Carl Edward Wilhelm Piper

Nordstaternas utrikesminister William H. Seward tillsammans med utländska diplomater på utflykt 1863. Edward Piper är nummer 8, sittande längst till vänster på bilden.

Carl Edward Wilhelm Piper, född 28 januari 1820, död 25 september 1891, var en svensk greve och diplomat, sonson till Sofia Piper.

Piper blev 1853 andre sekreterare i Utrikesdepartementet, 1855 legationssekreterare i Köpenhamn och 1856 i Paris samt 1857 chargé d'affaires i Turin. Piper var därefter 1861-64 svensk-norsk ministerresident och generalkonsul i Washington, D.C. (d.v.s. under amerikanska inbördeskriget), 1866-72 envoyé och tillförordnad generalkonsul i Rom. Åren 1872-77 var han envoyé i Wien och München samt från 1877 till sitt avskedstagande 1890 envoyé i London.

Piper åtnjöt, enligt Nordisk familjebok, välförtjänt anseende som dugande diplomat.


Svenska utmärkelser

Utländska utmärkelser


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från Nordisk familjebok, Piper, 7. Karl Edvard Vilhelm, 1904–1926.


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Författare/Upphovsman: F l a n k e r, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
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Författare/Upphovsman: Gutten på Hemsen, Licens: CC0
Flag of Norway with colors from the previous version on Commons. This file is used to discuss the colors of the Norwegian flag.
Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg

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↑ Merchant ensign of the Habsburg monarchy (from 1730 to 1750)
↑ Flag of the Austrian Empire (1804-1867)
↑ Civil flag used in Cisleithania part of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918)
House colours of the House of Habsburg
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Författare/Upphovsman: FranzJosephI, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Nastrino da Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell'Ordine Imperiale della Corona Ferrea
The photographic history of the Civil War - thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities (1911) (14739675606).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Internet Archive Book Images, Licens: No restrictions

Identifier: photographichist06mill (find matches)
Title: The photographic history of the Civil War : thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities
Year: 1911 (1910s)
Authors: Miller, Francis Trevelyan, 1877-1959 Lanier, Robert S. (Robert Sampson), 1880-
Subjects: United States -- History Civil War, 1861-1865 Pictorial works United States -- History Civil War, 1861-1865
Publisher: New York : Review of Reviews Co.
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Before Image:
Text Appearing After Image:
No military picture of moving troops, no group of distinguished generals, could possibly hold the interest fur students of the history of the Civil War that this photograph possesses. It is the summer of 1863. Gathered at the foot of this beautiful waterfall, as if at the end of a day's outing for pleasure, are ten men of mark and great importance. Here are William H. Seward. American Secretary of State, standing bareheaded, to the right. With him, numbered so that the reader can easily identify them, are

(2) Baron De Stoeckel, Russian Minister;
(3) M. Molena, Nicaraguan Minister;
(4) Lord Lyons, British Minister;
(5) M. Mercier, French Minister;
(6) M. Schleiden, Hanseatic Minister;
(7) M. Bertenatti, Italian Minister;
(8) Count Piper, Swedish Minister;
(9) M. Bodisco, Secretary Russian Legation;
(10) Mr. Sheffield, Attache British Legation;
(11) Mr. Donaldson, a messenger in the State Department.

Note About Images

Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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Författare/Upphovsman: Ordensherre, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
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