus choledochus Odhner,1900 / Gymnophallus rebecqui Bartoli, 1983, cercaria larva from below
  2. Cercaria spinifera (La Valette) = Echinostoma echinatum (Zeder, 1803), cercaria larva from below
  3. Cercaria bucephalus (Ercolani) / Gasterostomum fimbriatum (Siebold) =? Bucephalus polymorphus Baer, 1827, cercaria larva from above
  4. Polystomum integerrimum (Rudolphi) = Polystoma integerrimum (Fröhlich, 1791), adult from below
  5. Polystomum integerrimum (Rudolphi) = Polystoma integerrimum (Fröhlich, 1791), miracidium larva
  6. Gyrodactylus elegans (Nordmann) = Gyrodactylus elegans von Nordmann, 1832, adult from below
  7. Diplozoon paradoxum (Nordmann) = Diplozoon paradoxum von Nordmann, 1832, mated pair from below
  8. Tristomum coccineum (Cuvier) = Tristoma coccineum (Cuvier, 1817), adult from below
  9. Callicotyle Kroyeri (Diesing) = Calicotyle kroyeri Diesing, 1850, adult from below
  10. Caryophyllaeus mutabilis (Rudolphi) = Caryophyllaeus laticeps (Pallas, 1781), adult
  11. Tetrarhynchus longicollis (Cuvier) = Tetrarhynchus longicollis van Beneden, 1849 / Halysiorhynchus longicollis (van Beneden, 1849), young adult
  12. Phyllobothryon gracile (Van Beneden) = Phyllobothrium gracile Wedl, 1855, head from the front
  13. Taenia solium (Rudolphi) = Taenia solium Linnaeus, 1758, mature proglottid
  14. Taenia solium (Rudolphi) = Taenia solium Linnaeus, 1758, head from the front
Robot icon.svg
Robot icon
Fasciola hepatica.JPG
(c) I, Flukeman, CC BY-SA 3.0
Adult of Fasciola hepatica.
Författare/Upphovsman: Alan R Walker, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Cercaria larval stage of Fasciola liver fluke.
Illustrated Life Cycle of Echinostoma.gif
(1) Unembryonated Echinostoma eggs in the faeces of an infected host become embryonated in water (2). Larval development begins and miracidia hatch from the egg. Miracidia penetrate an intermediate snail host (3). Asexual reproduction of the parasite occurs in the snail (4). Cercariae emerge from the snail and infect a second intermediate host (5). A definitive host, such as a bird or human, consumes an infected intermediate host (6) and becomes infected. The parasite excysts in the intestine of the definitive host (7) and the adult worms mature in the small intestine (8).
Unstained Echinostoma egg.jpg
Unstained Echinostoma egg from faeces preserved in formalin.
Fasciola-sporocysts ru.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: , Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Photomicrographs of Fasciola hepatica rediae.