Boxning vid olympiska sommarspelen

Boxning vid olympiska sommarspelen
Internationellt förbundAIBA


Boxning har funnits med vid varje olympiskt sommarspel sedan sporten första gången var med, vid olympiska sommarspelen 1904, utom vid olympiska spelen 1912 i Stockholm.

Vid ett möte i Berlin den 13 augusti 2009 beslutade den internationella olympiska kommittén att från och med de olympiska boxningstävlingarna vid sommar-OS 2012 i London införa damklasser på det olympiska programmet.[1]


Boxningstävlingarna har varierat mellan 5 och 12 viktklasser. Fram till 1936 var vikterna mätta i skålpund, men från och med 1948 mäts vikterna i kilo.

Herrarnas viktklasser
190419081920-19361948 1952-1964  1968-1980  1984-2000 2004-20082012-20162020
+158 lb
(+71.7 kg)
+175 lb
(+79.4 kg)
+80 kg
+81 kg
+91 kg
81–91 kg
Lätt tungvikt
75–81 kg
Lätt tungvikt
73–80 kg
Lätt tungvikt
160-175 lb
(72.6-79.4 kg)
71–75 kg
69–75 kg
67–73 kg
147-160 lb
(66.7-72.6 kg)
145-158 lb
(65.8-71.7 kg)
140-158 lb
(63.5-71.7 kg)
Lätt mellanvikt
67–71 kg
64–69 kg
63–69 kg
62–67 kg
63.5–67 kg
135-147 lb
(61.2-66.7 kg)
135-145 lb
(61.2-65.8 kg)
Lätt weltervikt
60–64 kg
126-140 lb
(57.2-63.5 kg)
Lätt welterweight
60-63.5 kg
57–63 kg
58–62 kg
125-135 lb
(56.7-61.2 kg)
126-135 lb
(57.2-61.2 kg)
57–60 kg
56–60 kg
54–58 kg
116-126 lb
(52.6-57.2 kg)
118-126 lb
(53.5-57.2 kg)
54–57 kg
52–57 kg
115-125 lb
(52.2-56.7 kg)
52–56 kg
51–54 kg
112-118 lb
(50.8-53.5 kg)
-116 lb
(-52.6 kg)
105-115 lb
(47.6-52.2 kg)
49–52 kg
48–52 kg
-51 kg
48–51 kg
-112 lb
(-50.8 kg)
Lätt flugvikt
46–49 kg
Lätt flugvikt
-48 kg
-105 lb
(-47.6 kg)
Damernas viktklasser
69–75 kg
64–69 kg
57–60 kg
54–57 kg
48–51 kg


&&&&&&&&&&&&&&01.&&&&&01 USA502440114
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&02.&&&&&02 Kuba37191773
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&03.&&&&&03 Storbritannien18132556
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&04.&&&&&04 Italien15151747
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&05.&&&&&05 Sovjetunionen14191851
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&06.&&&&&06 Ryssland1051530
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&07.&&&&&07 Ungern102820
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&08.&&&&&08 Polen892643
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&09.&&&&&09 Argentina771024
&&&&&&&&&&&&&010.&&&&&010 Kazakstan77822
&&&&&&&&&&&&&011.&&&&&011 Frankrike691126
&&&&&&&&&&&&&012.&&&&&012 Sydafrika64919
&&&&&&&&&&&&&013.&&&&&013 Östtyskland52613
&&&&&&&&&&&&&014.&&&&&014 Tyskland491023
&&&&&&&&&&&&&015.&&&&&015 Bulgarien45918
&&&&&&&&&&&&&016.&&&&&016 Thailand44614
&&&&&&&&&&&&&017.&&&&&017 Ukraina43714
&&&&&&&&&&&&&018.&&&&&018 Uzbekistan42814
&&&&&&&&&&&&&019.&&&&&019 Sydkorea371020
&&&&&&&&&&&&&020.&&&&&020 Kanada37717
&&&&&&&&&&&&&021.&&&&&021 Kina33612
&&&&&&&&&&&&&022.&&&&&022 Jugoslavien32611
&&&&&&&&&&&&&023.&&&&&023 Tjeckoslovakien3126
&&&&&&&&&&&&&024.&&&&&024 Irland25916
&&&&&&&&&&&&&025.&&&&&025 Mexiko23813
&&&&&&&&&&&&&026.&&&&&026 Nordkorea2338
&&&&&&&&&&&&&027.&&&&&027 Finland211215
&&&&&&&&&&&&&028.&&&&&028 Japan2035
&&&&&&&&&&&&&029.&&&&&029 Rumänien191525
&&&&&&&&&&&&&030.&&&&&030 Danmark15612
&&&&&&&&&&&&&031.&&&&&031 Tysklands förenade lag1326
&&&&&&&&&&&&&032.&&&&&032 Mongoliet1247
&&&&&&&&&&&&&034.&&&&&034 Venezuela1236
&&&&&&&&&&&&&035.&&&&&035 Norge1225
&&&&&&&&&&&&&036.&&&&&036 Kenya1157
&&&&&&&&&&&&&037.&&&&&037 Brasilien1135
&&&&&&&&&&&&&038.&&&&&038 Belgien1124
&&&&&&&&&&&&&039.&&&&&039 Nya Zeeland1113
&&&&&&&&&&&&&040.&&&&&040 Algeriet1056
&&&&&&&&&&&&&042.&&&&&042 Dominikanska republiken1012
&&&&&&&&&&&&&043.&&&&&043 Sverige05611
&&&&&&&&&&&&&044.&&&&&044 Nigeria0336
&&&&&&&&&&&&&045.&&&&&045 Uganda0314
&&&&&&&&&&&&&046.&&&&&046 Filippinerna0235
&&&&&&&&&&&&&048.&&&&&048 Spanien0224
&&&&&&&&&&&&&049.&&&&&049 Belarus0202
&&&&&&&&&&&&&050.&&&&&050 Azerbajdzjan0178
&&&&&&&&&&&&&051.&&&&&051 Puerto Rico0156
&&&&&&&&&&&&&052.&&&&&052 Colombia0145
&&&&&&&&&&&&&053.&&&&&053 Australien0134
&&&&&&&&&&&&&055.&&&&&055 Chile0123
&&&&&&&&&&&&&057.&&&&&057 Kamerun0112
&&&&&&&&&&&&&059.&&&&&059 Australasien0101
&&&&&&&&&&&&&063.&&&&&063 Marocko0044
&&&&&&&&&&&&&064.&&&&&064 Indien0022
&&&&&&&&&&&&&067.&&&&&067 Armenien0011


  1. ^ (13 augusti 2009). Damboxning och golf nya OS-grenar. SVT Sport.

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Media som används på denna webbplats

Boxing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Boxing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Flag of the United States (1891–1896).svg
US Flag with 44 stars. In use 4 July 1891–3 July 1896. Created by jacobolus using Adobe Illustrator, and released into the public domain.
Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg
Författare/Upphovsman: F l a n k e r, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
Flag of the Kingdom of Sardinia (1851-1861) and of the Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946). Use: Civil flag and ensign. In a governmental or a military context, the crowned version (see Crowned version) was always used (as State flag and naval ensign).
Flag of Italy (1861–1946).svg
Författare/Upphovsman: F l a n k e r, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
Flag of the Kingdom of Sardinia (1851-1861) and of the Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946). Use: Civil flag and ensign. In a governmental or a military context, the crowned version (see Crowned version) was always used (as State flag and naval ensign).
Flag of Russia (1991–1993).svg
The 1:2 official state flag of the Russian Federation (formerly the RSFSR) used from 1991 to 1993. No. 1 in the State Heraldical Register of the Russian Federation.
Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg
Flag of Hungary from 6 November 1915 to 29 November 1918 and from August 1919 until mid/late 1946.
Flag of the German Empire.svg
Flag of the Germans(1866-1871)
Flag of Germany (1867–1918).svg
Flag of the Germans(1866-1871)
Flag of Thailand.svg
The national flag of Kingdom of Thailand; there are total of 3 colours:
  • Red represents the blood spilt to protect Thailand’s independence and often more simply described as representing the nation.
  • White represents the religion of Buddhism, the predominant religion of the nation
  • Blue represents the monarchy of the nation, which is recognised as the centre of Thai hearts.
Flag of South Korea (1945-1948).svg
Den här W3C-overifiera vektorbilden skapades med Inkscape .
Flag of Japan (1870-1999).svg
Variant version of a flag of Japan, used between January 27, 1870 and August 13, 1999 (aspect ratio 7:10).
Flag of Japan (1870–1999).svg
Variant version of a flag of Japan, used between January 27, 1870 and August 13, 1999 (aspect ratio 7:10).
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg
The civil ensign and flag of Belgium. It is identical to Image:Flag of Belgium.svg except that it has a 2:3 ratio, instead of 13:15.
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg
Den Dominikanska republikens flagga består av ett vitt centrerat kors som sträcker sig hela vägen ut till flaggans kant. I mitten på korset sitter ett emblem med en bibel, ett gyllene kors och sex dominikanska flaggor. Emblemet är omgivet av olivkvistar och palmblad. Under emblemet står ”Republica Dominicana” och ovanför ett band med landets mottot ”Dios, Patria, Libertad” (”Gud, Landet, Frihet”).
Swedish civil ensign (1844–1905).svg
Svensk handelsflagg 1844-1905
Flag of the Ottoman Empire.svg
The Ottoman flag and Turkey Republic Flag of 1844–1935. Late Ottoman flag which was made based on the historical documents listed in the Source section. Note that a five-pointed star was rarely used in the crescent-and-star symbol before the 19th century.
Flag of Chile.svg
Det är enkelt att lägga till en ram runt den här bilden
Olympic flag.svg
Olympic Movement flag

Proportions 2:3, created 1913, adopted 1914, first used 1920.

Flag of Croatia.svg
Det är enkelt att lägga till en ram runt den här bilden
Olympic rings.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Olympic rings without rims.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Flag of Tunisia (1959–1999).svg
Flag of Tunisia until 1999.
Flag of Georgia (1990–2004).svg
Flag of Georgia used from 1990 to 2004, with slightly different proportions than the 1918 to 1921 flag.
British Raj Red Ensign.svg
The Star of India Red Ensign
US flag 44 stars.svg
US Flag with 44 stars. In use 4 July 1891–3 July 1896. Created by jacobolus using Adobe Illustrator, and released into the public domain.
Flag of Yugoslavia (1918–1941).svg
Pan-Slavic flag. Emerged from 1848 Prague pan-Slavic conference, or interpretations of the resolutions of the conference. Drawn by Fibonacci.
Flag of the Mongolian People's Republic (1945–1992).svg
Flag of People's Republic of Mongolia 1945-1992
Flag of Poland (1919-1928).svg
Flag of Second Polish Republic in period from August 25, 1919 to March 28, 1928. Red shade used here is HTML "crimson" #D91E3D. Proportion 5:8.
Flag of Brazil (1889–1960).svg
The flag of Brazil from 1889 to 1960 with 21 stars.
Flag of South Korea (1945–1948).svg
Den här W3C-overifiera vektorbilden skapades med Inkscape .
Flag of Northern Rhodesia (1939–1964).svg
Flag of Northern Rhodesia, 1939–1964
Sable six palets wavy Argent on a Chief Azure an eagle reguardant wings expanded Or holding in the talons a Fish of the second.
Puerto Rico Azul Celeste.png
Författare/Upphovsman: Aventurero98, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Flag of Puerto Rico (1895-1952)
Flag of Nigeria (1914–1952).svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Benchill (original), Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag and government ensign of the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria (1914–1952).

Flag of the Soviet Union (1924–1936).svg
This is the flag of the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1936. Source: [1]
Flag of Mexico (1893-1916).svg
Flag of Mexico (1893-1916)
Flag of the Philippines (1919-1936).svg
Flag of the Philippines (1919–1936)
Flag of Mauritius (1906–1923).svg
Flag of Mauritius, 1906-1923
Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1844–1922).svg
The Ottoman flag and Turkey Republic Flag of 1844–1935. Late Ottoman flag which was made based on the historical documents listed in the Source section. Note that a five-pointed star was rarely used in the crescent-and-star symbol before the 19th century.
Flag of Spain (1785–1873, 1875–1931).svg
Författare/Upphovsman: previous version User:Ignaciogavira ; current version HansenBCN, designs from SanchoPanzaXXI, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of Spain (1785-1873 and 1875-1931)
Flag of Cameroon (1961–1975).svg
Flag of Cameroon, 1961-75
Flag of Kenya (1921–1963).svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Oren neu dag, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0

Flag of Colonial Kenya, between the years 1921-1963.

Made out of Government Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg
Flag of Hungary (1867-1918).svg
Flag of Hungary from 6 November 1915 to 29 November 1918 and from August 1919 until mid/late 1946.
Flag of the Provisional People's Committee for North Korea.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Elevatorrailfan, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Den här W3C-overifiera vektorbilden skapades med Inkscape .
Flag of Syria (1930–1958, 1961–1963).svg
The Syrian Independence flag, the flag of Syria from 1930-58 and 1961-63.
Flag of British Guiana (1875–1906).svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of British Guiana (1875–1906)
Flag of the Uganda Protectorate.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag and government ensign of the Uganda Protectorate (1914-1962).

Flag of Australasian team for Olympic games.svg
Flag used in 1908–12 Olympic games to represent Australasian team
Flag of Bermuda (1910–1999).svg
1910 Flag of Bermuda (with smaller coat of arms)