Truman signing National Security Act Amendment of 1949
United States Air Force; to Harry S. Truman Library & Museum; 58-443.jpg via (cropped)
Kort länk:
419 x 333 Pixel (31806 Bytes)
- Title: Truman signing National Security Act Amendment of 1949.
- Description: President Harry S. Truman signing the National Security Act Amendment of 1949 with guests in the Oval Office. Original is oversize.
- Subjects (ARC): Legislation; Legislators; National security; Offices; Presidents; Rites and ceremonies; Signatures (Writing)
- Subjects (HST): Truman - Signing - National Security Act Amendment of 1949; National Security Act Amendment of 1949
- People: Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972
- Accession number: 58-443
- Date: August 10, 1949
- Restrictions: Unrestricted
- Physical Size: 8×10 inches (21×26 cm)
- Color: Black & White
- Institutional Creator: United States Air Force
Public domain
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