Bantamvikt i grekisk-romersk stil i brottning vid olympiska sommarspelen 2000

Brottning vid
olympiska sommarspelen 2000
Wrestling pictogram.svg
Flugvikt54 kg54 kg
Bantamvikt58 kg58 kg
Fjädervikt63 kg63 kg
Lättvikt69 kg69 kg
Weltervikt76 kg76 kg
Mellanvikt85 kg85 kg
Tungvikt97 kg97 kg
Supertungvikt130 kg130 kg
Wrestling pictogram.svg

Herrarnas brottningsturnering i grekisk-romersk stil i viktklassen bantamvikt vid olympiska sommarspelen 2008 avgjordes den 25-27 september i Sydney i Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre.


BantamviktArmen Nazarjan
Kim In-Sub
Sheng Zetian



  • EF — Vinst genom förverkande, förloraren ej plancerad
  • E2 — Båda brottarna diskvalificerade för brott mot reglerna
  • EV — Diskvalifikation från samtliga tävlingar för brott mot reglerna
  • EX — 3 varningar eller brott mot reglerna
  • PA — Skada/uteblivande
  • PO — Vinst efter poäng, förloraren utan teknik-poäng
  • PP — Vinst efter poäng, förloraren med teknik-poäng
  • SP — Teknisk överlägsenhet, 10 poängs skillnad, förloraren hade poäng
  • ST — Teknisk överlägsenhet, 10 poängs skillnad, förloraren utan poäng
  • TO — Vinst efter fall
  • KP — Klassificeringspoäng
  • TP — Tekniska poäng


Grupp 1

Flag of South Korea (1997–2011).svg Kim In-Sub (KOR)20610
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Dilshod Aripov (UZB)1152
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Jurij Melnitjenko (KAZ)0200
Jurij MelnitjenkoKim In-Sub0-3 PO0-6
Dilshod AripovJurij Melnitjenko4-0 PA
Kim In-SubDilshod Aripov3-1 PP4-2

Grupp 2

Flag of Iran.svg Ali Ashkani (IRI)20612
Flag of Georgia (1990–2004).svg Koba Guliashvili (GEO)1133
Flag of Hungary.svg István Majoros (HUN)0211
István MajorosAli Ashkani1-3 PP1-5
Koba GuliashviliIstván Majoros3-0 PO3-0
Ali AshkaniKoba Guliashvili3-0 PO7-0

Grupp 3

Flag of the United States.svg Jim Gruenwald (USA)2068
Flag of Belarus (1995–2012).svg Igor Petrenko (BLR)1134
Flag of Armenia.svg Karen Mnatsakanyan (ARM)0225
Karen MnatsakanyanIgor Petrenko1-3 PP2-4
Jim GruenwaldKaren Mnatsakanyan3-1 PP4-3
Igor PetrenkoJim Gruenwald0-3 PO0-4

Grupp 4

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sheng Zetian (CHN)20711
Flag of France.svg Djamal Ainaoui (FRA)1137
Flag of Ukraine.svg Oleksan Stepanyan (UKR)0216
Sheng ZetianDjamal Ainaoui3-0 PO1-0
Oleksan StepanyanSheng Zetian0-4 ST0-10
Djamal AinaouiOleksan Stepanyan3-1 PP7-6

Grupp 5

Flag of Bulgaria.svg Armen Nazarjan (BUL)301128
Flag of Japan.svg Makoto Sasamoto (JPN)21730
Flag of Turkmenistan (1997-2001).svg Nepes Gukulov (TKM)12614
Flag of Australia.svg Brett Cash (AUS)0312
Armen NazarjanMakoto Sasamoto4-0 ST11-0
Brett CashNepes Gukulov0-4 ST0-10
Armen NazarjanBrett Cash4-1 SP13-2
Makoto SasamotoNepes Gukulov3-1 PP5-3
Armen NazarjanNepes Gukulov3-1 PP4-1
Makoto SasamotoBrett Cash4-0 ST25-0

Grupp 6

Flag of Germany.svg Rifat Yildiz (GER)30914
Flag of Russia.svg Valeri Nikonorov (RUS)21819
Flag of Romania.svg Constantin Borăscu (ROU)12614
Flag of Tunisia.svg Mohamed Barguaoui (TUN)0300
Mohamed BarguaouiRifat Yildiz0-3 PO0-4
Constantin BorăscuValeri Nikonorov1-3 PP3-7
Mohamed BarguaouiConstantin Borăscu0-4 TO3:39
Rifat YildizValeri Nikonorov3-1 PP4-1
Mohamed BarguaouiValeri Nikonorov0-4 ST0-11
Rifat YildizConstantin Borăscu3-1 PP6-4


27 september    
 Flag of South Korea (1997–2011).svg Kim In-Sub (KOR)  3
27 september
 Flag of Iran.svg Ali Ashkani (IRI)  1 
 Flag of South Korea (1997–2011).svg Kim In-Sub (KOR)  4
  Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sheng Zetian (CHN)  0 
 Flag of the United States.svg Jim Gruenwald (USA)  1
27 september
 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sheng Zetian (CHN)  11 
 Flag of South Korea (1997–2011).svg Kim In-Sub (KOR)  3
  Flag of Bulgaria.svg Armen Nazarjan (BUL)  10
 Flag of Bulgaria.svg Armen Nazarjan (BUL)   
 Flag of Bulgaria.svg Armen Nazarjan (BUL)  10Bronsmatch
  Flag of Germany.svg Rifat Yildiz (GER)  0 
 Flag of Germany.svg Rifat Yildiz (GER)    Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sheng Zetian (CHN)  2
 Bye     Flag of Germany.svg Rifat Yildiz (GER)  0


Media som används på denna webbplats

Wrestling pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Wrestling. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Olympic rings.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Olympic rings without rims.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Flag of South Korea (1997-2011).svg
Flag of South Korea from October 1997 to May 2011. In May 2011, the exact colors were specified into their current shades.
Flag of South Korea (1997–2011).svg
Flag of South Korea from October 1997 to May 2011. In May 2011, the exact colors were specified into their current shades.
Flag of Iran.svg
Flag of Iran. The tricolor flag was introduced in 1906, but after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 the Arabic words 'Allahu akbar' ('God is great'), written in the Kufic script of the Qur'an and repeated 22 times, were added to the red and green strips where they border the white central strip and in the middle is the emblem of Iran (which is a stylized Persian alphabet of the Arabic word Allah ("God")).
The official ISIRI standard (translation at FotW) gives two slightly different methods of construction for the flag: a compass-and-straightedge construction used for File:Flag of Iran (official).svg, and a "simplified" construction sheet with rational numbers used for this file.
Flag of Georgia (1990–2004).svg
Flag of Georgia used from 1990 to 2004, with slightly different proportions than the 1918 to 1921 flag.
Flag of Belarus (1995-2012).svg
Flag of Belarus 1995-2012
Flag of Belarus (1995–2012).svg
Flag of Belarus 1995-2012
Flag of Turkmenistan (1997-2001).svg
Flag of Turkmenistan from 1997 to 2001, with different ratio and slightly different symbols.