
Amurru var ett amoritiskt kungadöme grundat kring 2000 f.Kr.,[1] i vad som i dag är västra samt nordvästra Syrien och norra Libanon.[2][3][4]
Den första dokumenterade konungen av Amurru var Abdi-Ashirta som låg i konflikt med stadsstaten Byblos. Abdi-Ashirta var egyptisk vasallkonung men hans son Aziru kom senare att gå över som vasallkung till det hettitiska imperiet under kung Suppiluliuma I.
Amurrus övergång till hettiterna skulle leda till flera egyptiska fälttåg i området då egyptierna försökte återfå kontrollen. Amurruriket gick under på 1100-talet f.Kr.
- ^ Al-Maqdissi, Michel (2010). "Matériel pour l'Étude de la Ville en Syrie (Deuxième Partie): Urban Planning in Syria during the SUR (Second Urban Revolution) (Mid-third Millennium BC)". al-Rāfidān (Journal of Western Asiatic Studies). Institulte for Cultural studies of Ancient Iraq, Kokushikan University. Special Issue.
- ^ Izre'el, Sh. (1991). Amurru Akkadian: A Linguistic Study. With an Appendix on the History of Amurru by Itamar Singer. Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press.
- ^ Singer, I. (1991). "The "Land of Amurru" and the "Lands of Amurru" in the Šaušgamuwa Treaty". Iraq. 53: 69–74.
- ^ Benz, B. (2016). The Land Before the Kingdom of Israel: A History of the Southern Levant and the People who Populated It. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns. pp. 141–179.
Media som används på denna webbplats
- Moyen_Orient_Amarna_1.svg: *Middle_East_topographic_map-blank.svg: Sémhur (talk)
- derivative work: Zunkir (talk)
- derivative work: Zunkir (talk)
Map of the Middle East in the beginning of the Amarna letters period, the first half of the 14th century BC. The extension of the dominions of the great kingdoms is approximate. Remarks : the extension of the Arzawa is not shown because of its uncertainty, it may have covered the main part of Western Anatolia ; the Ahhiyawa are here supposed to be the "Mycaneans" ; the extension of Elam is very approximate.