Westward Ho TN54
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Westward Ho is a Faroese smack, built in 1884 in Grimsby in England. It was sold to the Faroe Islands in 1895. Westward Ho got an engine in 1920. Westward Ho was used as a fishing vessel until 1964. It had its home in Tvøroyri at that time, but in 1966 a group of people from Tórshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands, bought the ship. During World War 2 Westward Ho was fishing near Iceland and around the Faroe Islands and brought the fish to Scotland, which was very dangerous. This photo was taken on 26 July 2010 in Tvøroyri at the Føroya Retatta 2010, which lasted for four days, the regatta ended in Tórshavn at the national Faroese holiday Ólavsøka on 28 July 2010.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
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