Brewster H. Shaw

Brewster Hopkinson Shaw
Brewster Hopkinson Shaw
Brewster Hopkinson Shaw
TillståndTagit avsked
Född6 maj 1945
UrvalsgruppAstronautgrupp 8
Rymdpromenad­tid22 dagar, 5 timmar, 51 minuter
UppdragSTS‑9, STS‑61‑B, STS‑28

Brewster H. Shaw, född 16 maj 1945 i Cass City i Michigan, är en amerikansk astronaut uttagen i astronautgrupp 8 den 16 januari 1978.


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Författare/Upphovsman: Viktorvoigt, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
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STS-28 mission patch
  • The STS-28 insignia was designed by the astronaut crew, who said it portrays the pride the American people have in their manned spaceflight program. It depicts America (the eagle) guiding the space program (the Space Shuttle) safely home from an orbital mission. The view looks south on Baja California and the west coast of the United States as the space travelers re-enter the atmosphere. The hypersonic contrails created by the eagle and Shuttle represent the American flag. The crew called the simple boldness of the design symbolic of America's unfaltering commitment to leadership in the exploration and development of space.
STS-61-B mission patch
This is the insignia designed by the STS-61B crewmembers to represent their November 1985 mission aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis, depicted here in earth orbit, making only its second space flight. The design is surrounded by the surnames of the seven crewmembers.

This is the official insignia for STS-9, the major payload of which is Spacelab 1, depicted in the cargo bay of the Columbia. The nine stars and the path of the orbiter tell the flight's numerical designation in the Space Transportation System's mission sequence. Astronaut John N. Young is crew commander, Brewster N. Shaw, Jr., pilot. NASA Astronauts Owen K. Garriott and Robert A. Parker are mission specialists. Byron K. Lichtenberg of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Ulf Merbold of the Republic of West Germany are the Spacelab 1 payload specialists. Launch has been set for late 1983.

Merbold is a physicist representing the European Space Agency (ESA).
Astronaut Brewster H. Shaw.