Copernicus (månkrater)


 9° 37’ 12’’ Nord
 20°  4’ 48’’ Väst
Medeldiameter96.1 km 
Djup3.8 km
Kolongitud20° vid soluppgång
EponymNicolaus Copernicus
2 000 km
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Närbild av Copernikus

Copernicus är en framstående nedslagskratermånen som ligger i östra Oceanus Procellarum. Kratern har en diameter på 96 km och ett djup på 3,8 km. Enligt prover tagna av Apollo 12 astronauter, är kratern omkring 800 miljoner år gammal. Den har typiska kännetecken att den bildades under Copernician. Den är uppkallad efter Nicolaus Copernicus.


A9.52° N18.90° Ö21 km
B7.50° N22.39° Ö7 km
C7.12° N15.44° Ö5,7 km
D12.20° N24.80° Ö5,1 km
E6.40° N22.70° Ö4,1 km
F5.89° N22.24° Ö3,3 km
G5.92° N21.51° Ö4,1 km
H6.89° N18.29° Ö4,4 km
J10.13° N23.94° Ö5,7 km
L13.48° N17.08° Ö3,9 km
N6.91° N23.31° Ö6,3 km
P10.11° N16.06° Ö4,3 km
R8.06° N16.84° Ö3,6 km

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Författare/Upphovsman: Rursus, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
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This is an oblique view of lunar crater Copernicus taken from Lunar Orbiter 2 in orbit about the Moon. At the time this image was published it was dubbed the "Picture of the Century". Here is the original caption from the NASA source page:
"Lunar Orbiter 2 oblique northward view of the interior of the 100 km diameter Copernicus crater on the Moon. The central peaks are in the middle of the image, rising about 400 m above the crater floor, and stretching for about 15 km. The northern wall of the crater is in the background. This is the top frame of a set of 3 adjoining high resolution frames, which are available in image lo2_h162_123. (Lunar Orbiter 2, frame 162-H3)"
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cylindrical map projection of the Moon. The Moon's whole surface was mapped by the Clementine spacecraft in 1994, here North is at the top. The dark floor of crater Plato is at the middle top above Mare Imbrium, while the bright floor and rays of crater Tycho is near the middle bottom below Mare Imbrium. Mare Procellarum is at the near left, and Mare Tranquillitatis is just right of centre and Mare Crisium is at the near right. The far left and far right show the contrast of the mostly cratered farside with small isolated mare.
(c) Gregory H. Revera, CC BY-SA 3.0
Full Moon photograph taken 10-22-2010 from Madison, Alabama, USA. Photographed with a Celestron 9.25 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Acquired with a Canon EOS Rebel T1i (EOS 500D), 20 images stacked to reduce noise. 200 ISO 1/640 sec.
Copernicus (LRO) 2.png
Crater Copernicus on the Moon. Mosaic of photos by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, made with Wide Angle Camera. Size of the image is 150×150 km, north is up.