
This is from Project Runeberg book called The key to science In swedish.
498 x 329 Pixel (14171 Bytes)
Source details: This etching first appeared in 1889 in Henri de Parville's French translation/update of François-Napoléon-Marie Moigno's update of Ebenezer Cobham Brewer's book originally titled, A guide to the scientific knowledge of things familiar. The French 1889 edition is titled, La clef de la science, explication des phénomènes de tous les jours par Brewer et Moigno. This Wikimedia Commons image is a scan from the 1890 Swedish translation by Thore Kahlmeter, Hvarför? och Huru? Nyckel till naturvetenskaperna and is taken from Project Runeberg here. The original etching in the French edition can be seen on Google Books here. Emtilt (diskussion) 06:00, 20 September 2014 (UTC)
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