Uncispio hamata (10.11646-zootaxa.4450.2.1) Figure 5

Blake, J.A. & Maciolek, N.J. 2018. New species and records of Uncispionidae and Pygospiopsis (Polychaeta, Spionida) from deep water off the east and west coasts of North America, the Gulf of Mexico, the Antarctic Peninsula, and Southeast Asia. Zootaxa 4450(2): 151–195. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4450.2.1
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FIGURE 5. Uncispio hamata n. sp. Holotype (MCZ 147899): A–B, anterior end dorsal view; C–D, posterior end, ventral view with enlarged neuropodial spines visible. A, C stained with Shirlastain A; B, D stained with Methyl Green, arrows denote location of key MG stain. Abbreviations: anC, anal cirrus; aOrL, anterior oral lobe; eso, esophagus; lOrL, lateral oral lobe; neL, neuropodial lamella; noL, notopodial lamellae; pr, prostomium.
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