Lista över biskopar i Åbo stift

Romersk-katolska biskopar

Sankt Henrik1134–1158(historicitet omtvistad)
Rodolfus1202–1209(historicitet omtvistad)
Folquinus1210–1234(historicitet omtvistad)
Ragvald I1258–1266
Johannes I1286–1290
Magnus I1291–1308
Ragvald II1309–1321
Henrik Hartmansson1366–1367
Johannes II Petri1367–1370
Johannes III Westfal1370–1385
Bero Balk1385–1412
Magnus II Tavast1412–1450
Olaus Magni1450–1460
Konrad Bitz1460–1489
Magnus III Stjernkors1490–1500
Laurens Suurpää1500–1506
Johannes IV Olofsson1506–1510
Arvid Kurck1510–1522
Ericus Svenonius1523–1527
Martin Skytte1528–1550

Lutherska biskopar

Mikael Agricola15541557
Petrus Follingius15581563
Paul Juusten15631575
Ericus Erici Sorolainen15831625
Isak Rothovius16271652
Aeschillus Petraeus16521657
Johannes Terserus16581664
Johannes Gezelius d.ä.16641690
Johannes Gezelius d.y.16901718
Herman Witte17211728
Lars Tammelin17281733
Jonas Fahlenius17341748
Johan Browallius17481755
Karl Fredrik Mennander17571775
Jakob Haartman17761788
Jakob Gadolin17881802
Jakob Tengström18031817

Fortsättes av Lista över Finlands ärkebiskopar.

Biskopar i Åbo ärkestift

Vidare läsning

  • Gardberg, C.J; Heininen, Simo; Welin, P. O. Nationalhelgedomen Åbo Domkyrka 1300-2000. Tammi förlag, Helsingfors 2000. ISBN 951-31-1706-5

Media som används på denna webbplats

Question book-4.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Tkgd2007, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A new incarnation of Image:Question_book-3.svg, which was uploaded by user AzaToth. This file is available on the English version of Wikipedia under the filename en:Image:Question book-new.svg
Johannes Gezelius den äldre, copy by Lindh.jpeg
Johannes Gezelius the Elder (1615–1690), bishop of Åbo. Original portrait, made by David Klöcker Ehresntrahl in the 17th century, is now kept in the Gripsholm castle in Sweden. This copy was made in 1839 by Johan Erik Lindh at the order of Helsinki University, which still owns it today.
Biskop Herman Witte.jpg
Herman Witte biskop i Åbo 1721-28.
Seal of Bishop Martin Skytte of Finland.jpg
Seal of Bishop Martin Skytte of Finland
Olaus Magni's seal.jpg
Sigill för Olof Magnusson (d. 1460), biskop i Åbo.
Seal of Bishop Magnus I of Turku.jpg
Seal of Bishop Magnus I of Turku.
Mikael Agricola by Albert Edelfelt.jpg
Mikael Agricola, by Albert Edelfelt (1854–1905)
Jacob Tengström.jpg
Jacob Tengström, the first archbishop of Finland, painted by Gustaf Wilhelm Finnberg.
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Åbobiskopen Hemmings sigill.
Postage stamp depicting the Finnish bishop Magnus II Tavast
Seal of Bishop Bengt Gregoriusson of Finland.jpg
Seal of Bishop Bengt Gregoriusson of Finland
Seal of Bishop Johan IV Olofsson of Finland.jpg
Seal of Bishop Johan IV Olofsson of Finland
Seal of Bishop Konrad Bitz of Finland.jpg
Seal of Bishop Konrad Bitz of Finland
Biskop Beros sigill.jpg
Åbobiskopen Bero Balks (1385-1412) sigill, vars modell tydligen har varit Vilhelm av Sabinas sigill.
Seal of Bishop Lars Michelsson Suurpää of Finland.jpg
Seal of Bishop Lars Michelsson Suurpää of Finland
Piispa Kettilin sinetti.jpg
Åbobiskopen Kettils (1266-86) sigill.
K F Mennander.jpg
Karl Fredrik Mennander, bishop of Turku
Seal of Bishop Johan I of Finland.jpg
Seal of Bishop Johan I of Finland from the 13th century.
Biskop Jakob Haartman.jpg
Biskopen i Borgå, Jakob Haartman. Oljemålning av okänd konstnär (Anders Eklund?)
Piispa Henrik ja Lalli.jpg
St. Henry of Uppsala, bishop and martyr, standing on top of his assassin Lalli, with Bishop de:Konrad Bitz, who commissioned the Missale Aboense, and Dean Magnus Stiernkors kneeling at his side. Also shown is the printer's mark of de:Bartholomäus Ghotan.
Författare/Upphovsman: N32d, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Juustenin sinetti
Jacob Gadolin by Hedberg.jpeg
Turun piispa Jacob Gadolin (1719–1802). Johan Erik Hedbergin maalaama muotokuva on vapaasti toteutettu kopio C. F. von Bredan vuonna 1800 maalaamasta Gadolinin muotokuvasta, jossa hän katsoo sivullepäin. Muotokuva kuuluu Helsingin yliopiston kokoelmiin.
Seal of bishop bero of finland.gif
Seal of Bishop Bero of Finland from 1253.
Johannes Terserus.jpg
Johannes Terserus, bishop of Turku
Seal of Bishop Ragvald I of Finland.jpg
Seal of Bishop Ragvald I of Finland
Isac Rothovius, copy by Lundberg.jpg
Isac Rothovius (1572–1652), Bishop of Åbo, Gustaf Lundberg's 1764 copy of the portrait painted By Jochim Neiman in 1652. The copy belongs to Helsinki University.
Arvid Kurki's seal.jpg
Sigill för Arvid Kurck (d. 1522), biskop i Åbo.
Johannes Gezelius den yngre, copy by Lindh.jpeg
Johannes Gezelius the Younger (1647–1718), bishop of Åbo. The original portrait, made by Helena Arnell in the 17th century, is now kept in the Gripsholm castle in Sweden. This copy was made in 1839 by Johan Erik Lindh at the order of Helsinki University, which still owns it today.