US Capitol Police (USCP)

Cliff from I now live in Arlington, VA (Outside Washington DC), USA. Uploaded by Mifter
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A police car used by the United States Capitol Police

The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is a police force charged with protecting the United States Congress within the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its territories. Created by Congress in 1828 following the assault on a son of John Quincy Adams in the Capitol Rotunda, the original duty of the United States Capitol Police was to provide security for the United States Capitol Building. Its mission has expanded to provide the Congressional community and its visitors with a variety of police services. These services are provided through the use of a variety of specialty support units, a network of foot and vehicular patrols, fixed posts, a full time CERT unit, K-9, a Patrol/Mobile Response Division and a full time Hazardous Devices and Hazardous Materials Sections. The agency has 1,700 members as of 2007.

Today's United States Capitol Police officer has the primary responsibility for protecting life and property; preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal acts; and enforcing traffic regulations throughout a large complex of congressional buildings, parks, and thoroughfares. The USCP has exclusive jurisdiction within the United States Capitol Grounds and has concurrent jurisdiction with other police agencies, including the United States Park Police and the DC Police, in an area of approximately 200 blocks around the complex. Additionally, they are charged with the protection of Members of Congress, Officers of Congress, and their families throughout the entire United States, its territories and possessions, and the District of Columbia.
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

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