Baqyt Särsekbajev

Baqyt Särsekbajev
Boxning, herrar
Olympiska spel
GuldPeking 2008Boxning, weltervikt

Baqyt Särsekbajev Äbdirachmanuly Särsekbajev (kazakiska: Бақыт Әбдірахманұлы Сәрсекбаев), född 29 november 1981 i Alma-Ata (nu Almaty) i Kazakiska SSR, är en kazakstansk boxare som tog OS-guld i welterviktsboxning 2008 i Peking. Han vann även asiatiska mästerskapen 2006.


Olympiska meriter

Olympiska sommarspelen 2008

Baqyt SärsekbajevWelterviktKanada Adam Trupish (CAN)
W 20-1
Moldavien Vitalie Grușac (MDA)
Uzbekistan Dilshod Mahmudov (UZB)
W 12-7
Sydkorea Kim Jung-Joo (KOR)Kuba Carlos Banteux (CUB)
W 18'-9 1

Externa länkar

Media som används på denna webbplats

Question book-4.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Tkgd2007, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A new incarnation of Image:Question_book-3.svg, which was uploaded by user AzaToth. This file is available on the English version of Wikipedia under the filename en:Image:Question book-new.svg
Olympic rings with transparent rims.svg
De olympiska ringarna, med genomskinlig bakgrund.
Gold medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a gold medal
Flag of the United States (1896-1908).svg
US Flag with 45 stars. In use 4 July 1896–3 July 1908. Created by jacobolus using Adobe Illustrator, and released into the public domain. This flag was used during the Spanish-American War.
Flag of the United States (1896–1908).svg
US Flag with 45 stars. In use 4 July 1896–3 July 1908. Created by jacobolus using Adobe Illustrator, and released into the public domain. This flag was used during the Spanish-American War.
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg
The civil ensign and flag of Belgium. It is identical to Image:Flag of Belgium.svg except that it has a 2:3 ratio, instead of 13:15.
Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg
US Flag with 48 stars. In use for 47 years from July 4, 1912, to July 3, 1959.
German Olympic flag (1959-1968).svg
Flag of the unified Team of Germany for the Olympic Games, 1960–1968.