
Ett boardingkort (engelska: boarding pass eller boarding-card[1]) är ett dokument som ett flygbolag tillhandahåller sina passagerare i samband med incheckningen. Boardingkortet ger passageraren behörighet att genomgå säkerhetskontroll och därefter ombord det flygplan som han eller hon ska resa med.
- ^ boardingkort i Nationalencyklopedins nätupplaga. Läst 11 september 2017.
Media som används på denna webbplats
Författare/Upphovsman: Ineligible. SVG-version by heb@Wikimedia Commons (mail)., Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Airline boarding pass illustration for the fictive person Jane Doe between airports of the two fictional cities Gotham and Metropolis.
The content of the boarding pass bar-code actually corresponds with actual structure of real boarding pass bar-codes, but contains the fictional information as also depicted on the boarding pass. The bar code was generated using PDF417 2D Barcode Generator – The Free Bar Code Creator and then auto-traced by Inkscape.
The design of this boarding pass is "my own" and contains what appears to be the required/generic information, based on an intermix of a number of real boarding passes from various airports spanning four countries in two continents.