Welcome, Nature. Seriously. (from PLoS) (5405189157)

Liz Allen, on behalf of PLOS.
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A message from PLOS, one of the biggest open access publishers, to Nature Publishing Group, one of the world's most important publishers of scientific journals, after the latter had announced to join the market of open access publishing. The message was inspired by a full-page ad entiteled “Welcome IBM. Seriously.” in the Wall Street Journal that Apple Computer, Inc. had launched in august 1981 as a reaction to the introduction of the IBM Personal Computer.
The author wrote on the original blog post: "Please spread the word either via this blog post or download this PDF", which explicitely means it is freely redistributable, but does not say about other licensed uses or restrictions. Also, this page says that all content published by PLOS, unless otherwise specified, is licensed under CC-BY 4.0, so it is valid to assume this PDF is licensed under CC-BY 4.0, as each statement does not contradict each other.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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