Delstatlig domstol i USA

Miami-Dade County Courthouse är en delstatlig domstolsbyggnad i centrala Miami som finns med i NRHP.
New York County Courthouse vid 60 Centre Street i området Civic Center på nedre Manhattan i New York är säte för New York Supreme Court. Namnet till trots, är det en av de lägre instanserna i delstaten New Yorks domstolsväsen.

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Politik i USA


En delstatlig domstol i USA (engelska: State court) är en domstol som är upprättad av delstatsstyret (engelska: State government) och som dömer under delstatlig jurisdiktion. Varje delstat har sitt eget rättssystem som bygger på en amerikansk rättstradition som i allt väsentligt härrör från common law.

Huvuddelen av alla civil- och straffrättsliga mål i USA behandlas och avgörs i delstatliga domstolar. Parallellt med delstatliga domstolar finns det federala domstolar som är en del av den federala statsmakten och som dömer under federal jurisdiktion, men dessa är betydligt mindre i fråga om personal och de tar upp färre mål.[1]

Varje delstat är fri att organisera sitt domstolsväsen efter eget tycke, även om det finns vissa övergripande drag.[2] Den lägsta nivån på delstatlig domstol brukar vara en distriktsdomstol (engelska: District court), följt av en appellationsdomstol och en högsta instans. Vissa mål kan överklagas upp till USA:s högsta domstol i Washington, D.C. om målet berör konstitutionella frågor, men domstolen har diskretionär rätt att neka prövning.

Den amerikanska konstitutionen medger generell rätt till prövning av en jury (domstolsjury, petty jury, trial jury); däremot är bruket av åtalsjury (grand jury) frivilligt och reglerat i delstatslag.[3][4]

Förhållande till federal rätt

Även om USA:s konstitution och federal lagstiftning har företräde där det råder konflikt mellan federal och delstatlig lag, så innebär det inte att delstatliga domstolar är underställda federala domstolar eller vice versa. I det amerikanska systemet råder det istället en dualism mellan olika suveräniteter, därför finns det parallella domstolar med olika jurisdiktioner som ibland kan överlappa med varandra.

Gällande civilrättsliga mål så erkände USA:s högsta domstol 1938 i rättsfallet Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins att USA:s konstitution inte tilldelar federala domstolar möjligheten att lagpröva delstatlig lag. Artikel tre i konstitutionen uppräknar det federala domstolsväsendets makt, men att det endast berör "Förenta staternas lagar" och därmed inte de enskilda delstaternas lagar.

Lista över delstatliga domstolar

Nedan följer en lista över delstaterna domstolsväsen i tre steg från lägsta allmänna instans i rättegång till dess högsta instans. Flera av delstaterna har dock formellt 4 steg (Texas har 5 steg[5]) där den lägsta nivån behandlar speciella fall, exempelvis familjerätt, trafikbrott och lägre skadestånd.[6][7][8][9][10] I andra delstater existerar liknande instanser parallellt med den lägsta allmänna instansen eller ingår som en särskild avdelning inom den.

DelstatLägsta instansAppellationsdomstolHögsta instansNot
Alabama AlabamaCircuit Court (41 juridiska distrikt)Alabama Court of Civil Appeals
Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals
Alabama Supreme Court[11]
Alaska AlaskaSuperior Court (4 distrikt)Alaska Court of AppealsAlaska Supreme Court[12]
Arizona ArizonaSuperior Court (15 counties)Arizona Court of Appeals (2 avdelningar)Arizona Supreme Court[13]
Arkansas ArkansasCircuit Courts (23 domkretsar)Arkansas Court of AppealsArkansas Supreme Court[14]
Colorado ColoradoDistrict Court (22 juridiska distrikt)Colorado Court of AppealsColorado Supreme Court[15]
Connecticut ConnecticutSuperior Court (13 juridiska distrikt)Connecticut Appellate CourtConnecticut Supreme Court[16]
Delaware DelawareSuperior Court
Court of Chancery
(saknas)Delaware Supreme Court[6]
Florida FloridaCircuit Court (20 domkretsar)Florida District Courts of Appeal (5 distrikt)Florida Supreme Court[17]
Georgia GeorgiaSuperior Court (49 domkretsar)Georgia Court of AppealsSupreme Court of Georgia[18]
Hawaii HawaiiCircuit Court (4 kretsar)Hawaii Intermediate Court of AppealsSupreme Court of Hawaii[19]
Idaho IdahoDistrict Court (7 rättsliga distrikt)Idaho Court of AppealsIdaho Supreme Court[20]
Illinois IllinoisCircuit Court (23 rättsliga kretsar)Illinois Appellate Court (5 distrikt)Illinois Supreme Court[21]
Indiana IndianaCircuit Court (91 distrikt)Indiana Court of Appeals (5 distrikt)Indiana Supreme Court[22]
Iowa IowaDistrict Court (8 distrikt)Iowa Court of AppealsIowa Supreme Court[23]
Kalifornien KalifornienSuperior Court (58 countyn)California Courts of Appeal (6 appellationsdistrikt)Supreme Court of California[24]
Kansas KansasDistrict Court (31 distrikt)Kansas Court of AppealsKansas Supreme Court[25]
Kentucky KentuckyCircuit Court (57 circuits)Kentucky Court of AppealsKentucky Supreme Court[26]
Louisiana LouisianaDistrict Court (42 distrikt)Louisiana Circuit Courts of Appeal (5 kretsar)Louisiana Supreme Court[7]
Maine MaineSuperior Court(saknas)Maine Supreme Judicial Court[27]
Maryland MarylandCircuit Court (8 rättsliga kretsar)Maryland Court of Special AppealsMaryland Court of Appeals[28]
Massachusetts MassachusettsSuperior Court (14 avdelningar)Massachusetts Appeals CourtMassachusetts Supreme Judicial Court[29]
Michigan MichiganCircuit Court (57 kretsar)Michigan Court of AppealsMichigan Supreme Court[30]
Minnesota MinnesotaDistrict Court (10 distrikt)Minnesota Court of AppealsMinnesota Supreme Court[31]
Mississippi MississippiCircuit Court (22 distrikt)
Chancery Court (20 distrikt)
Mississippi Court of AppealsMississippi Supreme Court[32]
Missouri MissouriCircuit Court (45 kretsar)Missouri Court of Appeals (3 distrikt)Missouri Supreme Court[33]
Montana MontanaDistrict Court (22 rättsliga distrikt)(saknas)Montana Supreme Court[34][35]
Nebraska NebraskaDistrict Court (12 distrikt)Nebraska Court of AppealsNebraska Supreme Court[36]
Nevada NevadaDistrict Court (10 distrikt[37])Nevada Court of AppealsNevada Supreme Court[8]
New Hampshire New HampshireSuperior Court(saknas)New Hampshire Supreme Court[38]
New Jersey New JerseySuperior Court (15 grannskap)Superior Court, Appellate DivisionNew Jersey Supreme Court[39]
New Mexico New MexicoDistrict Court (13 rättsliga distrikt)New Mexico Court of AppealsNew Mexico Supreme Court[40]
New York (delstat) New YorkSupreme Court (12 rättsliga distrikt)
County Court (57 countyn)
New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division (4 avdelningar)New York Court of Appeals[41]
North Carolina North CarolinaSuperior Court (46 distrikt)North Carolina Court of AppealsNorth Carolina Supreme Court[9]
North Dakota North DakotaDistrict Court (7 rättsliga distrikt)(saknas)North Dakota Supreme Court[42]
Ohio OhioCourt of Common Pleas (88 counties)Ohio District Courts of Appeals (12 distrikt)Ohio Supreme Court[43]
Oklahoma OklahomaDistrict Court (26 rättsliga distrikt)Oklahoma Court of Civil AppealsOklahoma Supreme Court
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
Oregon OregonCircuit Court (27 rättsliga distrikt)Oregon Court of AppealsOregon Supreme Court[45]
Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaCourt of Common Pleas (60 rättsliga distrikt)Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania
Superior Court of Pennsylvania
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania[46]
Rhode Island Rhode IslandSuperior Court(saknas)Rhode Island Supreme Court[10]
South Carolina South CarolinaCircuit Court (16 kretsar)South Carolina Court of AppealsSouth Carolina Supreme Court[47]
South Dakota South DakotaCircuit Court (7 kretsar)(saknas)South Dakota Supreme Court[48]
Tennessee TennesseeCircuit Court (31 rättsliga distrikt)
Criminal Court (31 rättsliga distrikt)
Chancery Court (31 rättsliga distrikt)
Tennessee Court of Appeals (3 storavdelningar)
Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals (3 storavdelningar)
Tennessee Supreme Court[49]
Texas TexasDistrict Court (457 distrikt[50])Texas Courts of Appeals (14 distrikt)Texas Supreme Court
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals
Utah UtahDistrict Court (8 distrikt)Utah Court of AppealsUtah Supreme Court[51]
Vermont VermontSuperior Court
District Court
Family Court
(saknas)Vermont Supreme Court[52]
Virginia VirginiaCircuit Court (31 rättsliga distrikt)Court of Appeals of VirginiaVirginia Supreme Court[53]
Washington (delstat) WashingtonSuperior Court (39 counties)Washington Court of Appeals (3 avdelningar)Washington Supreme Court[54]
West Virginia West VirginiaCircuit Court (31 rättsliga distrikt)(saknas)West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals[55]
Wisconsin WisconsinCircuit Court (10 rättsliga förvaltningsdistrikt)Wisconsin Court of Appeals (4 distrikt)Wisconsin Supreme Court[56]
Wyoming WyomingDistrict Court (9 distrikt)(saknas)Wyoming Supreme Court[57]

Se även


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, State court (United States), tidigare version.


  1. ^ Manweller, Mathew (2006). ”Chapter 2, The Roles, Functions, and Powers of State Courts”. i Hogan, Sean O.. The Judicial Branch of State Government: People, Process, and Politics. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. sid. 37-96. ISBN 9781851097517. Läst 5 oktober 2020 
  2. ^ Oakley, John B.; Amar, Vikram D. (2009). American Civil Procedure: A Guide to Civil Adjudication in US Courts. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. sid. 41. ISBN 9789041128720. 
  3. ^ ”Fifth Amendment” (på engelska). Wex Legal Dictionary and Encyclopedia. Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School. December 2022. Läst 23 augusti 2024. 
  4. ^ ”A Jury Selected from a Representative Cross-Section of the Community” (på engelska). Wex Legal Dictionary and Encyclopedia. Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School. Läst 9 oktober 2024. 
  5. ^ [a b] ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Texas” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”In Texas, the judiciary has five general levels. The Justice Courts and Municipal Courts are the lowest level courts, focusing on cases involving specific subject matter, such as traffic violations, small claims, evictions, and truancy. The County Courts also hear cases with specific subject matter, such as misdemeanors, probate, and juvenile matters. The District Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Texas Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Texas Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  6. ^ [a b] ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Delaware” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”In Delaware, the judiciary has four general levels. The Justice of the Peace Courts and Alderman's Courts are the lowest level courts, focusing on cases involving issues like certain misdemeanors, small claims, and motor vehicle cases. The Court of Common Pleas is the trial court for civil cases totaling less than $75,000 and misdemeanors not handled by the Justice of the Peace and Alderman's Courts. The Family Court also hears specific cases regarding family and juvenile matters at this level. The next level consists of the Delaware Superior Courts, which have original jurisdiction in some criminal and civil cases and act as an intermediate appellate court for appeals from the Court of Common Pleas, Family Courts, and some state agency rulings, and the Courts of Chancery, which have jurisdiction related to equity cases. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  7. ^ [a b] ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Louisiana” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”In Louisiana, the judiciary has four general levels. The Mayor's Courts, Justices of the Peace Courts, City Courts, Parish Courts, and Family and Juvenile Courts are lower-level courts that focus on cases involving specific subject matter, such as traffic violations, small claims, and misdemeanor offenses. The District Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction, but can also have appellate jurisdiction over certain criminal cases tried by Mayor's, City, and Parish Courts, and some cases tried by Justice of the Peace Courts in parishes where no Parish Court exists. The Louisiana Courts of Appeal act as the intermediate appellate court. The Louisiana Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  8. ^ [a b] ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Nevada” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”In Nevada, the judiciary has four general levels. The Municipal Courts and Justice Courts are the lowest level courts, which focus on cases involving specific subject matter, such as traffic violations, small claims, and misdemeanor offenses. The District Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Nevada Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Nevada Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  9. ^ [a b] ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. North Carolina” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”In North Carolina, the judiciary has four general levels. The State District Court is the lowest level court focusing on cases involving specific subject matter, such as traffic violations, small claims, and misdemeanor offenses. The Superior Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  10. ^ [a b] ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Rhode Island” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. ”In Rhode Island, the judiciary has four general levels. The Traffic Tribunal is the lowest level, focusing on cases involving non-criminal traffic offenses. The Workers' Compensation Court, District Court, and Family Court are courts of limited jurisdiction hearing matters involving workers' compensation, lesser criminal and civil matters, and family matters. The Superior Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Rhode Island Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  11. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Alabama” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”In Alabama, the judiciary has three general levels. The Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction; the Court of Civil Appeals hears civil appeals; the Court of Criminal Appeals hears criminal appeals; and the Alabama Supreme Court is the highest appellate court.” 
  12. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Alaska” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Superior Court of Alaska is the trial court of general jurisdiction; the Alaska Court of Appeals hears criminal appeals; and the Alaska Supreme Court is the highest appellate court, hearing primarily civil cases.” 
  13. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Arizona” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Arizona judiciary is made up of three general levels. There are courts of limited jurisdiction at the municipal level. The court of general jurisdiction is the Superior Court. At the appellate level, there is the Court of Appeals, which acts as an intermediate appellate court, and the Supreme Court, which is the highest appellate court.” 
  14. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Arkansas” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Arkansas Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Arkansas Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Arkansas Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  15. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Colorado” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”In Colorado, the judiciary has three general levels. The District Courts hear most cases at the trial level; the County Courts have limited jurisdiction over certain matters, and Water Courts have exclusive jurisdiction over matters involving water rights. The Colorado Court of Appeals is the intermediate appellate court. The Colorado Supreme Court is the highest appellate court.” 
  16. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Connecticut” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Connecticut Superior Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Connecticut Appellate Court acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Connecticut Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  17. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Florida” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”In Florida, the judiciary has four courts with different responsibilities. The lowest levels are the two trial courts, the County Trial Court and the Circuit Trial Court. The District Courts of Appeal hear appeals from lower courts. The Florida Supreme Court is the highest appellate court in Florida.” 
  18. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Georgia” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Georgia Superior Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Court of Appeals of Georgia acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Supreme Court of Georgia is the highest court in the state.” 
  19. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Hawaii” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Circuit Court is the court of general jurisdiction. The Intermediate Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Hawaii Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  20. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Idaho” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”In Idaho, the judiciary has three general levels. The District Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction. The Idaho Court of Appeals is the intermediate appellate court. The Idaho Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  21. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Illinois” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”In Illinois, the judiciary has three general levels. The Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Illinois Appellate Court acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Illinois Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  22. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Indiana” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The Circuit Courts and Superior Courts are the are the courts of general jurisdiction. The Court of Appeals of Indiana and the Indiana Tax Court act as intermediate appellate courts. The Indiana Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  23. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Iowa” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”In Iowa, the judiciary has three general levels. The State District Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. Within the District Courts there are probate, juvenile, and magistrate judges who exercise limited jurisdiction on certain legal matters. The Iowa Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Iowa Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  24. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. California” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”In California, the judiciary has three general levels. The Superior Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction; the Courts of Appeal act as the intermediate appellate court; and the California Supreme Court is the highest court in California.” 
  25. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Kansas” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The District Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction. The Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Kansas Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  26. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Kentucky” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Supreme Court of Kentucky is the highest court in the state.” 
  27. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Maine” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The Superior Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. Maine does not have an intermediate appellate court. Instead the Supreme Judicial Court, also called the Maine Law Court, is the sole appellate court.” 
  28. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Maryland” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Maryland Court of Special Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Maryland Court of Appeals is the highest court in the state.” 
  29. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Massachusetts” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Superior Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction; the Boston Municipal Court, Housing Court, and Land Court also hear specific cases at this level. The Massachusetts Appeals Court acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Supreme Judicial Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  30. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Michigan” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Michigan Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Michigan Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Michigan Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  31. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Minnesota” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Minnesota District Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Minnesota Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Minnesota Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  32. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Mississippi” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The Circuit Courts and Chancery Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction. The Mississippi Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Mississippi Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  33. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Missouri” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The Circuit Court is the court of general jurisdiction and is normally broken down into various divisions, such as associate circuit, small claims, municipal, family, probate, criminal, and juvenile. The Missouri Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Missouri Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  34. ^ ”About Judicial Branch” (på engelska). Montana Judicial Branch. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Judicial power of the State of Montana is vested in the following:
    • The Supreme Court, consisting of a Chief Justice and six Associate Justices
    • The District Courts
    • The Workers' Compensation Court
    • The Water Court
    • The Courts of Limited Jurisdiction, which include Justice Courts, Municipal Courts, and City Courts.
      Unlike most state court systems and the federal judiciary, Montana does not have an intermediate appellate court. Consequently, the Supreme Court hears direct appeals from all of the District Courts across Montana, as well as from the Workers' Compensation Court and the Water Court. Because people have a right to an appeal and there is no intermediate appellate court for Montanans to go to, the Montana Supreme Court does not have discretion to turn down appeals; it must take them all and resolve them.” 
  35. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Montana” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The District Courts are the courts of general jurisdiction; however, the Water Court and Workers' Compensation Court have jurisdiction over limited matters. The Montana Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  36. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Nebraska” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The Nebraska District Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Nebraska Supreme Court is the highest court in the stat” 
  37. ^ ”About the Nevada Judiciary”. Arkiverad från originalet den 18 maj 2014. Läst 21 maj 2014. 
  38. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. New Hampshire” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The New Hampshire Superior Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The New Hampshire Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  39. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. New Jersey” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The New Jersey Superior Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The New Jersey Superior Court, Appellate Division acts as the intermediate appellate court. The New Jersey Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  40. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. New Mexico” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The New Mexico District Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The New Mexico Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The New Mexico Supreme Court is the highest court in the state” 
  41. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. New York” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Supreme Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court acts as intermediate appellate courts. The New York Court of Appeals is the highest court in the state.” 
  42. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. North Dakota” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”In North Dakota, the judiciary has three general levels. The Municipal courts are the lowest level, which focus on cases involving specific subject matter, such as traffic violations, small claims, and misdemeanor offenses. The District Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The North Dakota Supreme Court is the highest court in North Dakota.” 
  43. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Ohio” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”In Ohio, the judiciary has three general levels. The trial court level is made up of the Courts of Common Pleas, the Court of Claims, Municipal Courts, and Mayor's Courts. The Ohio Court of Appeals is the intermediate appellate court of Ohio. The Ohio Supreme Court is the highest court in Ohio.” 
  44. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Oklahoma” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The District Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Court of Civil Appeals acts as an intermediate appellate court for civil matters. The Court of Criminal Appeals acts as the highest appellate court in criminal matters. The Oklahoma Supreme Court acts as the highest appellate court in civil matters.” 
  45. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Oregon” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The Oregon Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Oregon Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Oregon Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  46. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Pennsylvania” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The Court of Common Pleas is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Superior Court and Commonwealth Court act as intermediate appellate courts, with the Superior Court having jurisdiction over most civil and criminal matters, while the Commonwealth Court hears matters involving government regulations. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  47. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. South Carolina” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction; the Family Court and Master-in-Equity also exist at this level, hearing specific cases. The Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The South Carolina Supreme Court is the highest court in the state” 
  48. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. South Dakota” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The South Dakota Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The South Dakota Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  49. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Tennessee” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The State Trial Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction, separated into the Circuit Courts, Chancery Courts, Criminal Courts, and Probate Courts. The Appeals Court and the Criminal Appeals Court are the intermediate appellate courts. The Supreme Court is the highest court.” 
  50. ^
  51. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Utah” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Utah District Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Utah Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Utah Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  52. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Vermont” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The Vermont Superior Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Vermont Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  53. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Virginia” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Virginia Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Supreme Court of Virginia is the highest court in the state.” 
  54. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Washington” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Superior Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Washington Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Washington Supreme Court is the highest court in the state” 
  55. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. West Virginia” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”The West Virginia Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia is the highest court in the state.” 
  56. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Wisconsin” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Court of Appeals acts as the intermediate appellate court. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 
  57. ^ ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Wyoming” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 13 augusti 2021. ”The Wyoming District Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction. The Wyoming Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.” 

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Författare/Upphovsman: unknown, Licens: CC0
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Flag of Colorado designed by Andrew Carlisle Johnson
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Flag of Idaho, from the xrmap flag collection 2.7.
Flag of California.svg
Flag of California. This version is designed to accurately depict the standard print of the bear as well as adhere to the official flag code regarding the size, position and proportion of the bear, the colors of the flag, and the position and size of the star.
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The flag of Minnesota, since May 11, 2024.
Flag of Nevada.svg
Flag of the State of Nevada. The flag is described in Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 235, Sec. 20 as follows: The body of the flag must be of solid cobalt blue. On the field in the upper left quarter thereof must be two sprays of Sagebrush with the stems crossed at the bottom to form a half wreath. Within the sprays must be a five-pointed silver star with one point up. The word “Nevada” must also be inscribed below the star and above the sprays, in a semicircular pattern with the letters spaced apart in equal increments, in the same style of letters as the words “Battle Born.” Above the wreath, and touching the tips thereof, must be a scroll bearing the words “Battle Born.” The scroll and the word “Nevada” must be golden-yellow. The lettering on the scroll must be black-colored sans serif gothic capital letters.
Flag of Utah.svg
The flag of Utah (2024-present). This is the final design submitted for consideration to be adopted as a new state flag of Utah. The design evokes images of snowy mountains and red rocks to represent the geography of Utah, the beehive represents "Industry" (the state's slogan) and Utah's nickname as "the Beehive State".
Flag of Oregon.svg
Flag of Oregon (obverse): The flag was adopted by the state on February 26, 1925.[1] The state seal was decided in 1903.[2][3]
Miami-Dade County Courthouse - Miami - Daniel Di Palma Photography 06.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Daniel Di Palma, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
County Courthouse in Downtown Miami
Flag of Mississippi.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Rocky Vaughn, Sue Anna Joe, Dominique Pugh, Clay Moss, Kara Giles, Micah Whitson and the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Licens: Copyrighted free use
The flag of the U.S. state of Mississippi - aspect ratio of 5:3. Designed in 2020 and adopted in 2021, the "New Magnolia" flag was selected by the Commission to Redesign the Mississippi state flag in 2020.
Flag of New Mexico.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: unknown, Licens: CC0
Flag of Ohio.svg
The flag of the U.S. state of Ohio, officially known as the "Ohio Burgee"
Flag of Oklahoma.svg
Flag of Oklahoma, adopted in November 2006.
NYC - New York County Supreme Courthouse.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: wallyg, Licens: CC BY 2.0
New York County Supreme Courthouse.
Greater coat of arms of the United States.svg
The greater coat of arms of the United States of America, as depicted on passports, embassies and the Great Seal.