Unicorn catleyi, male and female genitalia SEM
Matías A. Izquierdo , Gonzalo D. Rubio
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(2011). "Male genital mutilation in the high-mountain goblin spider, Unicorn catleyi". Journal of Insect Science 11. DOI:10.1673/031.011.11801.
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Unicorn catleyi, male and female genitalia in SEM images. A-D: female genitalia, (A) dorsal view; (B) apical portion of the anterior median rod; (C) gland ducts of the anterior median rod; (D) gland ducts of the posterior receptaculum. E-F: male genitalia, (E) entire embolus and translucent sclerite; (F) broken embolus and translucent sclerite. AFG, anterior portion of the female genitalia; AMP, anterior median plate; PFG, posterior portion of the female genitalia; PMP, posterior median plate.
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