
original raster image and vector PostScript source code by AnonMoos, initial vectorization by Erin Silversmith

Generated by means of the following PostScript code (by AnonMoos):

/y{240 120 3 sqrt mul add}def/z
{5 2 roll arc stroke}def/c1{306
240 z}def/c2{186 y z}def/c3{426
y z}def 32 setlinewidth 1 setgray
245 -2.7 182.7 c1
245 -122.7 62.7 c2
245 117.3 302.7 c3
209 2.1 177.9 c1
209 -117.9 57.9 c2
209 122.1 297.9 c3
20 setlinewidth 0 setgray
245 -1.928 181.928 c1
245 -121.928 61.928 c2
245 118.072 301.928 c3
209 3.22 176.77 c1
209 -116.77 56.77 c2
209 123.23 296.77 c3
6 setlinewidth 1 setgray
222 52 60 c1 196 48 56 c1
222 -68 -60 c2 196 -72 -64 c2
222 172 180 c3 196 168 176 c3
222 110 117 c1 196 112 120 c1
222 -10 -3 c2 196 -8 0 c2
222 230 237 c3 196 232 240 c3
258 67 74 c1 232 63 71 c1
258 -53 -46 c2 232 -57 -49 c2
258 187 194 c3 232 183 191 c3
258 115 122 c1 232 119 127 c1
258 -5 2 c2 232 -1 7 c2
258 235 242 c3 232 239 247 c3
636 x 600 Pixel (3892 Bytes)
Public domain

Mer information om licensen för bilden finns här. Senaste uppdateringen: Tue, 06 Aug 2024 19:26:33 GMT