
En carnyx på ett franskt museum

En carnyx[uttal saknas] är ett blåsinstrument av brons som var vanligt hos de forntida kelterna[1] under järnåldern och som användes mellan cirka 200 f.Kr. och cirka 200 e.Kr.

Instrumentet är en typ av bronstrumpet formad i en förlängd S-form och som vid användning hölls vertikalt. Öppningen var formad som huvudet på ett djur, till exempel ett vildsvin. Instrumentet användes vid krig, troligen för att mana trupper till strid och, som Polybios återberättade, för att skrämma motståndare.

Inspelning av en rekonstruktion.



Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia.


  1. ^ "carnyx", Nationalencyklopedin. Åtkomst den 28 maj 2016

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Bibracte Dumnorix.jpg
Mannequin representing an aide-de-camp of the Aeduan chief Dumnorix. Celtic Civilization Museum, Bibracte, France.
Ancient Celt Playing Carnyx War Trumpet.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Kabuto 7, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A modern reenactor portraying an Ancient Celt (Vacomagi tribe, a.k.a Caledonian/Pict/Briton) with carnyx trumpet, crested helmet, chain mail (chainmaille), and woad circa 100-300 AD. The carnyx was used for war (signaling and intimidation), and ritual occasions as depicted on the Gundestrup cauldron. The costume, helmet and appearance were inspired by contemporary depictions and written accounts.
Replica of the Deskford Carnyx (9490466414).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: dun_deagh, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0

National Museum of Scotland.

In 1816, near Deskford, Moray, the remains of a Celtic war trumpet called a carnyx were discovered. It was thought to have been made between 80 to 200 AD.

This is a replica of that trumpet made in 1992. It's made mainly from bronze and brass. The tongue is of wood and the eyes are enamel. It is 1.66m in length.

It was found in a peat moss; according to archaeologists it was probably a sacrificial offering to the gods.
Författare/Upphovsman: Kabuto 7, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Sound of the carnyx: a 5-6 feet tall, bronze/brass trumpet, held vertically, with a bell shaped like a boar, dragon, or serpent. Carnyx were played by the Ancient Celts (Caledonian/Picts, Briton, Albion) and Gauls, circa 300 BC – 300 AD. The carnyx was used for war (signaling and intimidation), and ritual occasions as depicted on the Gundestrup cauldron.

Carnyx were employed in battles including Mons Graupius, Boudicca’s rebellion (Camulodunum, Londinium, Watling Street), Siege of Alesia, Mons Graupius, Bibracte, Gergovia, attack of Delphi in 279 BC.

Pitch changes are made via embouchure on the trombone-sized mouthpiece. Played and recorded by Kabuto 7
Författare/Upphovsman: Claude Valette, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Carnyx found in the Gallic sanctuary of Tintignac (Corrèze). Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie (Paris), "Les Gaulois, une expo renversante", from 19-10-2011 to 02-09-2012.
Caesar's Gallic war; (Allen and Greenough's ed.) (1898) (14594535580).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Internet Archive Book Images, Licens: No restrictions

Identifier: caesarsgallicwar00caes (find matches)
Title: Caesar's Gallic war; (Allen and Greenough's ed.)
Year: 1898 (1890s)
Authors: Caesar, Julius
Publisher: Boston, Ginn & co.
Contributing Library: Internet Archive
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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Text Appearing Before Image:
i*venire ; imperio populi Romani non modo de regno, sedetiam de ea quam habeat gratia, desperare. Reperiebat ^etiam in quaerendo* Caesar, quod proelium equestre adver-sum paucis ^ ante diebus esset factum, initium ® (eius) fugae 20 factum a Dumnorige atque eius equitibus, — nam equitatui,quem auxilio Caesari Haedui miserant, Dumnorix praeerat;eorum fuga reliquum esse equitatum perterritum. Caesar Thinks that Dumnorix should be Punished. 19. Quibus rebus c5gnitis, cum ad has suspiciones certis-simae res accederent, — quod per finis Sequanorum Helve-25 tios traduxisset, quod obsides inter eos dandos curasset,®quod ea omnia non modo iniiissii suo et civitatis sed etiaminscientibus ipsis fecisset, quod a magistratu Haeduorumaccusaretur, — satis esse causae arbitrabatur^ qua re in Cf. 1 finitimos, p. 8,1. 20. — 2 obtinere, 15, 9- — reperit, 15, 23.— * quaerit, 15, 23. — ^ ^dMiZl, 13,7- — ^initium, 2, i. — ^ praeerati14, 4. — * curat, II, 5. — • arbitrantur, 4, 15.
Text Appearing After Image:
Fig. II. —Gallic Remain.s. I and 3. Necklaces with amber and coral peadants. 2. Military standard. 4 Bronretrumpet (carnyx). 5. Iron boss of shield. 6, Iron holder. 7. Sword-hilt andgirdle. 8. Iron helmet. 9. Iron belt-chain. B. G. I. 20.) Campaign against the Helvetii. 17 eum aut ipse animadverteret aut civitatem animadvertereiuberet. But Summons Diviciacus, Whom he does not Wish to Offend. His omnibus rebus unum repugnabat, quod Diviciaci fratrissummum in populum Romanum studium, summam in sevoluntatem/ egregiam fidem, iustitiam, temperantiam cogno- 5verat : nam ne eius supplicio Diviciaci animum offenderetverebatur. Itaque prius quam quicquam conaretur,^ Divi-ciacum ad se vocari iubet, et cotidianis^ interpretibusremotis per C. Valerium Procillum, principem * Galliaeprovinciae, familiarem suum, cui summam omnium rerum 10fidem habebat, cum eo conloquitur; simul commonefacitquae ipso praesente in concilio (Gallorum) de Dumnorigesint dicta; et ostendit^ quae separatim quisque de eo

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.