View from the south side of King George's Sound
View from the South Side of King George's Sound, an engraving by John Byrne (1786-1847) of William Westall's 1809–1812 oil-on-canvas painting Part of King George III Sound, on the South Coast of New Holland, December 1801, which is in turn based upon Westall's 1801 field sketch King George's Sound, View from Peak Head.
It was first published in Matthew Flinders' 1814 A voyage to Terra Australis, and shortly afterwards republished by Westall in his 1814 Views of Australian scenery.
It depicts King George Sound on the south coast of Western Australia. Specifically, it is a view looking north-north-west from Peak Head, across Torndirrup and Vancouver Peninsula towards the mainland. The people in the foreground are Australian Aborigines, stylised according to the noble savage tradition.
The shrub on the left is Macrozamia riedlei; the shrub in the centre is Banksia verticillata. The tree just right of centre is a Eucalyptus; on the right is the grass-tree Kingia australis, then a group of Xanthorrhoea preissii grass-trees.
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