Warszawa Powstanie 1944-08-04

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  • Based on Image:Warszawa 1935.png
  • Made by Halibutt in GIMP and Inkscape, basing on maps published in: Jerzy Kirchmayer (1978). Powstanie warszawskie. Warsaw: Książka i Wiedza, 576. ISBN 83-05-11080-X, and several other maps available.
1600 x 1986 Pixel (2547316 Bytes)
The areas of Warsaw controlled by the Home Army on August 4th, 1944, during the opening stages of the Warsaw Uprising. This map was based on a variety of sources and is generally accurate; greater accuracy cannot be obtained as there were no stable front-lines and the ones presented here are only for orientation. Also note that not all areas outside of the Polish zone of control were controlled by the Germans: in early August much of the city was still a no-man's-land (as was the case of Żoliborz that was abandoned on August 1, and then easily retaken by the Polish forces to retreat to Kampinos and return there)
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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