USA:s delstatsförsamlingar


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Politik i USA


Delstaterna i USA har egna grundlagar där respektive delstatsstyre och dess lagstiftande församlings kompetenser fastställs. Delstaternas grundlagar måste överensstämma överens med det som påbjuds i USA:s konstitution, dvs ett republikanskt statsskick och med maktdelningsprincipen.

Med undantag för delstaten Nebraska så har samtliga delstater lagstiftande församlingar med tvåkammarsystem, som motsvarar uppdelningen i USA:s kongress med senaten och representanhuset.

Namnen varierar dock, i synnerhet ifråga om samlingsnamnet och för de lägre kamrarna.

Funktion och roll

Delstaternas lagstiftande församlingar har flera olika roller:

  • Godkännande av delstatens budget. Delstatsförsamlingen har befogenhet att godkänna den budget som föreslagits av guvernören, som beskriver delstatens utgiftsprioriteringar.
  • Redistricting: Delstatens lagstiftande församling är ansvarig för att dra om gränserna för distrikten till valen för USA:s representanthus efter varje decenniums federala folkräkning.
  • Impeachment: Delstatens lagstiftande församling har vanligen befogenhet att åtala delstatens högre ämbetsmän, inklusive guvernören och andra tjänstemän i den verkställande grenen samt delstatens domare, för tjänstefel eller maktmissbruk.
  • Bekräftelse av guvernörens utnämningar. Den övre kammaren i delstatens lagstiftande församling är vanligen ansvarig för att bekräfta vissa guvernörsutnämningar, inklusive ministrar och departementschefer, delstatliga domare och ledamöter i olika delstatliga styrelser och kommissioner.
  • Ratifikation av ändringar i USA:s konstitution: Delstatens lagstiftande församling kan ratificera föreslagna ändringar av USA:s konstitution samt ändringar av den egna delstatens konstitution.

Det finns flera saker som enbart den delstatliga lagstiftande församlingen kan göra, inklusive:

  • Delstatens lagstiftning: Enbart delstatens lagstiftande församling har makten att skapa och anta delstatens lagstiftning.
  • Ändring av delstatens konstitution: Enbart delstatens lagstiftande församling att föreslå ändringar av delstatens egna konstitution. I vissa delstater krävs även folkomröstningar.
  • Upphäva ett veto: Om guvernören lägger in sitt veto mot ett lagförslag, har enbart delstatens lagstiftande församling befogenhet att upphäva vetot, vanligen med två tredjedelars majoritet i varje kammare.

Sammantaget spelar delstaternas lagstiftande församlingar en viktig roll i hur delstatsstyret fungerar och har betydande befogenheter i det amerikanska statsskicket.


Alaska State Capitol Building i Juneau.
Colorado State Capitol Building i Denver.
Florida State Capitol i Tallahassee.
Plenisalen för Kentuckys senat i Frankfort.
Maryland State House i Annapolis.
Plenisalen för New York State Assembly i Albany.
Pennsylvania State Capitol i Harrisburg.
Plenisalen för Tennessees representanthus i Nashville.
Texas State Capitol i Austin.
Virginia State Capitol i Richmond.
SamlingsnamnLägre kammare
motsvarande USA:s representanthus
Övre kammare
motsvarande USA:s senat
Alabama AlabamaMontgomeryAlabama LegislatureAlabama House of Representatives
(105 ledamöter)
Alabama Senate
(35 ledamöter)
Alaska AlaskaJuneauAlaska LegislatureAlaska House of Representatives
(40 ledamöter)
Alaska Senate
(20 ledamöter)
Arizona ArizonaPhoenixArizona State LegislatureArizona House of Representatives
(60 ledamöter)
Arizona Senate
(30 ledamöter)
Arkansas ArkansasLittle RockArkansas General AssemblyArkansas House of Representatives
(100 ledamöter)
Arkansas Senate
(35 ledamöter)
Colorado ColoradoDenverColorado General AssemblyColorado House of Representatives
(65 ledamöter)
Colorado Senate
(35 ledamöter)
Connecticut ConnecticutHartfordConnecticut General AssemblyConnecticut House of Representatives
(151 ledamöter)
Connecticut Senate
(36 ledamöter)
Delaware DelawareDoverDelaware General AssemblyDelaware House of Representatives
(41 ledamöter)
Delaware Senate
(21 ledamöter)
Florida FloridaTallahasseeFlorida LegislatureFlorida House of Representatives
(120 ledamöter)
Florida Senate
(40 ledamöter)
Georgia GeorgiaAtlantaGeorgia General AssemblyGeorgia House of Representatives
(180 ledamöter)
Georgia Senate
(56 ledamöter)
Hawaii HawaiiHonoluluHawaii LegislatureHawaii House of Representatives
(51 ledamöter)
Hawaii State Senate
(25 ledamöter)
Idaho IdahoBoiseIdaho LegislatureIdaho House of Representatives
(70 ledamöter)
Idaho Senate
(35 ledamöter)
Illinois IllinoisSpringfieldIllinois General AssemblyIllinois House of Representatives
(118 ledamöter)
Illinois Senate
(59 ledamöter)
Indiana IndianaIndianapolisIndiana General AssemblyIndiana House of Representatives
(100 ledamöter)
Indiana Senate
(50 ledamöter)
Iowa IowaDes MoinesIowa General AssemblyIowa House of Representatives
(100 ledamöter)
Iowa Senate
(50 ledamöter)
Kalifornien KalifornienSacramentoCalifornia State LegislatureCalifornia State Assembly
(80 ledamöter)
California State Senate
(40 ledamöter)
Kansas KansasTopekaKansas LegislatureKansas House of Representatives
(125 ledamöter)
Kansas Senate
(40 ledamöter)
Kentucky KentuckyFrankfortKentucky General AssemblyKentucky House of Representatives
(100 ledamöter)
Kentucky Senate
(38 ledamöter)
Louisiana LouisianaBaton RougeLouisiana LegislatureLouisiana House of Representatives
(105 ledamöter)
Louisiana Senate
(39 ledamöter)
Maine MaineAugustaMaine LegislatureMaine House of Representatives
(151 ledamöter)
Maine Senate
(35 ledamöter)
Maryland MarylandAnnapolisMaryland General AssemblyMaryland House of Delegates
(141 ledamöter)
Maryland Senate
(47 ledamöter)
Massachusetts MassachusettsBostonMassachusetts General CourtMassachusetts House of Representatives
(160 ledamöter)
Massachusetts Senate
(40 ledamöter)
Michigan MichiganLansingMichigan LegislatureMichigan House of Representatives
(110 ledamöter)
Michigan Senate
(38 ledamöter)
Minnesota MinnesotaSaint PaulMinnesota LegislatureMinnesota House of Representatives
(134 ledamöter)
Minnesota Senate
(67 ledamöter)
Mississippi MississippiJacksonMississippi LegislatureMississippi House of Representatives
(122 ledamöter)
Mississippi Senate
(52 ledamöter)
Missouri MissouriJefferson CityMissouri General AssemblyMissouri House of Representatives
(163 ledamöter)
Missouri Senate
(34 ledamöter)
Montana MontanaHelenaMontana LegislatureMontana House of Representatives
(100 ledamöter)
Montana Senate
(50 ledamöter)
Nebraska NebraskaLincolnNebraska Legislature
(49 ledamöter)
Nevada NevadaCarson CityNevada LegislatureNevada Assembly
(42 ledamöter)
Nevada Senate
(21 ledamöter)
New Hampshire New HampshireConcordNew Hampshire General CourtNew Hampshire House of Representatives
(400 ledamöter (Sic))
New Hampshire Senate
(24 ledamöter)
New Jersey New JerseyTrentonNew Jersey LegislatureNew Jersey General Assembly
(80 ledamöter)
New Jersey Senate
(40 ledamöter)
New Mexico New MexicoSanta FeNew Mexico LegislatureNew Mexico House of Representatives
(70 ledamöter)
New Mexico Senate
(42 ledamöter)
New York (delstat) New YorkAlbanyNew York State Legislature[32]New York State Assembly
(150 ledamöter)
New York State Senate
(62 ledamöter)
North Carolina North CarolinaRaleighNorth Carolina General AssemblyNorth Carolina House of Representatives
(120 ledamöter)
North Carolina Senate
(50 ledamöter)
North Dakota North DakotaBismarckNorth Dakota Legislative AssemblyNorth Dakota House of Representatives
(94 ledamöter)
North Dakota Senate
(47 ledamöter)
Ohio OhioColumbusOhio General AssemblyOhio House of Representatives
(99 ledamöter)
Ohio Senate
(33 ledamöter)
Oklahoma OklahomaOklahoma CityOklahoma LegislatureOklahoma House of Representatives
(101 ledamöter)
Oklahoma Senate
(48 ledamöter)
Oregon OregonSalemOregon Legislative AssemblyOregon House of Representatives
(60 ledamöter)
Oregon State Senate
(30 ledamöter)
Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaHarrisburgPennsylvania General AssemblyPennsylvania House of Representatives
(203 ledamöter)
Pennsylvania State Senate
(50 ledamöter)
Rhode Island Rhode IslandProvidenceRhode Island General AssemblyRhode Island House of Representatives
(75 ledamöter)
Rhode Island Senate
(38 ledamöter)
South Carolina South CarolinaColumbiaSouth Carolina General AssemblySouth Carolina House of Representatives
(124 ledamöter)
South Carolina Senate
(46 ledamöter)
South Dakota South DakotaPierreSouth Dakota LegislatureSouth Dakota House of Representatives
(70 ledamöter)
South Dakota Senate
(35 ledamöter)
Tennessee TennesseeNashvilleTennessee General AssemblyTennessee House of Representatives
(99 ledamöter)
Tennessee Senate
(33 ledamöter)
Texas TexasAustinTexas LegislatureTexas House of Representatives
(150 ledamöter)
Texas Senate
(31 ledamöter)
Utah UtahSalt Lake CityUtah State LegislatureUtah House of Representatives
(75 ledamöter)
Utah State Senate
(29 ledamöter)
Vermont VermontMontpelierVermont General AssemblyVermont House of Representatives
(150 ledamöter)
Vermont Senate
(30 ledamöter)
Virginia VirginiaRichmondVirginia General AssemblyVirginia House of Delegates
(100 ledamöter)
Senate of Virginia
(40 ledamöter)
Washington (delstat) WashingtonOlympiaWashington State LegislatureWashington House of Representatives
(98 ledamöter)
Washington State Senate
(49 ledamöter)
West Virginia West VirginiaCharlestonWest Virginia LegislatureWest Virginia House of Delegates
(100 ledamöter)
West Virginia Senate
(34 ledamöter)
Wisconsin WisconsinMadisonWisconsin LegislatureWisconsin State Assembly
(99 ledamöter)
Wisconsin State Senate
(33 ledamöter)
Wyoming WyomingCheyenneWyoming State LegislatureWyoming House of Representatives
(60 ledamöter)
Wyoimng Senate
(30 ledamöter)

Se även


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, List of United States state legislatures, tidigare version.
Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, State legislature (United States), tidigare version.


  1. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Alabama” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Alabama has a bicameral legislature, named the Alabama Legislature, which consists of the House of Representatives and the Alabama State Senate. The House has 105 members representing 105 districts, with members serving a four-year term. The Senate has 35 members representing 35 districts, each serving a four-year term.” 
  2. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Alaska” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Alaska has a bicameral legislature, named the Alaska State Legislature, which consists of the Alaska House of Representatives and the Alaska Senate. The House has 40 members representing 40 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 20 members representing 20 districts, each serving a four-year term.” 
  3. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Arizona” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Arizona has a bicameral legislature, named the Arizona State Legislature, which consists of the Arizona House of Representatives and the Arizona Senate. The House has 60 members representing 30 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 30 members representing 30 districts, each serving a two-year term. Members of the Arizona State Legislature may serve in up to four consecutive terms.” 
  4. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Arkansas” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Arkansas has a bicameral legislature, named the Arkansas General Assembly, which consists of the Arkansas House of Representatives and the Arkansas Senate. The House has 100 members representing 100 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 35 members representing 35 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the General Assembly can serve for a combination of 16 years in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.” 
  5. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Colorado” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Colorado has a bicameral legislature, the Colorado General Assembly, which consists of the Colorado House of Representatives and the Colorado Senate. The House has 65 members representing 65 districts, with members serving a two-year term. Representatives are limited to four consecutive terms, with no lifetime limit. The Senate has 35 members representing 35 districts, each serving a four-year term; Senators are limited to two consecutive terms, with no lifetime limit.” 
  6. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Connecticut” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Connecticut has a bicameral legislature, the Connecticut General Assembly, which consists of the Connecticut House of Representatives and the Connecticut Senate. The House has 151 members representing 151 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 36 members representing 36 districts, each serving a two-year term. There are no term limits for members of the Connecticut General Assembly.” 
  7. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Delaware” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Delaware has a bicameral legislature, named the Delaware General Assembly, which consists of the House of Representatives and the Delaware State Senate. The House has 41 members representing 41 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 21 members representing 21 districts, each serving a four-year term.” 
  8. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Florida” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Florida has a bicameral legislature, the Florida Legislature, which consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives has 120 members representing 120 districts. Representatives serve two-year terms. The Senate has 40 members representing 40 districts. Senators serve a four-year term.” 
  9. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Georgia” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Georgia has a bicameral legislature, the Georgia General Assembly, which consists of the Georgia House of Representatives and the Georgia Senate. The House has 180 members representing 180 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 56 members representing 56 districts, each serving a two-year term. There are no term limits for members of the Georgia General Assembly.” 
  10. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Hawaii” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Hawaii has a bicameral legislature, named the Hawaii State Legislature, which consists of the Hawaii State House of Representatives and the Hawaii State Senate. The House has 51 members representing 51 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 25 members representing 25 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Hawaii State Legislature have no term limits.” 
  11. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Idaho” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Idaho has a bicameral legislature, the Idaho Legislature, which consists of the Idaho House of Representatives and the Idaho Senate. The House has 70 members representing 35 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 35 members representing 35 districts, each serving a two-year term. Members of the Idaho Legislature do not have term limits.” 
  12. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Illinois” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Illinois has a bicameral legislature, named the Illinois General Assembly, which consists of the Illinois House of Representatives and the Illinois Senate. The House has 118 members representing 118 districts, with members serving two-year terms. The Senate has 59 members representing 59 districts, each serving a combination four-year terms and a two-year term during any 10-year period. Members of the Illinois General Assembly do not have term limits.” 
  13. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Indiana” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Indiana has a bicameral legislature, the Indiana General Assembly, which consists of the Indiana House of Representatives and the Indiana State Senate. The House has 100 members representing 100 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 50 members representing 50 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Indiana General Assembly do not have term limits.” 
  14. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Iowa” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Iowa has a bicameral legislature, named the Iowa General Assembly, which consists of the Iowa House of Representatives and the Iowa Senate. The House has 100 members representing 100 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 50 members representing 50 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the General Assembly have no term limits.” 
  15. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. California” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”California has a bicameral legislature, named the California State Legislature, which consists of the California State Assembly and the California State Senate. The Assembly has 80 members representing 80 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 40 members representing 40 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the California State Legislature can serve for a combined 12 years in both chambers.” 
  16. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Kansas” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Kansas has a bicameral legislature, named the Kansas State Legislature, which consists of the Kansas House of Representatives and the Kansas Senate. The House has 125 members representing 125 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 40 members representing 40 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Kansas State Legislature have no term limits.” 
  17. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Kentucky” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Kentucky has a bicameral legislature, named the Kentucky General Assembly, which consists of the Kentucky House of Representatives and the Kentucky Senate. The House has 100 members representing 100 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 38 members representing 38 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the General Assembly have no term limits.” 
  18. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Louisiana” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. ”Louisiana has a bicameral legislature, the Louisiana State Legislature, which consists of the Louisiana House of Representatives and the Louisiana Senate. The House has 105 members representing 105 districts, with members serving a four-year term. The Senate has 39 members representing 39 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate may serve up to three terms.” 
  19. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Maine” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Maine has a bicameral legislature, named the Maine State Legislature, which consists of the Maine House of Representatives and the Maine Senate. The House has 151 members representing 151 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Maine House of Representatives also has three non-voting seats set aside for a representative from the Penobscot Nation, the Passamaquoddy Tribe, and the Houlton Band of Maliseets. The Senate has 35 members representing 35 districts, each serving a two-year term. Members of the Maine State Legislature can serve up to four consecutive terms, with no term limits.” 
  20. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Maryland” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2018. ”Maryland has a bicameral legislature, named the Maryland General Assembly, which consists of the Maryland House of Delegates and the Maryland Senate. The House has 141 members representing 47 districts, with members serving a four-year term. The Senate has 47 members representing 47 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the General Assembly have no term limits.” 
  21. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Massachusetts” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Massachusetts has a bicameral legislature, named the Massachusetts General Court, which consists of the Massachusetts House of Representatives and the Massachusetts Senate. The House has 160 members representing 160 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 40 members representing 40 districts, each serving a two-year term. Members of the General Court do not have term limits.” 
  22. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Michigan” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Michigan has a bicameral legislature, named the Michigan Legislature, which consists of the Michigan House of Representatives and the Michigan Senate. The House has 110 members representing 110 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 38 members representing 38 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Michigan Legislature can serve up to three terms in the House, and up to two terms in the Senate.” 
  23. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Minnesota” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Minnesota has a bicameral legislature, named the Minnesota Legislature, which consists of the Minnesota House of Representatives and the Minnesota Senate. The House has 134 members representing 134 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 67 members representing 67 districts, serving four-year terms in years ending in 2 and 6, and a two-year term in years ending in 0. Members of the Minnesota Legislature have no term limits.” 
  24. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Mississippi” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Mississippi has a bicameral legislature, named the Mississippi Legislature, which consists of the Mississippi House of Representatives and the Mississippi State Senate. The House has 122 members representing 122 districts, with members serving a four-year term. The Senate has 52 members representing 52 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Mississippi Legislature have no term limits.” 
  25. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Missouri” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Missouri has a bicameral legislature, named the Missouri General Assembly, which consists of the Missouri House of Representatives and the Missouri Senate. The House has 163 members representing 163 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 34 members representing 34 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the General Assembly can serve for eight years in either house.” 
  26. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Montana” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Montana has a bicameral legislature, named the Montana State Legislature, which consists of the Montana House of Representatives and the Montana Senate. The House has 100 members representing 100 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 50 members representing 50 districts, each serving a four-year term. An individual may serve as a state representative or senator for no more than eight years in a 16-year period.” 
  27. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Nebraska” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Nebraska has a unicameral legislature, named the Nebraska Legislature. The Nebraska Legislature has 49 members, or senators, representing 49 districts. Senators can be elected to two consecutive four-year terms with no term limit.” 
  28. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Nevada” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Nevada has a bicameral legislature, named the Nevada Legislature, consisting of the lower Assembly and the upper Senate. The Assembly has 42 members representing 42 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 21 members representing 21 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Assembly and Senate may serve for up to 12 years.” 
  29. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. New Hampshire” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”New Hampshire has a bicameral legislature, named the New Hampshire General Court, which consists of the New Hampshire House of Representatives and the New Hampshire Senate. The House has 400 members representing 204 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 24 members representing 24 districts, each serving a two-year term. Members of the General Court do not have term limits.” 
  30. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. New Jersey” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”New Jersey has a bicameral legislature, named the New Jersey Legislature, which consists of the New Jersey General Assembly and the New Jersey Senate. The General Assembly has 80 members representing 40 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 40 members representing 40 districts, each serving a four-year term, except in terms beginning in a new decade, where senators serve two-year terms. Members of the New Jersey Legislature do not have term limits.” 
  31. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. New Mexico” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”New Mexico has a bicameral legislature, named the New Mexico Legislature, which consists of the New Mexico House of Representatives and the New Mexico Senate. The House has 70 members representing 70 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 42 members representing 42 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the New Mexico Legislature do not have term limits.” 
  32. ^ Inofficiell benämning eftersom delstatens konstitution inte har något samlingsnamn.
  33. ^ ”State Government Structure” (på engelska). New York State Division of the Budget. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The legislative branch consists of a bicameral (or two chamber) Legislature — a 62 member Senate and 150 member Assembly that, together, represent the 18 million citizens of the State. All members are elected for two-year terms.” 
  34. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. North Carolina” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”North Carolina has a bicameral legislature, named the North Carolina General Assembly, which consists of the North Carolina House of Representatives and the North Carolina Senate. The House has 120 members representing 120 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 50 members representing 50 districts, each serving a two-year term. Members of the General Assembly have no term limits.” 
  35. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. North Dakota” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”North Dakota has a bicameral legislature, named the North Dakota Legislative Assembly, which consists of the North Dakota House of Representatives and the North Dakota Senate. The House has 94 members representing 47 districts, with members serving a four-year term. The Senate has 47 members representing 47 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the North Dakota Legislative Assembly do not have term limits.” 
  36. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Ohio” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Ohio has a bicameral legislature, named the Ohio General Assembly, which consists of the Ohio House of Representatives and the Ohio Senate. The House has 99 members representing 99 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 33 members representing 33 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Ohio House are limited to four successive terms, while Members of the Ohio Senate are limited to two successive terms, with "successive" being defined as being separated by four years or fewer.” 
  37. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Oklahoma” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Oklahoma has a bicameral legislature, named the Legislature of the State of Oklahoma, which consists of the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the Oklahoma Senate. The House has 101 members representing 101 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 48 members representing 48 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Legislature of the State of Oklahoma may only serve a combined 12 years in either house” 
  38. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Oregon” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Oregon has a bicameral legislature, named the Oregon Legislative Assembly, which consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House has 60 members representing 60 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 30 members representing 30 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Oregon Legislative Assembly have no term limits.” 
  39. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Pennsylvania” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Pennsylvania has a bicameral legislature, named the Pennsylvania General Assembly, which consists of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and the Pennsylvania State Senate. The House has 203 members representing 203 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 50 members representing 50 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly do not have term limits.” 
  40. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Rhode Island” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Rhode Island has a bicameral legislature, named the Rhode Island General Assembly, which consists of the Rhode Island House of Representatives and the Rhode Island Senate. The House has 75 members representing 75 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 38 members representing 38 districts, each serving a two-year term. Members of the General Assembly do not have term limits.” 
  41. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. South Carolina” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”South Carolina has a bicameral legislature, named the South Carolina General Assembly, which consists of the South Carolina House of Representatives and the South Carolina Senate. The House has 124 members representing 124 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 46 members representing 46 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the South Carolina General Assembly do not have term limits.” 
  42. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. South Dakota” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”South Dakota has a bicameral legislature, named the South Dakota State Legislature, which consists of the South Dakota House of Representatives and the South Dakota Senate. The House has 70 members representing 35 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 35 members representing 35 districts, each serving a two-year term. Members of the South Dakota State Legislature may not serve more than four terms in either chamber.” 
  43. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Tennessee” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Tennessee has a bicameral legislature, named the Tennessee General Assembly, which consists of the Tennessee House of Representatives and the Tennessee Senate. The House has 99 members representing 99 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 33 members representing 33 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the General Assembly do not have term limits.” 
  44. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Texas” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Texas has a bicameral legislature, named the Texas Legislature, which consists of the Texas House of Representatives and the Texas Senate. The House has 150 members representing 150 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 31 members representing 31 districts, serving either a two-year or four-year term, chosen by lottery. Members of the Texas Legislature do not have term limits.” 
  45. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Utah” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Utah has a bicameral legislature, named the Utah State Legislature, which consists of the Utah House of Representatives and the Utah State Senate. The House has 75 members representing 75 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 29 members representing 29 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Utah State Legislature do not have term limits.” 
  46. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Vermont” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Vermont has a bicameral legislature, named the Vermont General Assembly, which consists of the Vermont House of Representatives and the Vermont Senate. The House has 150 members representing 104 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 30 members representing 13 districts, each serving a two-year term. Members of the General Assembly have no term limits.” 
  47. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Virginia” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Virginia has a bicameral legislature, named the Virginia General Assembly, which consists of the lower Virginia House of Delegates and the upper Senate of Virginia. The House has 100 members representing 100 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 40 members representing 40 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the General Assembly have no term limits.” 
  48. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Washington” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Washington has a bicameral legislature, named the Washington State Legislature, which consists of the Washington House of Representatives and the Washington State Senate. The House has 98 members representing 49 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 49 members representing 49 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Washington State Legislature do not have term limits.” 
  49. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. West Virginia” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”West Virginia has a bicameral legislature, named the West Virginia Legislature, which consists of the House of Delegates and the Senate. The House of Delegates has 100 members representing 100 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 34 members representing 17 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the West Virginia Legislature do not have term limits.” 
  50. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Wisconsin” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Wisconsin has a bicameral legislature, named the Wisconsin Legislature, which consists of the Wisconsin State Assembly and the Wisconsin Senate. The House has 99 members representing 99 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 33 members representing 33 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Wisconsin Legislature do not have term limits.” 
  51. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Wyoming” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”Wyoming has a bicameral legislature, named the Wyoming State Legislature, which consists of the Wyoming House of Representatives and the Wyoming Senate. The House has 60 members representing 60 districts, with members serving a two-year term. The Senate has 30 members representing 30 districts, each serving a four-year term. Members of the Wyoming Legislature do not have term limits.” 

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Författare/Upphovsman: unknown, Licens: CC0
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Flag of the State of Nevada. The flag is described in Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 235, Sec. 20 as follows: The body of the flag must be of solid cobalt blue. On the field in the upper left quarter thereof must be two sprays of Sagebrush with the stems crossed at the bottom to form a half wreath. Within the sprays must be a five-pointed silver star with one point up. The word “Nevada” must also be inscribed below the star and above the sprays, in a semicircular pattern with the letters spaced apart in equal increments, in the same style of letters as the words “Battle Born.” Above the wreath, and touching the tips thereof, must be a scroll bearing the words “Battle Born.” The scroll and the word “Nevada” must be golden-yellow. The lettering on the scroll must be black-colored sans serif gothic capital letters.
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The flag of Utah (2024-present). This is the final design submitted for consideration to be adopted as a new state flag of Utah. The design evokes images of snowy mountains and red rocks to represent the geography of Utah, the beehive represents "Industry" (the state's slogan) and Utah's nickname as "the Beehive State".
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Författare/Upphovsman: Ichabod, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
House Chambers in the Tennessee State Capitol.
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Författare/Upphovsman: Photograph by Greg O'Beirne, Licens: CC BY 2.5
Colorado State Capitol Building, Denver, Colorado, USA
Va State Capitol.JPG
Författare/Upphovsman: Anderskev, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Photo of the Virginia State Capitol before renovations.
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Författare/Upphovsman: Jay Galvin from Pleasanton, CA, USA, Licens: CC BY 2.0
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Författare/Upphovsman: Acdixon, Licens: CC0
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Författare/Upphovsman: F McGady, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
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Författare/Upphovsman: LoneStarMike, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Texas State Capitol
This image or media was taken or created by Matt H. Wade. To see his entire portfolio, click here.

This image is protected by copyright! If you would like to use it, please read this first.

, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Chamber of the New York State Assembly, the lower house of the New York State Legislature, located in the New York State Capitol in Albany, New York, United States.
Flag of Mississippi.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Rocky Vaughn, Sue Anna Joe, Dominique Pugh, Clay Moss, Kara Giles, Micah Whitson and the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Licens: Copyrighted free use
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Författare/Upphovsman: unknown, Licens: CC0
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Författare/Upphovsman: Martin Falbisoner, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Maryland State House as seen from College Ave
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Författare/Upphovsman: Michael Rivera, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
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