Datorspelsåret 2014

Datorspelsåret 2014
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Playstation 4 med tillhörande spelkontroll.



  • 11-13 april - PAX East 2014 hålls i Boston Convention and Exhibition Center i Boston.
  • 12-13 april - Midwest Gaming Classic 2014 hålls på Sheraton Milwaukee Brookfield Hotel i Brookfield.
  • 27 april - De ET-spelkassetter som efter dåliga försäljningssiffror dumpades ute i New Mexicos öken i samband med 1983 års spelkrasch återfinns.[4]






Xbox One med tillbehör.


  • 2-5 oktober - Gigacon 2014 hålls i Telenor Arena i Oslo.
  • 11 oktober - New Nintendo 3DS och New Nintendo 3DS XL lanseras i Japan.
  • 11-12 oktober - First Look 2014 hålls i Jaarbeurs i Utrecht.
  • 11-12 oktober - Play Expo 2014 hålls i Event City i Manchester.
  • 24-26 oktober - Milan Games Week hålls i Fieramilanocity i Milano.
  • 31 oktober-2 november - PAX Australia 2014 hålls i Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre i Melbourne.



  • 5 december - The Game Awards 2014 hålls i Las Vegas.



2USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Sonic & All-Stars Racing TransformedIOS, Android
7USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Don't Starve: Console EditionPS4
USAEuropeiska unionen Tiny BrainsPS3
9USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Duke Nukem: Manhattan ProjectIOS
USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Metal Gear Rising: RevengeanceWin
USA Rhythm Thief & The Paris CaperIOS
13USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan NidhoggWin
14USA Assassin's Creed Liberation HDPSN
The Banner SagaWin, Mac, Lin, IOS, XBLA
15Europeiska unionenUSA Assassin's Creed Liberation HDWin, XBLA
Europeiska unionen Assassin's Creed Liberation HDPSN
Final Fantasy VIAndroid
16F1 Race StarsWii U
USA Olli OlliPS Vita
22Deus Ex: The FallDroid
Europeiska unionenAustralien Olli OlliPS Vita
Japan Tomb Raider: Definitive EditionPS4, XBO
23Might & Magic X: LegacyWin
Tomb RaiderMac
Japan Dragon Ball Z: Battle of ZPS3, PS Vita, X360
24Europeiska unionen Dragon Ball Z: Battle of ZPS3, PS Vita, X360
27Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas MobileWP
28Broken Age Act IWin, Mac, Lin, IOS, Droid
USA Dragon Ball Z: Battle of ZPS3, PS Vita, X360
USA Tomb Raider: Definitive EditionPS4, XBO
29Rekoil: LiberatorXBLA
30Octodad: Dadliest CatchWin, Mac, Lin
31Halo: Spartan AssaultX360
Europeiska unionen Tomb Raider: Definitive EditionPS4, XBO
4Fable AnniversaryX360
The Wolf Among Us - Episode 2: Smoke and MirrorsWin, Mac, PSN
5The Wolf Among Us - Episode 2: Smoke and MirrorsXBLA
6Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse - Episode 1IOS
Double Dragon NeonWin
Final Fantasy VIIOS
7The Lego Movie VideogameWin, PS3, X360, PS4, XBO
USA Bravely Default3DS
11USA Danganronpa: Trigger Happy HavocPSVita
USA Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIIPS3, X360
USA One Piece: Romance Dawn3DS
Toukiden: The Age of DemonsPS Vita, PSP
12World of TanksXBLA
13Steel Diver: Sub Wars3DS
USAEuropeiska unionen Inazuma Eleven3DS
USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Naissance EWin
Australien Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIIPS3, X360
Japan Donkey Kong Country: Tropical FreezeWii U
14Europeiska unionen Danganronpa: Trigger Happy HavocPSVita
Europeiska unionen Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIIPS3, X360
Australien Inazuma Eleven3DS
18USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan BanishedWin
Earth Defense Force 2025PS3, X360
Guacamelee! Gold EditionMac, Lin
NASCAR '14Win, PS3, X360
Rayman LegendsPS4, XBO
StriderPS3, PS4, X360, XBO, Win
21USAEuropeiska unionen Donkey Kong Country: Tropical FreezeWii U
Rambo: The Video GamePS3, X360, Win
22Australien Donkey Kong Country: Tropical FreezeWii U
Japan Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of InfluencePS4[7]
25Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2Win, PS3, X360
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden WarfareXBO, X360
USA Tales of Symphonia ChroniclesPS3
ThiefWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
27Japan Deception IV: Blood TiesPS3, PS Vita
Resident Evil 4: Ultimate HD EditionWin
Japan Story of Seasons3DS[8]
28USA Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy3DS
Europeiska unionen Tales of Symphonia ChroniclesPS3
4USA Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA FPSVita
South Park: The Stick of TruthWin, PS3, X360
The Walking Dead: Season Two - Episode 2: A House DividedWin, Mac, PSN, XBLA
6F1 2013Mac
7The Walking Dead: Season Two - Episode 2: A House DividedIOS
11Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk SkyPS3
Dark Souls IIPS3, X360
Hearthstone: Heroes of WarcraftWin, Mac
TitanfallWin, XBO
Towerfall AscensionPS4, Win
12Europeiska unionen Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA FPSVita
14Yoshi's New Island3DS
18Deus Ex: The FallWin
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD RemasterPS3, PSVita
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesPS3, PS4, X360, XBO
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden ZPS3, X360
15Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse - Episode 1Droid
21Infamous: Second SonPS4
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden ZWin
Europeiska unionen The Witch and the Hundred KnightPS3
24Escape Goat 2Win, Mac, Lin
25Blazblue: Chrono PhantasmaPS3
USA Deception IV: Blood TiesPS3, PS Vita
Diablo III: Reaper of SoulsWin, Mac
FezPS3, PS4, PS Vita
Mercenary KingsWin
USA The Witch and the Hundred KnightPS3
27Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HDWin
28Europeiska unionen Deception IV: Blood TiesPS3, PS Vita
Europeiska unionen Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney3DS
29Australien Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney3DS
31Age of Wonders IIIWin, Mac
USAEuropeiska unionenAustralien Steins;GateWin


1Batman: Arkham Origins BlackgateWin, PSN, XBLA, WiiU
Goat SimulatorWin
Mercenary KingsPS4
MLB 14: The ShowPS3, PS Vita
3Don Bradman Cricket 14PS3, X360
The Elder Scrolls OnlineWin, Mac
8Kinect Sports RivalsXBO
The Wolf Among Us - Episode 3: A Crooked MileWin, Mac, PSN
9The Wolf Among Us - Episode 3: A Crooked MileXBLA
10Japan Tokyo Twilight Ghost HuntersPS3, PSVita
Trials FrontierIOS
11USA Disney Magical World3DS
14Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm RebornPS4
152014 FIFA World Cup BrazilPS3, X360
USA Conception II: Children of the Seven StarsPS Vita, 3DS
Moebius: Empire RisingWin, Mac
War of the VikingsWin
16USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse - Episode 2Win, Mac, Lin
Trials FusionXBLA, XBO, PS4
18Wargame Red DragonWin
22USA Demon GazePSVita
24Trials FusionWin
25Dark Souls IIWin
NES Remix 2Wii U
Europeiska unionen Demon GazePSVita
EuropaAustralien Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star BattlePS3
29DaylightWin, PS4
USA Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star BattlePS3
The Amazing Spider-Man 2Win, PS3, PS4, Wii U, X360, XBO, 3DS, Android, IOS
30Child of LightWin, PS3, PS4, Wii U, X360, XBO
TBAThe Wolf Among Us - Episode 3: A Crooked MileiOS
2Kirby: Triple Deluxe3DS
Mario Golf: World Tour3DS
Peggle 2XBLA
5EA Sports UFCPS4, XBO
6MLB 14: The ShowPS4
7Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy AdventureWindows, OS X, Linux
9Bound by FlameWin, PS4, PS3, X360
Killer is Dead: Nightmare EditionWin
13USA Borderlands 2PS Vita
14Europeiska unionen Conception II: Children of the Seven StarsPS Vita, 3DS
15USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Hitman: Absolution Elite EditionMac
Japan Sonic & All-Stars Racing TransformedPlaystation 3, Wii U
19USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan NidhoggMac
20Japan Ace Combat InfinityPS3
Drakengard 3PS3
Mugen Souls ZPS3
TransistorWin, Mac, Lin, PS4
Wolfenstein: The New OrderWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
23Tropico 5Win
27USA Ace Combat InfinityPS3
Watch DogsWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
28Europeiska unionen Ace Combat InfinityPS3
29Japan Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black HeartPS Vita
Japan Mario Kart 8Wii U
Japan Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of InfluencePS Vita[9]
30Europeiska unionen Borderlands 2PS Vita
USAEuropeiska unionen Mario Kart 8Wii U
31Australien Mario Kart 8Wii U
TBADon Bradman Cricket 14Win
MousecraftWin, Mac, Lin, PS Vita
Lifeless PlanetWin, MAC
3Murdered: Soul SuspectWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
USA Ultra Street Fighter IVPSN
4USAEuropeiska unionen Ultra Street Fighter IVXBLA
5Europeiska unionen How to SurviveWii U
Japan Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth3DS
12Japan One Piece: Unlimited World RedWii U, PS3, PS Vita
13Enemy FrontWin, PS3, X360
24USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Transformers: Rise of the Dark SparkWin, X360, XBO, PS4, PS3, Wii U, 3DS
USA Valiant Hearts: The Great WarPS3, PS4
19USA How to SurviveWii U
25USAEuropeiska unionenAustralien Valiant Hearts: The Great WarWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
26Europeiska unionen One Piece: Unlimited World Red3DS, Wii U, PS3, PS Vita
27Sniper Elite IIIWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
31Japan Valiant Hearts: The Great WarPS3, PS4
The Elder Scrolls OnlinePS4, XBO


8USA One Piece: Unlimited World Red3DS, Wii U, PS3
14USA One Piece: Unlimited World RedPS Vita
24Japan Corpse Party: Blood DrivePSVita
5USA Ultra Street Fighter IVPS3, X360
7Japan Lost DimensionPS3, PS Vita[10][11]
Japan Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual DestiniesIOS
Japan Turnabout ReclaimedIOS
Japan Ultra Street Fighter IVPS3, X360
USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Ultra Street Fighter IVWin
8Europeiska unionen Ultra Street Fighter IVPS3, X360
14USAEuropeiska unionenAustralien Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual DestiniesIOS
USAEuropeiska unionenAustralien Turnabout ReclaimedIOS
177 Days to DieWin, Mac, Lin
19USA Tales of Xillia 2PS3
22Europeiska unionen Tales of Xillia 2PS3
26Sacred 3Win, PS3, X360
The Evil WithinWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
28Japan Persona 4 Arena UltimaxPS3, X360
29USA Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney3DS
TBARisen 3: Titan LordsWin, PS3, X360
2USA Danganronpa 2: Goodbye DespairPlaystation Vita
USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Don't StarvePS Vita
3USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Total War: Rome IIMac
4Japan Valiant Hearts: The Great WarIOS
5Europeiska unionen Danganronpa 2: Goodbye DespairPlaystation Vita
USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Planetary AnnihilationWin, Mac, Lin
9DestinyPS3, PS4, X360, XBO
NHL 15PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
12USAEuropeiska unionenAustralien Planetarian: The Reverie of a Little PlanetWin
13Japan Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS3DS
15The Sims 4Win, Mac
USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Wasteland 2Win, Mac, Lin
20Japan BayonettaWii U
Japan Bayonetta 2Wii U
23USA Slender: The ArrivalPSN
USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Stronghold Crusader IIWin
24Europeiska unionen Slender: The ArrivalPSN
USAEuropeiska unionen Slender: The ArrivalXBLA
25Japan Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair GirlsPS Vita[12]
28Massive ChaliceWin, Mac, Lin
30USA Persona 4 Arena UltimaxPS3, X360


2Japan Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 RemixPS3
3USAEuropeiska unionen Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS3DS
4Australien Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS3DS
7Alien: IsolationWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
USA DriveclubPS4
Middle-earth: Shadow of MordorWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
8Europeiska unionen DriveclubPS4
10Storbritannien DriveclubPS4
14USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan NidhoggPS4, PS Vita
Raven's CryWin, PS3, X360
21USA Fantasia: Music EvolvedXBO, X360
Just Dance 2015Wii, Wii U, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
USAEuropeiska unionenAustralien The Legend of KorraWin, PS3, PS4
22USAEuropeiska unionenAustralien The Legend of KorraX360, XBO
23Australien Fantasia: Music EvolvedXBO, X360
Sydkorea Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth3DS[13]
24USAEuropeiska unionen BayonettaWii U
USAEuropeiska unionen Bayonetta 2Wii U
Europeiska unionen Fantasia: Music EvolvedXBO, X360
25Australien BayonettaWii U
Australien Bayonetta 2Wii U
28USA Sunset OverdriveXBO
30Europeiska unionenAustralien Shin Megami Tensei IV3DS
AustralienJapan Sunset OverdriveXBO
29Europeiska unionen How to SurvivePS4
USAEuropeiska unionen How to SurviveXBO
31Europeiska unionen Sunset OverdriveXBO
4USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan The Binding of Isaac: RebirthPS4, PS Vita, Win, Mac, Lin
USA How to SurvivePS4
11USA Assassin's Creed UnityWin, PS4, XBO
USA Sonic Boom: Rise of LyricWii U
USA Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal3DS
13Europeiska unionenAustralien Assassin's Creed UnityWin, PS4, XBO
Japan Captain Toad: Treasure TrackerWii U
USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan World of Warcraft: Warlords of DraenorWin
18USARyssland Dragon Age: InquisitionWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
20Japan Assassin's Creed UnityWin, PS4, XBO
Australien Dragon Age: InquisitionWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
21USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest JourneyWin, Mac, Lin
Europeiska unionen Persona 4 Arena UltimaxPS3, X360
USA Super Smash Bros. for Wii UWii U
Europeiska unionen Sonic Boom: Rise of LyricWii U
Europeiska unionen Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal3DS
Europeiska unionenSydafrika Dragon Age: InquisitionWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
USAEuropeiska unionenAustralienJapan Kinetic VoidWin, Mac, Lin
25USA Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth3DS
27Japan Code: Realize - Guardian of RebirthPS Vita[14]
Japan Dragon Age: InquisitionWin, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
Japan Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight3DS
28Europeiska unionen Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth3DS
Europeiska unionen Super Smash Bros. for Wii UWii U
29Australien Super Smash Bros. for Wii UWii U
Australien Sonic Boom: Rise of LyricWii U
Australien Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal3DS
2USAEuropeiska unionenAustralien The CrewWin, PS4, X360, XBO
USA Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 RemixPS3
4Analogue: A Hate Story (japanska)Win, Lin, Mac
Japan The CrewWin, PS4, X360, XBO
Australien Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 RemixPS3
5USA Captain Toad: Treasure TrackerWii U
Europeiska unionen Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 RemixPS3
6Japan Super Smash Bros. for Wii UWii U
11Japan Norn 9: Var CommonsPS Vita[15]
15USAEuropeiska unionenAustralien Fault Milestone OneWin, Lin, Mac
18Japan Chaos;ChildXbox One
Japan Sonic Boom: Rise of LyricWii U
Japan Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal3DS
21Storbritannien Captain Toad: Treasure TrackerWii U


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, tidigare version.


  1. ^ ”Kina slopar förbud mot spelkonsoler”. Svenska Dagbladet. 7 januari 2014. http://www.svd.se/naringsliv/digitalt/kina-slopar-forbud-mot-spelkonsoler_8871974.svd. Läst 7 januari 2014. 
  2. ^ Ken Levine (18 februari 2014). ”A Message From Ken Levine about the closing of Irrational Games and the future of the studio” (på engelska). Irrational Games. Arkiverad från originalet den 19 februari 2014. https://archive.is/20140219101811/http://irrationalgames.com/new-featured/a-message-from-ken-levine-2/. Läst 19 maj 2015. 
  3. ^ Tom Phillips (9 september 2013). ”Playstation 4 won't launch in Japan until February 2014” (på engelska). Eurogamer. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-09-09-playstation-4-wont-launch-in-japan-until-february-2014. Läst 19 maj 2015. 
  4. ^ ”Floppat spel grävdes upp i öknen”. Dagens nyheter. 2 maj 2014. http://www.dn.se/kultur-noje/floppat-spel-gravdes-upp-i-oknen/. Läst 27 april 2014. 
  5. ^ ”Attendance and Stats” (på engelska). IGN. http://www.ign.com/wikis/e3/Attendance_and_Stats. Läst 21 maj 2015. 
  6. ^ ”Xbox One Launches in China” (på engelska). News. 29 september 2014. http://news.xbox.com/2014/09/xbox-one-launches-in-china. Läst 19 maj 2015. 
  7. ^ Romano, Sal (24 december 2013). ”Nobunaga’s Ambition: Creation coming to PlayStation 4”. Gematsu. http://gematsu.com/2013/12/nobunagas-ambition-creation-coming-playstation-4. Läst 19 maj 2015. 
  8. ^ Sato (18 december 2013). ”Harvest Moon: Connect To A New Land’s First Trailer Shows Off Safaris”. Siliconera. http://www.siliconera.com/2013/12/18/harvest-moon-connect-new-lands-first-trailer-shows-customization-safaris/. Läst 24 mars 2015. 
  9. ^ Romano, Sal (25 mars 2014). ”Nobunaga’s Ambition: Creation coming to PS Vita”. Gematsu. http://gematsu.com/2014/03/nobunagas-ambition-creation-coming-ps-vita. Läst 19 maj 2015. 
  10. ^ ”ロストディメンション” (på japanska). Famitsu. Arkiverad från originalet den 30 juli 2015. https://www.webcitation.org/6aP6lq7R7?url=http://www.famitsu.com/cominy/?m=pc. Läst 30 juli 2015. 
  11. ^ ”ロストディメンション” (på japanska). Famitsu. Arkiverad från originalet den 30 juli 2015. https://web.archive.org/web/20150730083310/http://www.famitsu.com/cominy/?m=pc&a=page_h_title&title_id=30482. Läst 30 juli 2015. 
  12. ^ Romano, Sal (23 juni 2014). ”Danganronpa: Another Episode Japanese release date set”. Gematsu. Arkiverad från originalet den 31 maj 2015. https://web.archive.org/web/20150531020145/http://gematsu.com/2014/06/danganronpa-another-episode-japanese-release-date-set. Läst 21 mars 2015. 
  13. ^ Spencer (4 september 2014). ”Nintendo Bringing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate And Hatsune Miku To Korea”. Siliconera. http://www.siliconera.com/2014/09/04/nintendo-bringing-monster-hunter-4-ultimate-hatsune-miku-project-mirai-remix-korea/. Läst 12 april 2015. 
  14. ^ ”Code:Realize(コード:リアライズ) ~創世の姫君~ [Vita]”. Famitsu. http://www.famitsu.com/cominy/?m=pc&a=page_h_title&title_id=30409. Läst 29 april 2015. 
  15. ^ ”ノルン+ノネット ヴァール コモンズ”. Famitsu. http://www.famitsu.com/cominy/?m=pc&a=page_h_title&title_id=30781. Läst 28 maj 2015. 

Media som används på denna webbplats

A gray Nintendo 64 controller, the original pack-in controller included with the console.
Flag of Europe.svg
The Flag of Europe is the flag and emblem of the European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE). It consists of a circle of 12 golden (yellow) stars on a blue background. It was created in 1955 by the CoE and adopted by the EU, then the European Communities, in the 1980s.

The CoE and EU are distinct in membership and nature. The CoE is a 47-member international organisation dealing with human rights and rule of law, while the EU is a quasi-federal union of 27 states focused on economic integration and political cooperation. Today, the flag is mostly associated with the latter.

It was the intention of the CoE that the flag should come to represent Europe as a whole, and since its adoption the membership of the CoE covers nearly the entire continent. This is why the EU adopted the same flag. The flag has been used to represent Europe in sporting events and as a pro-democracy banner outside the Union.
Flag of South Africa.svg

Sydafrikas flagga

Färg som används: National flag | South African Government and Pantone Color Picker

     grön rendered as RGB 000 119 073Pantone 3415 C
     gul rendered as RGB 255 184 028Pantone 1235 C
     röd rendered as RGB 224 060 049Pantone 179 C
     blå rendered as RGB 000 020 137Pantone Reflex Blue C
     vit rendered as RGB 255 255 255
     svart rendered as RGB 000 000 000
The PlayStation 4 (PS4) gaming console made by Sony. Released on 11-15-2013 in North America it is an eighth generation system and competes with the Microsoft Xbox One and the Nintendo Wii U. This console is shown with the DualShock 4 controller that is included with the system.
The Xbox One console, shown with the controller and the Kinect. Released in 2013 in North America and select markets, it is the third video game console made by Microsoft and succeeds the Xbox 360.